To 24th May 2018
Hon’ble Smt Nirmala Sitharaman,
Defence Minister,
104- South Block
New Delhi-110011
Subject: Analytic report on present scenario of appointments of incompetents in DRDO by scientists
Yesterday website received a letter from scientists of DRDO briefing that how incompetents getting top appointments.
Since you’re joining no any major decisions are visible to improve the current scenario of DRDO. All complaints / inquiries are pending no actions against corrupts, all DRDO is enjoying without any deliveries and best part of this they are getting awards (cash) for their failures from your hands only.
Can any citizen imagine that one scientist who was cornered by then defence minister after special CGDA reports, when he founds that in his own NGO he was supplying worth corers, Madras High Court gave 21 days sentence and Rs 2000 fine, and for this acts he got Life Time Achievement award (Rs 10 Lakhs) from your hand.
Madam please find enclose letter and do needful to improve and save our premier research organization
With great hope, Jaihind
Prabhu Dandriyal,
21-Sunderwala, Raipur,
Phone – 0135-2787750 | Mobile – 9411114879
Email – | website –
Copy of letter received by website
Shri Susheel Verma, Director RAC is a honest, able and competent Head of the institution.
above one point is missing Dr A S Bains ki kasam “Susheel Verma, Director RAC is a honest, able and competent Head”
The work that he is doing single handedly for RAC is laudable.
The work that he is doing single handedly for RAC is laudable.
“Projects worth Rs 93 crore sanctioned without Army requirement” by Shri Mehta and Guptaji.
KK Mishra, Joint Director (Retd), DRDO, said, “How can they sanction the projects without requirement from users. Defence projects are not some college projects one should remember that huge amount of money is invested in them. Participation of user is required before sanctioning of such projects. Many a times senior authorities sanction such projects for their own benefits. In past also people have sanctioned projects and gained monetary benefits from them.”
Defence expert Lt Gen DB Shekatkar (Retd) said, “It is surprising that a project has been sanctioned without requirement of user. For procurement of any armament or equipment for armed forces, user requirement is necessary. Such matters should be inquired into by Army headquarters.”
CBI to probe Major Gen’s role in security breach at VRDE.
KK Mishra, retired Joint Director, VRDE, said, “Gupta himself was once director of Vigilance and Security, how can he commit a mistake like this? VRDE does research work on secret projects and there are possibilities that the foreigners you are meeting can be spies, that is why such strict measures are taken.”
When contacted, Maj Gen Gupta said, “I did not conduct any meeting with those foreign nationals. They came to VRDE without any clearance, which is why I went to the gate to turn them back.”
Dr Christhopher always behind Suma Verghese amassing illegal wealth through dubious transactions with Com Avia, a blade company. He is shameless person, when official consort is successful in treating many nuros, unfortunately unable to control own husband who is after skin always. Each lab one like in LRDE, CAIR, etc. Government should think multiple times before continuing him in the interest of the organisation and country defence. Hai Hind
As sun rises today let us hope DRDO bid adieu to one of the worst Corrupt Hopeless InSensitive Targetting Officials Practicing Honest Ethics and same time encouraging Rogue elements. Better future for DRDO. Thank you Jesus.
As sun rises today let us hope DRDO bid adieu to a Corrupt Hopeless InSensitive Targetting Officials Practicing Honest Ethics and same time encouraging Rogue elements. Better future for DRDO. Thank you Jesus.