IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT New Delhi + W.P.(C) 3610/2015 & C.M.No.6436/2015 (directions) PRABHU DANDRIYAL ….. Petitioner Through: Mr.R.Sathish, Adv. with Mr.Mohan Das K.K., Adv. Versus UNION OF INDIA & ORS….. Respondents Through: Mr.Sanjay Jain, ASG with Mr.Anil Soni, Ms.Aastha Jain, Mr.Akash Nagar, Advs. for R-1 to 3. Mr.R.V.Sinha, Adv. for R-5/CVC. Mr.R.V.Sinha. […]
DMSRDE – Second Fact Finding Inquiry Committee 9th & 10th July 2014
It seems DRDO take U –turn in DMSRDE corruption cases. Shri AvinashChander , DGR&D and SA to RM constituted second four members FFIC under Chairmanship of Dr. D C Pande, Outstanding Scientist, LRDE, Bangalore and members Shri Haribabu Srivastva, Director, LASTEC, New Delhi, Shri R S Mehta, Joint Director, Dte of Vigilance& Security, DRDO Hqrs, […]