Subject: Corruption in purchasing of microwave calibration kits in DMSRDE.
1. Dr. T C Shami, Scientist ‘F’, Head SMG, DMSRDE, DRDO, Kanpur
2. Dr. A K Saxena, Director, DMSRDE, DRDO, Kanpur
Defence Materials & Stores Research & Development Establishment (DMSRDE), Kanpur is an establishment under Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), Min. of Defence, DRDO Bhawan, New Delhi.
DRDO’s Director Material Management distributed to all Labs & Establishments a manual named “DRDO Purchase Management -2006” which was duly approved by President of India and with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Fin/R&D) vide their ID No 752/IF (R&D) dated 20 March 2006.
Dr.T C Shami had a microwave network analyzer make – Agilent Technologies, Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). A network analyzer, like most electronic instruments requires periodic calibration – typically this is performed once per year and is performed by the manufacturer or by a 3rd party in a calibration laboratory. When the instrument is calibrated, it will usually have a sticker fixed to the outside, stating the date it was calibrated and when the next calibration is due. A calibration certificate will be issued.
A number of verification kits are available to verify the network analyzer is performing to specification. These typically consist of transmission lines with an air dielectric and attenuators. The Agilent 85050 kit includes a 7 cm airline. (Image of Agilent 85050 kit and specifications are enclosed)
This Agilent 85050 calibration / verification kit list (budgetary current price – US $ 10500/-)
Agilent 7mm Precision calibration kit
The Agilent 85050C precision mechanical calibration kit contains precision calibration standard devices (including an airline) to characterize the systematic errors of Agilent network analyzers in the 7 mm interface. This kit also contains adapters to change the sex of the test port, connector gages for verifying and maintaining the connector interface, and a torque wrench for proper connection. Included are standards definitions on disk.
DC to 18 GHz frequency range
Calibration standards to perform full two-port calibration
Precision 50 ohm airline for Thru-Reflect-Line (TRL) calibration
Torque wrenches for properly connecting standards
Adapters to change the sex of the test port
Standard definitions on disk for loading into network analyzer
It is observed that as a Head SMG, DMSRDE Dr.T C Shami, Scientist ‘F’, floated tenders in different mode for procuring microwave calibration kits since 2009 using different nomenclature.
Throughout world any organization, govt. or private or technical educational institute if they required calibration their measurement equipment they approached nodal agencies for calibration or if they have budget then purchased single unit. In above case the DMSRDE, Kanpur purchasing so many calibration kits with using different nomenclature.
Dr.T C Shami raised demand almost every year for Agilent 7mm Precision calibration kit ( Model no. 58050C) from Agilent Technologies but purchase not metalized for unforeseen reasons.
After that the calibration kits C band (3.95-5.85GHz) waveguide & WR284 -S band(2.60-3.95 GHz) calibration kit was purchased in limited tender from M/S Surabhi International , 60/43, HAMRAJ COMMERCIAL CENTRE, NAYAGANJ, Kanpur – 208001. Military Tent, Yarn, fabric, vest & bulletproof jacket suppliers. The information available in public domain related to M/S Surabhi International is enclosed which is self explanatory.
Recently Dr.T C Shami raised demands vide No DMSRDE/ 14SMG044 for WR284 -S band(2.60-3.95 GHz) calibration ki t & Tender floated on 05/03/2014 and due date is 9th May 2014.
- Dr.T C Shami purchased microwave calibration kits since 2009 using different nomenclature and in process of procuring calibration,
i. Question is this microwave calibration kits are consumable items?
ii. Every year Agilent Technologies Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) need brand new calibration Kit?
iii. Is same practice is following by other DRDO labs who are working in the field of microwave like, DEAL, DRDL, RCI,DLRL, LRDE, CARE, CABs, ADE and so on.
iv. Is DMSRDE extending this calibration facility to all other organization like HAL, IIT etc as revenue generation under resource management scheme?
v. Or Dr.T C Shami is calibrating Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) by every time shield pack new calibration kit in the manner of use & throw. (typically this is performed once per year)
vi. Or money is flowing in DMSRDE, Kanpur
2. As per microwave expert this kind of regular procurement shows that the regular procurement of shear wastage of precious foreign currency.
3. Procurements of such delicate microwave precision calibration kits should be from Agilent Technologies, Rohde & Schwarz, Maury Microwave Corporation etc or its authorized dealers not from fabric & tent suppliers again raised big question.
4. Dr T C Shami purchased C band (3.95-5.85GHz)waveguide & WR284 -S band(2.60-3.95 GHz) calibration kit in limited tender from M/S Surabhi International Pvt. Ltd 60/43, HAMRAJ COMMERCIAL CENTRE, NAYAGANJ, Kanpur – 208001. Who deals with Military Tent, Yarn, fabric, vest & bulletproof jacket suppliers. The information available in public domain related to M/S Surabhi is enclosed which is self explanatory.
5. M/S Surabhi International is registered at DMSRDE with Registration No. DMS/26/27. This firm is registered in category Chemicals & Polymers.
6. M/S Surabhi International have two more support family firms M/s Pee Cee Textile Stores and M/s Mishra Trading Company.
7. M/S Surabhi International has also supplied a very specialized microwave component Double Ridge Microwave 18-40 GHz Horn Antenna with Carrying & Shipping Case vide Demand No.: DMSRDE/11SMG125, Dated: 07 Sep 2010 costing Rs 4,25,000.00. The modus oprendi was same limited tender.
8. Initiating Officer(Indenter) : Himanshu Bhushan Baske, Scientist ‘D’ working under Dr T C Shami
Tender No. – DMSRDE/11 ATT104/CMS-II dated 11 June 2010 Supply Order No. – DMSRDE/ 11AT0115 dated 24 Sept 2010 Supply Order Cost – 855500.00 DP – 10 Jan 2011 Supplier : M/S Surabhi International9. In search of corruption in DRDO, it is observed that DRDO is helping our traders in very big way to educate them high technology fundas, the Pan wala where scientist use to purchase pan become supplier of high-tech components, the IB report revealed the rice exporter friend of Dr A S Bains, Ex Director, DEAL, DRDO, Dehradun become high-tech 35 GHz satellite terminal component suppliers, in Hyderabad the wedding mundapam owner become missile components suppliers. The same practices being are followed by DMSRDE, Kanpur, the chemical suppliers/ fabrics suppliers suddenly became microwave components supplier.
10. Last but not least it is unethical and unauthorized suppliers are supplying the items at exorbitant prices and some time used and refurbished items are also supplied, it happens because of close proximity with indenters and director of lab.
11. It is requested CVC please do physical verification of above calibration kits in DMSRDE premises with serial numbers verified from manufacture, because today all big multinational companies maintaining the data base. Anyone can verify with serial number, who was the first buyer of the item, is it brand new or refurbish etc.
12. In the case of these calibration kits Agilent Technologies main supplier company and the Maury Microwave Corporation is the manufacture.
13. In view of the above mentioned facts and evidences it is earnestly requested that an order for through investigation of all procurement done by Dr T C Shami after assuming charge as Head, SMG DMSRDE, DRDO, Kanpur to stop further corruption and wastage of poor tax payers money.
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