To 28th April 2014
Sh A K Antony Defence Minister Room -104, South Block New Delhi – 110011
SUBJECT: Deliberate Violation of FCS Scheme in DRDO
1. Enclosed please find the report prepared to expose the violation of FCS rules by DRDO authorities.
2. Dr. A K Singh, present Director of Personal was staff officer to CC R&D,HR in 2004 as Sc’E’
3. In 2007 and 2011 violating all the norms of DoPT as approved by President of India, Dr. A K Singh was promoted firstly as Scientist ‘F’ and then Scientist ‘G’
4. Dr. A K Singh was party as DHRD, DRDO Hqrs with RAC Chairman (then) Dr P S Goel who was amended SRO for which he was not authorized and fabricated the condition where corruption/nepotism/ favoritism could flourished.( Copy of letter issued by Dr P S Goel). This clear-cut violation of Article 309 which was supported by Dr V K Saraswat then SA to RM. Dr V K Saraswat was pioneer in misappropriate of Govt funds, misinterpretation of Govt. rules as resulted the honorable defence minister recommended CBI intervention against him and nine other top ex officials of DRDO.
5. Dr A K Singh is big inspiration of incompetent scientists for achieving fast promotions without doing scientific work. The 2014 recent assessment call list reflected the Dr A K Singh’s path, Sh Ashok Sharma, Scientist ‘D’ get assessment call in three years residency period, involved full time working as works officer his big scientific achievement is putting Air conditioners in boss place, placing good tiles and other day to day sundry civil works in premises of INMAS and other important places where the key of outstanding APAR found.
6. Sir, Ask DRDO that how many scientists and officials are not appearing for assessment, the level of humiliation are in peak because of after working delicately for years and years but superseding by those who are incompetent and doing non scientific works.
7. The case of Dr A K Singh be thoroughly examined in the light of FCS rules and appropriate action may please be taken for manipulation of SRO which deprived many dedicated scientists to get their due credits. It is directly related to performance and output of DRDO.
8. Sir, for sake of DORO, for sake of our defence preparedness, for sake of dignity of real scientists, it is requested immediate action and directive is needed to stop the violation of FCS rules.
With warm regards
Prabhu Dandriyal 21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun-248008 Phone – 0135- 2787750, Mobile- 9411114879, e-mail id website –
Enclosed – Brief report – overall DRDS
Copy to
1. Sh Avinash Chander, DG DRDO, DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi-110105
2. Prof. (Dr) D.N. Reddy, Chairman, RAC, Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi-10054
Why is there so much coruption?
Why Scientists are performing the duties of administration. Let the do the duties of scientific and allow the administrative cadre to do administrative duties
Yes that is right. only people who “Earn” for the Director get call. This is true for INMAS also.not only Sh Ashok Sharma, Scientist ‘D there are some other people too. Dr Namita Singh Saini Scientist E INMAS has been on leave since march 2013. which leave?? who sanctioned her leave?? She has got a call for assessment. how was she assessed for year 2013?? She has been the ‘earning member’ of Directors clout. Initiating the most costly high end equipment with unnecessary costly attachments for a better ‘cut’. It has been seen that she gets a call for promotion and it will be also seen that she clears the assessment. Dr RP Tripathis Mighty Director is scared of none
I do agree with you .DRDO is filled with such examples and the problem remains that nothing happens against such scientists who work in non scientific fields.Outstanding promotion is given to such scientists for sitting in an air-conditioned cabin and the deserving scientists who really work hard in the sun are not given their due credit.And this continues to happen in DRDO and this is really shameful for our nation.Scientist doing managerial work are promoted faster then scientists who are working in technical domain.Talented scientists are leaving DRDO for other options while the SA to RM sleeps and doesnot bother to correct the scenario.It is a sheer wastage of the public’s money
All non performing people of DRDO should be removed.
Scientists are not hired for doing managerial and administrative jobs.Remove such scientists and hire MBAs for doing their jobs.
Incompetence….foolish arrogance …playing politics is AK SINGH’S usp…DRDO could have done better without him