Dear Pandey Ji,
As you very well aware the complaints against Dr.Arvind Kumar Saxena, Director, DMSRDE, Kanpur and estimated amount involved in corruption is about 7.5 crore is a tip of ice berg only.
Sh. Avinash Chander (Padam Shree) appointed 1st FFIC under Chairmanship of Dr.S.S. Negi, Scientist ‘H’ as Chairman and Shri Manoj Bali , Scientist ‘G’ and Shri Jagdeep, Scientist ‘F’ as members of FFIC. This FFIC visited DMSRDE, Kanpur on 13-14 March 2014 and submitted FFIC report in a speedy manner in April 2014. This illegal committee submitted fake report as directed by Shri Avinash Chander who patronage Dr. AK Saxena and in lieu of obedience both Dr.SS Negi and Manoj Bali were awarded by big boss.
You are aware that Dr. SS Negi has been appointed as Director, IRDE, Dehradun and Shri Manoj Bali, Scientist ‘G’ is promoted as Scientist ‘H’ superseded 55 senior scientists as his senirity roll no is 71, despite several honest and eligible scientists have been ignored.
You have been appointed as Chairman of 2nd FFIC by big boss with same hope that you also show your loyalty and obedience towards him but your honesty came in path and you still not submitted the report to big boss and not giving clean chit to Dr. AK Saxena who is very close friend of mini DG & DOP Dr. A.K. Singh. Thereby your name is not in today list of promotes for the year 2014 for Distinguished Scientist. May be it will come in supplementary list?
You are fully aware that now Government has been changed and our Prime Minister is not happy with DRDO’s Chalta hai attitude, for FFIC as maximum time for submission report is three months as per DOPT Inquiry Manual, CVC expects preliminary investigation to be completed within three months.
You have visited DMSRDE, Kanpur on 09-10, July 2014 and completed the FFI. Now third month is coming to end soon and Director (Vigilance), MOD has sought Director (Vigilance & Security), DRDO for consolidated report by his letter dated 04 August 2014.
In recent judgment of Madras High Court, Hon’ble justice commented “Scientist have no excuse that they have no administrative knowledge” and thereby two great senior officials have been sentenced three week imprisonment. Although DRDO हाथ क़ानून से भी लम्बे है today they filed SLP in Supreme Court and got time further with the help of poor tax payers money. पर कब तक ?
Don’t worry sir, one chance still there for you with for being DS in case you submit true report solely based on voice of your sole. You remember that “गरीबों की सुनो वो तुम्हारी सुनेगा, इस साल नहीं हुआ लेकिन अगले साल प्रमोशन होगा”.
क्योंकि अगले असेसमेंट तक अविनाश चन्दर जी तो होंगे नहीं मोदी जी २ अक्टूबर को झाड़ू लगा कर भारत को स्वच्छ बनाने का अभियान छेड़ रहे , भाई साहेब अब सफाई तो होगी ही उसको कोई नहीं रोक सकता ।
You submit the report to justice with poor tax payers money so that culprits of corruption in DMSRDE could be punished CVC and higher authorities.
Prabhu Dandriyal 21-Sunderwala, Raipur Dehradun-248008 Phone 0135- 2787750, Mobile- 9411114879,e-mail id, website
Anonymous says
“Scientist have no excuse that they have no administrative” Sir jee they are already deputed in the administrative work like hod administration hod procurement, hod for signing out pass , hod for training CEP courses HOD HR HOD Ceptam etc they have lot of knowledge of administration only they do not have any technical knowledge hence they purposely given & removed GP 4800 and degraded the DRTC personnel after 5 year qualifying service in that GP for them they very well know how to get promotion & for DRTC they have applied % limited FCS
leannechabalkoINDIAN says
Pande Ji is an honest scientist……He will retire from DRDO in the age of 60 years with Sc G only……but will not givr clean chit to DMSRDE director…..
leannechabalkoINDIAN says
Pande Ji is an honest scientist……He will retire from DRDO in the age of 60 years with Sc H only……but will not givr clean chit to DMSRDE director…..