CENTRAL INFORMATION COMMISSION Room No. 308, B-Wing, August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066
Information Asked Regarding – The information sought for is not related to end senior officer in his individual/personal capacity but in his capacity being a public authority.
Too frequent visit to a particular destination on Government expenses require to justify and as to how much it was beneficial to the organization and how much to the officer especially when he belongs to that particular destination. It appears that the permanent residence is his Hqrs and place of posting is a temporary duty station. The frequent move availability of the officer in the Hqrs. station may lead to problem of command and control and discipline, which may hamper the progress and led to undue delay and time and cost overrun to ongoing projects of DRDO.
In this particular case I requested the TD details of Dr. Prahlada, Appellate Authority, CC R&D (Ae & SI) & DS, who is staying C-7 Qutab Enclav, DRDO guest house since his posting to DRDO Hqrs, for him most of time he took his breakfast in his Hyderabad residence and lunch in DRDO Hqrs and evening for dinner he was again back to his Hyderabad residence. Please see his TD detail and then decide.
Second one is Shri RC Aggarwal, Director DEAL, Dehradun, since his posting he use to out from DEAL, Dehradun almost more than 250 days out of 365 days. How can the armed forces expect trustworthy products from these so called senior scientists?
There more 9-10 CC R&D and Directors who are belongs to Hyderabad and Bangalore and their families are staying Hyderabad and Bangalore respectively and they all are staying in DRDO guest houses they are giving their residence address in telephone directory at DRDO guest houses and enjoying HRA also. They are frequent fliers, they all are already break the Milkha Singh ‘s (Flying Sikh of India) records and relishing without fear with TD with poor tax payers money.
APPELLANT – Shri Prabhu Dayal Dandriyal PUBLIC AUTHORITY – DRDO. DATE OF HEARING – 29.06.2011 DATE OF DECISION – 29.06.2011Facts:-
Heard today dated 29.06.2011. The appellant is present. DRDO is represented by Dr. A.K. Tyagi, Scientist ‘F’ and Dr. Deepak Mishra, Scientist ‘E’. These appeals are being disposed of through a common order. The parties are heard. The order passed in each case is as follows:
The RTI Request –
To Date 7th June 2010 The CPIO & Addl Director, DRDO HQ No RTI/DRDO/PTD/7/6/2010Room No. 314A
DRDO Bhawan , Rajaji Marg
New Delhi – 110 105
Kindly provide me with the following information requested under purview of the Right to Information Act, 2005.
With Reference to Dr Prahlada, DS & CC R&D (Ae & SI)
- After taking his charge as CC R&D at DRDO Hqrs, how many days he stayed in DRDO Hqrs up to 31st March 2010
- How many temporary duties to Hyderabad he had been with total stay at Hyderabad.
- How much in total TA/DA he has drawn year wise from his joining as CC R&D at DRDO up to 31st March 2010.
With Reference to Shri RC Agarwal, Director DEAL, Dehradun
- After taking his charge as Director DEAL, Dehradun , how many days he stayed in Dehradun up to 31st March 2010
- How many temporary duties to Bangalore he had been with total stay at Bangalore
- How much in total TA/DA he has drawn year wise from his joining as Director, DEAL up to 31st March 2010.
Note: – above required information is directly related to corruption and not come under schedule – II
Find the application fee for the request attached with this application. If you feel that above requested information does not pertain to your department then please follow the provisions of Section 6(3) of the RTI act 2005. Also as per the provision of the RTI Act 2005 please provide the details (Name and Designation) of the first appellate authority w.r.t. to your department with the reply to above request, where I may require file first appeal.
I do hereby declare that I am the citizen of India. Kindly provide me with the information at the address mentioned with the application. I request you to ensure that the information is provided before expiry of 30 day period after you have received the application.
Enclosed – Rs 10 Postal Order No 60E 034935
Regards Prabhu Dayal Dandriyal 21-Sunderwala, Raipur Dehradun-248008 Phone – 2787750, Mobile- 9411114879, e-mail id prabhu@dandriyal.com Blog – http://corruptionindrdo.blogspot.comThe RTI request was denied by CPIO, DRDO Hqrs on 2nd June 2010
The Appellate Authority, DRDO Hqrs was denied on 16th August 2010
File No.CIC/LS/A/2011/000386:-
The CPIO is directed to provide the following information:-
(i) The number of visits made by Dr. Prahlad to Hyderabad on official duty during 2009 & 2010 and the total amount of TA/DA drawn by him.
(ii) Similar information may be provided in respect of Shri R.C. Aggarwal regarding his isits to Bangalore.
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