To 24 May 2021
The Director, CBI
Plot No 5-B CGO Complex,
Pragati Vihar,
New Delhi –110003
Subject: Request to deployed more staff in ACB, Chandigarh
- I have sent a complaint to the ACB, CBI, Chandigarh on 16 October 2020 based on a detailed departmental investigation report corruption in the procurement of some equipments by Snow Avalanche Study Establishment. DRDO. Him Parisar, Plot No.1, Sector 37A, Chandigarh – 160 036 (SASE). The equipments were purchased at an inflated cost of shockingly to the tune of 50 times of the original cost. As per the documents it is evident that there is Malafied act of corruption but DRDO seems to be indifferent to act on it. These equipments used in Avalanche forecasting studies which are of very strategic importance. If such level of corruption is happening, it is directly affecting strategic interests of the nation. Because of these corrupt scientists more than 90% equipments are not working and that will be a sabotage of life risk of our great soldiers.
- Now I have received the letter from Vigilance DRDO for confirming the complaint after passing 6 months. The DRDO letter enclosed the ACB letter mentioned that “this office has not conducted any open enquiry in to the matter”
- To my utter disappointment, instead of conducting an independent enquiry into the allegations based on complaint with all supporting documents, the Chandigarh unit of CBI simply forwarded the information to Director Vigilance of DRDO (Not even to CVO of MoD). Effectively it is simply passing on the buck to the organization which is not interested to tackle corruption in its organization, because the department enquiry document itself shows that after enquiry till date no action have been taken on this matter and buried under the table.
- The corruption they are doing in such system which directly deploy in various snowbound border areas and collect the data and on the basis of these data they pass information to defence forces which conduct the patrolling in these snowbound areas. Because of these corrupt scientists more than 90% are not working and that will be a sabotage of life risk of our great soldiers.
- I am fighting ageist corruption since last 20 years and lot of CBI officers, IB, Officers met me during this period across the India and most of I have found that they are working hard to get input/lead of corruption and national security and surprisingly in this case I found that ACB, Chandigarh not having any interest first he sit with information for six months and now just passing the ball to same department who are helpless to act against corrupt scientists for unforeseen reasons.
- So I personally feel that the ACB, Chandigarh having lot of investigations and is not able to give time for this act of corruption and sabotage of national security case. I urge the Director, CBI to conduct an independent investigation by the responsible official for the corruption in strategic work of DRDO organization and ensure exemplary punishment to the accused through court if law..
- To save the life of our defence personal and stop the siphoning of poor tax payer money your early action is required.
Prabhu Dandriyal
21-0 sunderwala, Raipur
9411114879, ,
1. Copy my letter to ACB.CB, Chandigarh along with copy of DRDO enquiry report.
2. Copy of ACB.CBI, Chandigarh letter address to Vigilance, DRDO Hrs
3. Copy of Vigilance, DRDO Hrs letter
Copy to
- Prime Minister of India – At the moment, the entire nation is battling with Corona and lot of funds is required to save the precious lives. Every hard earned penny of tax payer is needed to strengthen health care system. Siphoning of national exchequer should be treated as serious crime in the need of hour.
- Defence Minister – I am bringing to your notice a corruption of high level where key defence scientists are involved that may risk life of soldiers who are patrolling in snowbound border areas. Action requested in your end
- Chairman, DRDO – for information please, because action …………

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