Subject : Assessment call for promotion to delinquent Scientists of DMSRDE Kanpur
I have submitted eleven complaints to you regarding Corruption cases meted out by Dr. A.K. Saxena, Director, Defence Materials and Stores Research & Development Establishment (DMSRDE), Kanpur and several other Scientistsof this establishment working under Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), Min. of Defence. Details of complaints along with involved Scientists are as follows:
Based on my complaints to you a Fact Finding Committee was constituted by DGR&D and Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri to investigate my complaints and I have been informed by CPIO, DRDO regarding this. Copy of the letter No. RTI/01/2091/P/2014/0068 25 Feb 2014 from CPIO, DRDO is enclosed, Fact Finding Committee of DRDO yet to submit his report to DGR&D, DRDO.
The Fact Finding Committee under Chairmanship of Dr, S S Negi, Sc ‘H’, IRDE with as member Sh Manoj Bali, Sc ‘G’, Director, LIC, DRDO Hqrs and Sh Jagdeep, Sc ‘F’ Additional Director, DMM, DRDO Hqrs visited DMSRDE and inspected few files and interacted with scientists of DMSRDE. It is observed that the demeanor of Fact Finding Committee was not appreciable, they treated the complainants unfairly because their mindset was prejudice and it is standard procedure in DRDO if someone want to give feedback about corrupt practice of top officials they try to do their best for victimize such personnels. In this case the protest from complainants already present to DG, DRDO.
There are n numbers of examples, recently Sh Prakash Singh, SAO-II, LASTEC, who gave feedback of corrupt practices of Dr Anil Kumar Maini, Director, LASTEC and others, the whole DRDO sit aside and they forcibly gave CRS to Sh Prakash Singh but grace of GOD you intervene the situation and save the service of honest person. Surprisingly, Dr Anil Kumar Maini is living DRDO from 31st May 2014 as he applied VRS and got sanctioned. His retirement was due on 31st Jan 2015, Big question what is the hurry, or he is maintain the LASTEC legacy, his predecessor was also took VRS.
In this case the Fact Finding Committee Chairman Dr, S S Negi, Sc ‘H’, IRDE is a pro management, yes man recently in Dehradun he set a unprecedented example as Chairman of ASCODAR committee. While handling a very sensitive issue of SC Community he tried to harass Sh Jagdish Kumar, TO ‘C’ by pressurizing him to give power point presentation to prove himself for 94 marks in APAR, which was not in the purview of ASCODAR. This act was done only in pressure of Sh R C Agarwal, Director, DEAL, Dehradun (Fax copy enclosed)
How can honest persons believe that Dr, S S Negi, Sc ‘H’, IRDE will give justice to his assignment of Chairmanship of Fact Finding Committee. Hope GOD will give him strength to come out from grip of corrupt gang of DRDO.
Besides this above mentioned my all complaints has been registered at CVC and Director (VIG.), Ministry of Defence is inquiring the complaints. In this connection I got letter No. CVC/RTI/13/1862/249925 dated 18th March 2014 from CVC. “All complaints sent to CVO, MoD for further action.
Sir, this year in DRDO following delinquent Scientists of DMSRDE involved in Corruption got assessment call for promotion vide RAC, DRDO letter No. RAC/08/05/AB/M/2014 dated 12 March 2014. Details are as follows:
Sir, DRDS Rules 1979 as amended are applicable for Recruitment & Promotion in case of DRDS cadre (Scientists) and FCS is fully applicable in DRDO. As per DOPT OM No. AB-14017_37_2008-Estt-RR.pdf dated 10 September 2010 page 6 Para (ix) and Page 9 Para(4) it is clearly stated that “Scientists/ Technical experts doing management/ administrative work in the Ministries should not be considered for up gradation under FCS, they should only be given benefit of up gradation under MACP”. Then how these corrupt officers got outstanding report and outstanding call despite being involved in Administrative/Management/Non-Scientific work. These officers got reward from Dr. AK Saxena, Director for indenting and clearing the cases of procurement that resulted Corruption in tunes of crores.
Sir, I therefore kindly request you to issue order to DGR&D, DRDO and Chairman, RAC to take appropriate action as per laid down direction of GOI for appearing in Assessment-2014 for DRDS till they got clearance from Vigilance (MOD) and Fact Finding Committee of DRDO.
Sh Avinash Chander in his reply to press question regarding engaging scientists in allied work justified but he forgot that VI Pay commission gave all incentives to scientists who are engaged in scientific work not for those who are working as clerk and wasting our country’s poor tax payers money.
Unfortunately, DRDO top management encouraging scientists to work as managerial task, like HR, Admin, Stores, Security etc for long durations and scientists who are involved in such tasks are getting outstanding promotions without any scientific contributions. Dr A K Singh, DOP, Dr R K Jain, Director, RAC are exemplary examples to all DRDS scientists. Result the real scientists either leaving the organization or dumped un-utilized or frustrated and every ugly acts are coming out from organisation.
Appropriate early action is requested, I would like to thanks you for recommendation of CBI investigation in DRDO recruitment scam for 10 top DRDO officials and also recommendation for alternate recruitment mechanism instead of RAC.
Prabhu Dandriyal,21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun -248008 Phone 0135- 2787750, Mobile- 9411114879,
e-mail id website Enclosed: 1. RTI reply regarding FFI 2. Fax letter of Dr S S Negi, Sc ‘H’, IRDE, Dehradun
- Chairman, RAC, Timarpur, Delhi-54
- DGR&D, DRDO and SA to RM, DRDO Bhawan, New Delhi-110011
poor tax payer says
Dear Prabhu Dandriyal Ji,
You are very great person in India & your aim was clean DRDO from Corruption but corruption cancer spend by the big boss to all drdo lab. mostly without any notification drdo create & forge the post Security Officer, Senior Security officer, Fire Officer, MTO, Chief MTO, Associate Director, Joint Director, Head of Division (HOD). without any delegate of power director of lab create this post if you send one PIL against this rule you will win this fake post for use for corruption work.send one RTI to Big Corrupt Boss they are very big cheaters
Muthaiyya K says
Ye what ?
really great Prabhu G
Asif Sheikh says
Scientists turn administrators are like ‘quacks’ in medical practice. They never understand terms of reference of administrative tasks. They fail to understand that administration is administering of rules and not administering the opinion or intelligence. A Rule, however illogical it may appear, remains a rule and all servants irrespective of their rank and file have to obey it. This is the reason they make mistakes another after one and drag DRDO as a whole in controversy. There are numerous example of such misdemeanors a section of which finds place in your website. If higher officials will continue to disregard the need of administrative professionals particularly at higher level, these misdemeanors will continue to be repeated. Any one which has a little common sense can understand this fact but alas that is not being understand by the top bosses of DRDO. In my opinion it is not only alas for the country it is a cheating to the country.