K D Nayak is an incompetent and corrupt official. Each deal done under his regime can be scrutinized to find glaring instances of corruption. In meetings, he had only one agenda – spend all the budget allocated otherwise our budget will be reduced next year. He is too incompetent to talk about science and technology. And that he is a so called DISTINGUISHED scientist, says a ton about the sorry state of affairs in DRDO. Under his regime, lab bought software licenses which were never used or used by vendors, who were supposed to purchase those licenses themselves. Hardware was bought – not to meet any need but to create opportunities of corruption. Large orders were broken down so that they do not go to headquarters for approval but can be approved by himself. One company used four bogus names for tenders to show officially that tender rules were followed and different bogus names won the tender each time. While in reality, there was only one vendor. The requirements were framed to suit only one vendor’s multiple proposals with different bogus names.
Employees which support his corrupt practices are promoted at each possible instance however incompetent they might be. Honest officials are harassed until they either help him in his corrupt practices or at most become a mute spectator. If not, they are harassed by Mr. Nayak by utilizing the services of random memos by administration or by denying promotion even though one may be very competent. Bottom line is, ANURAG lab or any institution under Mr. Nayak cannot flourish because his sole focus is corruption. He has absolutely nothing to do with Science and Technology.
Anonymous says
K D Nayak is an incompetent and corrupt official. Each deal done under his regime can be scrutinized to find glaring instances of corruption. In meetings, he had only one agenda – spend all the budget allocated otherwise our budget will be reduced next year. He is too incompetent to talk about science and technology. And that he is a so called DISTINGUISHED scientist, says a ton about the sorry state of affairs in DRDO. Under his regime, lab bought software licenses which were never used or used by vendors, who were supposed to purchase those licenses themselves. Hardware was bought – not to meet any need but to create opportunities of corruption. Large orders were broken down so that they do not go to headquarters for approval but can be approved by himself. One company used four bogus names for tenders to show officially that tender rules were followed and different bogus names won the tender each time. While in reality, there was only one vendor. The requirements were framed to suit only one vendor’s multiple proposals with different bogus names.
Employees which support his corrupt practices are promoted at each possible instance however incompetent they might be. Honest officials are harassed until they either help him in his corrupt practices or at most become a mute spectator. If not, they are harassed by Mr. Nayak by utilizing the services of random memos by administration or by denying promotion even though one may be very competent. Bottom line is, ANURAG lab or any institution under Mr. Nayak cannot flourish because his sole focus is corruption. He has absolutely nothing to do with Science and Technology.