Kindly provide me with the following information requested under the purview of the Right to Information Act, 2005 in respect of Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh, Scientist G is presently holding the charge of DOP, DRDO at DRDO HQ. He is holding following post in DRDO since January 2007. Details are given as under:
In reference to the above kindly provide the following information under RTI Act 2005.
- Procedure/Guidelines/Rules for appointment of Directors in Corporate Directorate/RAC/CEPTAM, DRDO duly approved by DOPT, Government of India.
- Criteria for appointment of Directors in Corporate Directorate/RAC/CEPTAM (Seniority/Administrative & Management skill, qualification & experience etc.)
- Charter of Duties & Nature of work carried out by Scientist appointed as:
- File noting for appointment of Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh as Staff Officer to CCR&D (HR) & copy of appointment order
- File noting for appointment of Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh as Director, CEPTAM & copy of his appointment order
- File noting for appointment of Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh as Director, DHRD, DRDO HQ & copy of his appointment order
- File noting for appointment of Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh as Director, DOP & copy of his appointment order
- List of Scientist considered in the appointment of following post by DRDO Hqrs.
- Administrative & Managerial Experience and Educational Qualification of Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh, Scientist F as on Jan 2007 when he was appointed as Director, CEPTAM, DRDO.
- Director, CEPTAM Jan 2007- Sept 2010
- Director, DHRD Oct 2010- Feb 2013
- Director, DOP March 2013- Jan 2014
NOTE – Matter is directly related to corruption and not exempted under Section 24 (1) because Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh as Director, DHRD was part & parcel of implementing interview in promotion of scientist F to scientist G grade without proper amendment in SRO ( Violation of Article 309). He was also one of the candidates for scientist F to scientist G promotion in year 2011 assessment.
- Please refer CIC decision in File No. CIC/LS/A/2012/002612 dated 22.3.2013 (Dr. Neelam Bhalla Vs. DRDO)-
- Information asked is on Establishment Matter and not exempted u/s 24 of RTI Act as per various decisions of CIC.
Prabhu Dandriyal,21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun -248008 0135- 2787750, 9411114879, prabhudoon@gmail.com www.corruptionindrdo.com
Registration Number MODEF/R/2014/60617
DRDO totally Uncontrolled Organization in India it’s very big truth, large number corruption case was pending in CVC & CBI but drdo not learn a lesson.
DRDO: Different Rule for Different Officers
very Nice point out
Very Good Prabhu Ji
plz ask also for IDST: big corruption in IDST ?
IDST : Chamchon and Chaploonso / idle/dishonored/ keee Naukari ……?
Extension: why extend 2 year or more of any post, what is rules and SRO for extension..?
Very good sir, really you are doing a good job.
Sir, right now our DOP Dr A K Singh is the wholesole of the HR Department of the DRDO whatever he is saying to his higher officials the same has been accepted by them. Just ask one more RTI from HQR that During the period of 2012-13 as DOP how many Temporary Duty he has claimed and for what purpose then you will find that out of whatever TD he claimed just 50-60% are not related with DOPs matter he has wasted the govt. money my wishes with you for corruption free drdo
All praise to scientist working in S&T area irrespective of the results as long as their efforts are honest. We understand that results in S&T requires time and patience.
All abuse to quacks (scientists turn administrator) they are earning bad reputation for DRDO by doing a simple clerical work and eating away a scientist’s salary and incentives.
Can an ordinary IInd or IIIrd class M.Sc with one year bachelor degree or two yrs master degree in Library science holder be placed as SCIENTIST in DRDO . Will these librarians received status of S&T Scientist and entitled for same salary, perks, incentives and even promotions at par with other scientists without doing S&T. With this qualification, a librarian can be promoted as Scientist ‘G or above in due course of time by doing simple far far away S&T activities. Answer seems to be Yes. Please guide me…. I wish to join DRDO as Scientist..though I am far far away from Science but having all qualities what a scientist need
It is called nexus, favoritism, groupism. All promotions and plum post are grabed by incompetent people. Scientists without work are getting out of turn promotions and real working scientists get hardly any return.