To Chief Vigilance Commissioner Central Vigilance Commission Satarkta BhavanA-Block, GPO Complex, INA New Delhi-110023
- Through the note sheet dated 26.09.2013, Dr. Vijay Veer approved the procurement of some items but surprisingly the amount of procurement items for which approval was sanctioned not mentioned and mode of purchase was not mentioned. Which is essential for the approving the financial sanction by CFA under Purchase Management 2006 of DRDO.
- A note sheet dated 26.09.2013 was initiated by Dr. RKR Singh, Technical Officer ‘C’ , OI/C , DRL Detachment(Dett.), Tawang to Director & CFA DRL Tezpur. The said note sheet was approved by Dr. Vijay Veer, Director and CFA on 26.09.2013. Copy of the note sheet is annexed as Annexure No. -1.
- This case is regarding false procurement of furniture (bed), Blanket and mattress by submission of improper bills.
- He is involved in various kinds of financial irregularities and misappropriation of public funds by making fake procurement with help of his favourite very junior officers at DRL, Tezpur.
- Vijay Veer, Scientist ‘G’ taken over as Director, DRL, Tezpur w.e.f. 01st March 2012. As per DRDO legacy Dr. Vijay Veer start running DRL, DRDO, Tezpur violating all laid down rules of GOI. His superannuating on 31 December 2015.
- Defence Research Laboratory (DRL), Tezpur (Assam) is an establishment of Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), Ministry of Defence, DRDO Bhawan, New Delhi.
- The Indents were initiated under cash purchase in Performa DRDO.MM.09 (Prescribed Performa for Cash Purchase under Purchase Management 2006). All these indents were initiated and countersigned by Dr. RKR Singh, himself as OI/C, DRL Dett. Tawang, HOD, High Altitude Division and finally approved by Dr. Vijay Veer, Director and CFA on 10.10.2013. Copies of all three cash purchase demands (indents) are annexed as Annexure No. – 2A, 2B & 2C. The summary of said procurement is given below.
- The Receipt, Issue & Expenditure Boucher No. CRV/100 dated 19.11.2013 is attached as Annexure No. – 3.
- Copies of bills submitted by Dr. RKR Singh for said procurement under cash purchase are annexed as Annexure No. – 4.GROUNDS
- It is quite evident from facts & documents attached above those three demands were initiated by Dr. RKR Singh, Technical Officer ‘C’ both as Indenter & HOD. These demands were raised on 09.2013, 07.10.2013 and 07.10.2013 respectively.
- These demands get financial sanction from Accounts Officer, Store Office, OI/C Planning & Coordination and Director/CFA on 10.2013.
- Items not came in DRL premises, no entry of item at Security Gate is available, no physical verification of items purchased which is quite evident as Wooden Bed were purchased at Tawang which 350 kms away from Tezpur.
- Surprisingly the bill submitted by Dr. RKR Singh, Technical Officer ‘C’ is of dates 09.10.2013, 01.10.2013 and 09.10.2013, which are prior to the date of sanction/approval by Director/CFA. Such practices are not permissible under Purchase Management 2006.
- This establishes that the items were procured even before sanction/approval by CFA and without withdrawing Cash Section of Finance Division or Cash Purchase Officer.
- Since procurement was not visible so improper bills were submitted as without getting fund from Finance Division of DRL, Tezpur, then from which money Dr. RKR Singh purchased the said items for which he submitted false bills.
- On perusal of items it establishes the items were purchased for creation of Temporary Transit Facility in the already available structure at DRL, Dett. Centre, Tawang. There was no exigency in the matter as Tawang is 350 kms away from Tezpur and none of the official visiting there regularly. The said items should be purchased after due sanction and approval of CFA and withdrawal of fund from Finance Division of DRL, Tezpur.
- The DRL Dett. Centre, Tawang is at 350 km from Tezpur and there is no permanent/temporary/prefabricated structure at site of DRL Dett. Centre, Tawang. Only two teen shades of small size are there and one garage. Even the toilets, bathroom and boundary are not there on site of DRL, Dett. Centre, Tawang. Copies of recent photographs of DRL Dett. Centre site are annexed
- It is self explanatory from these photographs of DRL Dett. site that there is no Temporary Transit Facility existing in DRL Dett. Centre, Tawang. Even there is no boundary wall and kitchen etc then how any official of DRL, Tezpur can can stay there.
- Two employees Mr. N. Tashi, Security Attendant ‘A’ and Mr. L. Rinchin, Security Attendant ‘A’ who originally hails from living at Tawang unauthorizedly without any Posting Order (DO-I) or Movement Order for Temporary Duty.This establishes whole conspiracy for misappropriation of fund by Dr. RKR Singh and Dr. Vijay Veer by submitting false demands, false bills and misappropriation of Rs. 24533.00 without purchasing any item.
However, the amount of public fund is small but it establishes doubtful integrity of Dr. Vijay Veer, Director, DRL, Tezpur and Dr. RKR Singh, Technical Officer ‘C’. It warrants disciplinary action against both of them under CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 and Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.
Prabhu Dandriyal, 21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun – 248008 Phone 0135- 2787750, Mobile- 9411114879, e-mail id website
Enclosed – Annexure
DRL, Twang Dte, Arunachal – Annexure 5
Chota admi says
Mr RK Singh is very honest. He comes to office at 630 on holidays and one can see him inspecting the kitchen garden and flowers in Director bungalow. Dr Lokendr called him `Sevak’ because he do everything mean everthing……During last year an enquary was setup against him for illigally using DRL campus, guest house and MT vehicles for smugling scooters to Manipur and other areas and IB also has report of this (sorrsorry…sorry against person who reported against this) under the chairmanship of Dr Lokendr Singh and in result inspite of solid evidences (please check with DVS DRDO) the person who reported was forced to give letter of forgiveness. Dr Mandal came and said to RKR Singh in vehicle to Guwahati “Dont worry I am with you. Nothing will happen” keep up good job. Interesting he na.
Chutia says
Who did the store inspection and gate entry of this material should be checked.
VP says
No body till now stayed at DRL dett twang. Nothing is there. People stay at hotel. Ask Dihar, Diber and Drl scientist that visited twang recently.
S. Haloi says
One PIL do for Flying Veer of DRLT also.
Anonymous says
“Singh is King” is also true for Dr Lokendra Singh, Dr Vijay Veer Singh and Dr RKR Singh.