Subject: Scraps the promotions for Scientist ‘F’ to Scientist ‘G’ in DRDO year 2011
Hon’ble Sir,
- Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) is an organisation under MOD having annual budget of Rs. 15000 crore for FY 2014-2015. This organisation is having about 7500 scientists under DRDS cadre who are comprising of more than 50 scientific disciplines and working in their respective area based on his qualification and discipline.
- Prior to the formation of the Recruitment & Assessment Centre(RAC) in DRDO the recruitments and promotions of scientists in DRDO were made by UPSC. Later on Government of India allowed DRDO to have its own recruitment & assessment body for recruitment and assessment of scientists under DRDS cadre. Consequently an in-house Recruitment & Assessment Centre (RAC) was created in DRDO in 90’s. RAC conducts recruitment of scientists in DRDO and assessment of scientists for promotion from the grade of Scientist ‘B’ to Scientist ‘H’.
- All scientists of DRDO comes under the Defence Research & Development Services(DRDS) cadre and under the provisions of Article 309 of Constitution of India, Government of India framed The Defence Research & Development Service Rules 1979 (DRDS Rules 1979) as Recruitment & Promotion Rules for DRDS cadre.
- DOPT, GOI framed Flexible Complementing Scheme (FCS) for faster promotions of scientists working in all S&T Department/Organisations under Central Government. Consequently from past 35 years DOPT issued various OM & Notifications for FCS from IIIrd CPC to VIth CPC.
- The OM No. 2/41/97-PICdated 9th Nov 1998 and OM No. AB-1401713712008-Estt(RR)dated 10th September, 2010issued by DOPT are umbrella notifications for FCS.
- Vide SRO 11(E) dated 10th August 1990, FCS was introduced in DRDS Rules 1979 and under the provisions of Rule 8(2)(a) of DRDS Rules 1979 it clearly mentioned that promotions from the rank Scientist ‘B’ to Scientist ‘H’ (Outstanding Scientist) are covered under the FCS. Copy of the Rule 8(2)(a) is annexed as Annexure-1.
- In DRDO scientists are recruited based on the requirement of various Lab/Estt which were sent to RAC through DRDO HQ and then RAC recruits the scientists based on their discipline, qualifications, experience and other requirement as sought by Labs/Estt of DRDO.
- Under the provisions of OM No.AB-1401713712008-Estt(RR) dated 10th September, 2010of DOPT the promotions under FCS are applicable to the scientist who are working in S&T organisation/department and involved in Scientific &Technological work. Scientists/ Technical experts doing management/ administrative work in the Ministries should not be considered for up gradation under FCS, they should only be given benefit of up gradation under MACP. Copy of page no. 06 of the OM annexed as Annexure-2.
- Procedure of promotion from grade of Scientist ‘F’ to Scientist ‘G’ till 2010 were followed as provided under Rule 8(2)(a) of DRDS Rules 1979 and the same procedure supposed to be followed in 2011 for promotions from grade of Scientist ‘F’ to Scientist ‘G’but the RAC, DRDO adopted the new procedure illegally without amending the DRDS Rules 1979 by issuing SRO under the provisions of Article 309 of the Constitution.
- DRDS Rules 1979 clearly stipulates that DRDS Rules can be amended only by issuing an SRO under Article 309 of the Constitution of India. DRDO violated the Article 309 by implementing interview/interaction in promotion of scientist ‘F’ to scientist ‘G’ grade in 2011 without proper amendment in SRO.
- In this matter Dr. A.K. Singh, Scientist ‘G’ (then Director, DHRD) issued letter No. DHRD/76145/C/M/01 dated 21 March 2011 on the Subject ” Assessment of Sc ‘F’ for promotion- revised procedure of” to Director, RAC. Copy of the letter dated 21 March 2011 is annexed as Annexure-3.
- Dr. A.K. Singh issued the said letter illegally without issuing of any SRO in the subject matter as in the year 2011 Dr. A.K. Singh himself was appearing in assessment as candidate for promotion from grade of Scientist ‘F’ to Scientist ‘G’ and wanted to be get benefitted by the said new procedure for assessment.
- Based upon the letter of Dr. A.K. Singh dated 21 March 2011, Dr. P.S. Goel, then Chairman, RAC issued his DO letter No. RAC/01/Assessment/PSG, dated 22 March 2011 regarding “Promotions for grade of Scientist ‘F’ to Scientist ‘G”. Copy of the letter dated 22 March 2011 is annexed as Annexure-4.[How quickly the letter by Dr. P.S. Goel was issued on 22 March 2011, this establish planned conspiracy]
- Dr. P. S. Goel and Dr. A.K. Singh planned whole conspiracy of the said illegal assessment in the year 2011 in DRDO with help of then Dr. V.K. Saraswat then DGR&D, DRDO.
- Dr. P.S. Goel introduced this illegal mechanism to give favour to few incompetent DRDO scientists and for this act in return he got Prof. MGKMenon Chair, RCI, Hyderabad which fed him 84 lakhs per year. It is pure kick back or DRDO should provethe justification of his appointment. Dr. A.K. Singh himself promoted in the year 2011 by misusing this illegal mechanism for assessment in the year 2011.
- There was noassessment interview requirement for promotion from scientist ‘F’ to scientist ‘G’ as per the DRDO service rule-1979-Rule-8(2)(e) till 2011 , but Chairman, Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC) of DRDO forwarded name before promotion committee after “ INTERACTION ’’ .
- The SRO No. 21 for the amending DRDS Rules 1979 was published in official gazette of Government of India on 23 March 2012. Copy of the SRO 21 dated 23 March 2012 is annexed as Annexure-5.
- The list of Scientist ‘F’ that were illegally promoted to Scientist ‘G’in the year 2011 is annexed asAnnexure-6.
- Sir , all these promotion from grade of scientist ‘F’ to scientist ‘G’ in the year 2011 were illegal and liable to be scrapped as it amounts corruption , nepotism and misuse of power for personal gain by Dr. A.K. Singh being Director, DHRD who issued illegal letter dated 21 March 2011.Therefore promotion of Dr. A.K. Singh, Scientist ‘G’ , Director of Personnel should be quashed/scrapped and through investigation in the matter may be ordered to give justice to the all affected Scientist ‘F’ of DRDO and fix the accountability of the corrupt culprits in the matter.
Regards PrabhuDandriyal, 21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun -248008 0135- 2787750, 9411114879, ANNEXURES-
- Copy of the Rule 8(2)(a) , DRDS Rules 1979
- Page no. 6 of OM No. AB-1401713712008-Estt(RR) dated 10th September, 2010
- Copy of the letter dated 21 March 2011 issued by Director, DHRD, DRDO
- Copy of the letter dated 22 March 2011 issued by Chairman, RAC, DRDO
- Copy of the SRO 21 dated 23 March 2012.
- The list of Scientist ‘F’ that were illegally promoted to Scientist ‘G’ in the 2011
Big expose on DOP Dr. AK Singh. Nobody can think such illegitimate malpractices by Dr. AK Singh as Director, DHRD for his personal gain like promotion from Scientist ‘F’ to Scientist ‘G’. His promotion should immediately be cancelled and he should be removed from DOP for his such a dirty & mean unlawful act. High level inquiry should be conducted in the matter and accountability of Dr. AK Singh should be fixed for issuing letter without SRO. In case Government want to revamp and save DRDO then Dr. AK Singh, DOP should be removed from DRDO HQ with immediate effect and may be transferred to DRL, Tezpur to develop drugs , vaccine and kits on ‘Ibola’ Virus as only Dr. AK Singh expertise on Nuclear Medicine can save the world from ‘Ebola’.
Rarely you will find that a DRDO Scientist is reappointed in ISRO or BARC or heading PSU. But all garbage from other places are acomodated in DRDO. Dr PS Goyal has no technical achievement in ISRO accept the purchase of SATCOM terminal for ANTARTICA. As RAC chairman this incompetent man did every thing according to the wish of then SAto RM.
Dear Mr. ABC Kid,
Please first finish your Masters or B.Tech to be inducted in this prestigious organisation. If you are already in this organisation, please be learned that Hon’ble Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam started his career from ISRO. Please read history and don’t be excited like a sixteen year old kid of a movie like kid of “ek chhoti si love story” which will be your similar saga with “”.
I hope you can uderstand better.
Your well wisher too.
Bhagat Singh.
Dear Well wisher,
If you are really well wisher of DRDO, please leave this organisation and find a job at half the salary which DRDO provides you.
If you introspect, I am sure you have nothing to say.
Please fill your monthly bills with the salary provided by DRDO to you.
Long Live DRDO,
Good Night.
Bhagat Singh, DRDO
there are many scientists (F and G) mainly in northern labs who do not have knowledge of scientist B level
Many scientists seems to be busy on this site rather than busy with thier science. This is not good for drdo. Top must think about this. Why not stop all corrupt practices and favourism, and only support and promote good work. Let us start work culture and produce something useful for India. PM, RM, SA please think for it and save talent in drdo otherwise drdo will be in books only.
Where are you Bhagat Singh? Please come and defend dirty deed of Dr. AK Singh, DOP. He is big drunker as Tezpur people told but there are several incidences which establish Dr. AK Singh is big drunker. come and defend otherwise all his deeds at INMAS, CEPTAM, DHRD & DOP will be in Public.
Dear Mr. PDD,
In last, I amazed if Dr. AKS is such a strong persona, then he must be PM of this country.
If the then Defence Minister, SA to RM, CC R&D HR, Addl. FA or other officers involved in the decision were so much blind that they never understood the gravity of their decision or Dr. AKS’s malicious intentions?
I have put forward the question, you have to find answer now.
Your well wisher too. (Untill this is confirmed that you are not working on behalf of CIA or ISI)
Bhagat Singh, DRDO.
My dear younger Bhagat Singh,
apne bhai ajad ki baat maan aur aab jyada chamchagii na kar. Whatever Dr. AK Singh has done he has to face the consequences. Without SRO Government can not change DRDS Rules so who is DM, SA to RM & Dr. AK Singh etc to change the DRDS Rules without Article 309. The assessment of 2011, F-G is totally illegal and Dr. AK Singh is fully accountable for getting blunder. You know that what happened to Dr. Arun Kumar, while he committed only one mistake. Ask Dr. Singh to go and see the condition of Ex-DOP Arun Kumar. Dr. AK Singh committed blunders right from INMAS , Staff Officer, CEPTAM, DHRD and DOP. Still abhi samay hain, ask Dr. AK Singh to move to Tezpur and take up some scientific project, you know if all the cases of Dr. Singh will reach to PMO and CVC then situation may be totally different as Dr. AK Singh’s God Father is retiring on 30 Nov 2014. Apne bade bhai ki baat maankar , aaj hi jaakar apne Guru ko samjha ,jyada panga theek nahin hain.
Sir, Actually in DRDO either scientific works not technical works taking place, only manipulation report taking place in scientific & technical work for promotion and awards and all types of manipulations are their regular work culture to getting their promotion and awards and etc.
Sir , After appointment of any post of employee in DRDO from first working day itself, they are searching the way how please the boss and find out the weakness of boss/system instead of searching work for DRDO.