DRDO Chief Dr. Selvin Christopher dealing sexual harassment case in good spirit but the mindsets of senior officials not ready to co-op him for change of existing rotten handling process of DRDO. The getting justice in sexual harassment case is near to impossible in DRDO women scientist and employees. There are number of example exists […]
Loksabha unstarred question no 6929 on Complaints against Scientists in DRDO
As everyone aware that lot of complaints was filed against various Lab heads, but somehow DRDO management managing to protect these corrupts. The case of CEPTAM, Director, Sh Rajesh Goyal’s SMS scheme, Dr A K Saxena , Director, DMSRDE is on the top of corrupt scientists list, So called Prof. Dr M P Kaushik, ex […]
Sword and Shield
Indian Military Issues: Progress through Debate Wednesday, April 1, 2015 DRDO: an Organisation in Need of Life Support System (FORCE MARCH 2015) Major General Mrinal Suman No organisation ever exists in a vacuum. It has to […]
DMC, DRDO 5th March 2015
To Date 4th March 2015 Shri R K Mathur, Defence Secretary & Defence R&D, 101-A, South Block, New Delhi-110011 Subject: DRDO DMC Sir, Tomorrow you are going to chair DRDO DMC and it will be great experience for DRDO stalwart. After termination of contractual appoint of Sh Avinash Chander, DRDO top management was […]
DRDO Having Blind RTI Cell
DRDO RTI Cell is acting as a blind body. Since RTI Act, 2005’s implementation, DRDO felt its power and put all efforts to get rid off but success was partial, Schedule – II exemption did not include the corruption and Human rights allegations and subsequently CIC also gave guidelines that, day to day administration and […]