Dear Friends
I have received a legal notice from Dr S R Vadera, Science ‘G’, Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur, regarding the letter which I have received by post in his name and the matter was related to the environment of Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur and posted on the website on 12th July 2011 and as you all are aware the website was hacked on 25th August 2011 and the same matter was not uploaded again.
In his legal notice he stated that some unknown person wrote a fake letter to Sh A K Anthony, Honorable Minister of Defence, GOI, 104, South Block by presenting himself as Dr Vadera and marked forged signature of Dr S R Vadera at the end of this fake/forged letter dared 05-06-2011.
Dr S R Vadera, Sc ‘G’ now wants to put his view regarding environment of Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur. The legal notice enclosed a letter which Dr S R Vadera, Sc ‘G’ sent to SA to RM and asked to publish that on the website
He also asked my regret regarding this episode.
Friends, you have already showed your faith in this website with your encouragement, comments and number of visits as well as your valuable suggestion and inputs.
I have received mails from almost every part of India and also received letter from Honorable Defence Minister, I am also in touch with all enforcement agencies related to corruption/ nepotism issues lying in DRDO.
The aim of object of this website is to help DRDO management improve the atmosphere and remove the corruption/ nepotism/ harassment prevailing in DRDO. There is no any intention to defame or harm the prestige of any individual.
In case of Dr S R Vadera, Sc ‘G’, I am sorry that his name was used by some unknown person and same was published on my website. The inconvenience and pain caused by this act is highly and sincerely regret/apology from my side.
The letter of Dr S R Vadera, Sc ‘G’, view in respect of environment of Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur is publish herewith. Most of my reader viewers are from DRDO and they know the real scenario and will understand the situation and will continue their blessing to me for fighting the cause.
Thanking you
Prabhu Dayal Dandriyal
21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun 248008
Phone – 0135-2787750, Mobile, 9411114879
E-mail id Website –
1- Letter of Dr S R Vadera, Sc ‘G’, Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur
2- Letters from Honorable Defence Minister
some think new says
Dear prabhu dandriyal Ji good evening ,
You received a legal notice from Dr S R Vadera, Science ‘G’, Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur, you face the this court case & register FIR in Income tax department about his
IMMOVABLE PROPERT , PDD you win the this case , Dr S R Vadera, Science ‘G’, is come under corrupt list , send one RTI to this lab & collect information & tender rage by Dr S R Vadera, Science ‘G’ . if he is honest he give all information to you if corrupt information is deny .
Baburao says
You received a legal notice from Dr S R Vadera, Science ‘G’, Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur, Dr.S R Vadera is over smart he is acting like very clean & honest , but he is clean corrupt helper , you verify his all tender document , Dear PDD Ji you register FIR against this officer , every corrupt like act very clean officer , SA to RM Ji do some think for Nation India , refund the public Loan , save India , save DRDO , save your family ,
Chutroa says
Dr S R Vadera, Science ‘G’, Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur ji please read the HEMRL Pune corruption case , DRDO not help in court case you face the case own money , Vadera ji SA to RM is not help in corruption case all ready SA to RM face to criminal case in Pune , do you want to go Thihar Jail , you ask this Q to your family member & face the court case .