Snehlata Shrivastav,TNN | Sep 28, 2014, 04.46 AM IST Nagpur: Like any automobile, submarines generate a lot of harmful gases like carbon-mono-oxide (CO). India was importing special room filters for submarines which could absorb CO as well as other gases. To ensure safety of the Naval staff, the Defence Research Development Organization (DRDO) has not […]
MOU Business of DRDO
Like the MoU signed with Crowe And Company, LLC 975 Bacons Bridge Rd, Summerville, South Carolina 29485-4118 United States, DRDO is habitual to signed MoU’s and compromising the vital defence information to foreign origins. For Air force application /telemetry and tele-command application 8 -18 GHz is vital frequency band as it covers two octaves. MTRDC, […]