To, Date 29th May 2015 Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Central Vigilance Commission, Satarkta Bhavan,A-Block, GPO Complex,INA, New Delhi-110011
Following facts regarding corruption and irregularities in construction of “Naturally Ventilated Green House With Multilayered Poly Carbonate Sheet” at DRL, Tezpur by Dr. RKR Singh, Technical Officer ‘C’ AND Dr. Vijay Veer, Director, Defence Research Laboratory, Tezpur is submitting for your investigation and appropriate action.
- Defence Research Laboratory (DRL), Tezpur (Assam) is an establishment under Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), Ministry of Defence.
- Vijay Veer, Scientist ‘G’ is Director, DRL, Tezpur with effect from 01 March 2012 to till date and he is superannuating on 31 December 2015.
- RKR Singh, Technical Officer ‘C’ is posted at DRL, Tezpur since more than 20 years in DRL, Tezpur. He is Head of High Altitude Agriculture Division at DRL, Tezpur.
- A project with details submitted below was sanctioned by competent authority at DRDO HQ to DRL, Tezpur.
- Some other projects related to installation of Green Houses were also completed by DRL, Tezpur with following details.
Installation of two Green Houses at DRL, Dett. At Tawang
DRL, Tezpur has two detachments in Arunachal Pradesh. One is at Salari, 190 km from Tezpur and another at Tawang, 380 km away from DRL, Tezpur. DRL Dett., Tawang is situated at 10,000 Ft high from sea level. This area is very less of vegetation due to extreme cold climatic condition. Hence cultivation of vegetables in open environments is not possible.
DRL, Tezpur has installed one Green House at DRL, Dett., Tawang and another Green House in same location is under construction. In this Green House, varieties of vegetable nursery is being raised and are being supplied to those Green Houses installed in different army unit for making vegetables nursery is being raised and are being supplied to those green houses installed in different army unit for making vegetables seeding.
Gross irregularities and violation of Purchase Management 2006 took place in issuing of supply orders for construction and installation of Green Houses at DRL, Tezpur.
One case as case study is submitted herewith in which gross violation of purchase rules took place.
(A) Demand was initiated by Dr. RKR Singh, Technical Officer ‘C’ with following details:
(B) Open Tender No. DRL/OT/13-14 was published in Newspapers and DRDO website with following details.
(C) Based on the said open tender, supply order was issued with following details.
(D) Under Supply Order dated 26.12.2013, Job Completion Certificate was issued from DRL, Tezpur vide letter No. DRL/OT/HAR/11/13-14/S-73 dated with following details:
(E) Unique Power Systems is registered at Andhra Pradesh Commercial Tax Department with TIN – 37720549449 and date of registration 02-06-2014 under VAT and CST commodity MACHINERY, Works Contracts; ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMERS, SWITCH GEARS; MACHINERY SPARES, ALL KINDS OF CABLES; COPPER WIRE.
This vendor has its own website and Mr. Subbarao Ramisetty is proprietor of this firm. According to the information available on the website “Unique Power Systems” are a leading organization engaged in trading and supplying a variety of Electrical and Electronics Items. We have in store a technically superior range of Transmission Line, Substation, Insulator, Vacuum Circuit Breaker, Generator, Transformer, Speed Breakers, Flexible Cable and MCCB.
6. One Open Tender No. DRL/OT/14-15 was published in 2014 for 05 Green Houses with EMD Rs. 100,000. The demands were made in said open tender and case is under process.
- Very junior officer of rank Technical Officer ‘C’ was appointed as Project leader with only one member (STA) in the project which is major project activity of DRL, Tezpur. In past project of Green House more than Five Officer/staff were involved with senior most scientists as Project Head. Keeping only officials in such a big project smacks something wrong at end of Director/CFA.
- RKR Singh, TO ‘C’ was not authorized to indent case of Rs. 50 L while other several senior scientists were available at DRL, Tezpur. This violates section 4.6.2 and 4.6.3 of PM 2006. Demands costing Rs 50 lakh and above: Initiation by Scientist E and above countersigned by project or group head.
- The demand was initiated as well as countersigned by Dr. RKR Singh, TO ‘C’ and approved by Dr. Vijay Veer, Director. This violated the various sections of PM 2006.
- Item cost was inclusive of taxes while as per PM 2006 all taxes should be separately calculated and added in basic cost of the item. Material cost, construction and installation cost should be mentioned separately.
- In demand unit price was mentioned as Rs. 9,92,331.00 but how the indenter arrived at his cost. How he done cost estimation or he submitted any quotation in record for this cost. The figure of unit cost as mentioned by indenter is unrealistic and fabricated.
- Board of Officers was not constituted for inspection of constructed Green Houses and handing over to users Amy Units. Issue Voucher should be issued to each Green House separately. Job completion report should be endorsed by Board of Officers.
- Splitting of cases to keep demand cost with in financial powers of Director as in project of Rs. 4.18 crore small-small cases costing just below Rs. 50 L are initiated. Two open tenders no. DRL/OT/13-14 and DRL/OT/14-15 each costing Rs. 50 L was published within same project by splitting of the cases. One tender should be published to avoid splitting of cases and get better prices and consolidated demand should be raised for whole project as PDC was only 36 months. Hence PM 2006 was grossly violated by Dr. Vijay veer, Director/CFA.
- As per PM 2006 the Supply Order should be signed for and on behalf of ‘President of India’ in DRDO.MM.16 but this section of PM 2006 was grossly violated by Dr. Vijay Veer, Director/CFA. The supply orders issued by DRL, Tezpur are not in format DRDO.MM.16 and these SO are not signed for and on behalf of India, which is very serious matter as per PM 2006.
- Cost Estimation not made properly figure of unit price is unrealistic.
- TEC Report was ignored and parameters effecting installation of Green House like soil testing, wind speed, altitude etc not considered by Director and TPC done without clearance of TEC Report.
- Gross violation of Purchase Rules, Supply Order not in proper format signed on behalf of Director, DRL, Tezpur, TO ‘C’ is not authorized to indent case up to Rs. 50 L. No sales tax, service tax or VAT charged and prices were inclusive of all taxes. Service tax Registration Number.
7. The departmental action under CCS(CCA) Rules 1965 and PC Act 1988 may kindly be initiated against Vijay Veer, Director, DRL, Tezpur for said misconduct and misuse of power.
In light of above facts and evidences it is requested to CVC to setup a high level inquiry to inspect the procurement process and violation of PM 2006 at DRL, Tezpur by Dr. RKR Singh, TO’C’ and Dr. Vijay Veer , Director in construction and installation of all these Green Houses.
Prabhu Dandriyal, 21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun -248008 Phone 0135- 2787750, Mobile- 9411114879,e-mail id website
Actually everything grows at Tawang but green houses are made to make money. If you see these house you will find that nothing is being grown there. Truely speaking this type of green house can be build in 2-3 lakhs only. Revently a senior Director and exservice officer after sering these green houses at Tawang commented that in 9.9 lakhs atlest 4 such structure can be made. Tawang is to make money and DIHAR scientist know well about the structure and facility created by DRL there because they spent 2 -3 weeks at Tawang recently.
Singh is King. RKR is pillar of DRL.
Dear PDD Ji
EMD 200000/-
corruption in another plan the tender
Kmandal is wholly responsible in corruption in life sciences lab , Vijay Veer and RKR are just puppet, the master mind is Kmandal. Not only in DRL but in DRDE, DIBER, DIHAR , DIPAS etc Director are uncontrollable and looting money and Kmandal is getting share from them.
RKR will be transferred to Leh.
RKR has not applied for transfer so how he can get it. Many old people who applied for transfer and also got court order are not getting tansfer. He is great SEVAK of all big gang in LS and very soon fighting Loksabha election from Manipur . Even PM can not tranfer him. You can not do anything for RKR becoz he is PhD in hypocracy. Got it Mr HQ.
RKR will be transferred in Public Interest to DIHAR , Leh as MOD noted for his transfer out of DRL for fair probe in his Green House and other corruption cases.
Rocket is not Raj Kumar of Manipur so he got LS ticket and won the election of LS.
Director Dr Vijay Veer feels that he is very honest and doing commendable job for Nation. Same thing he felt at DRDE Gwalior also. Thats why he went to Tezpur. I dont kbow what DRDO will do after his retirement.
Dheelu Dheelu!
Yes, Papa
Eating Money?
No, Papa
Telling lies?
No, Papa
Open your mouth!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
जंगल में नाचा मोर
ढीलू है महाचोर