Dated : 14-06-12
From- Rajiv Chauhan; 1053/3,Shastri nagar,Meerut(U.P) 09412628314;09258045938;
To, Hon’ble Defense Minister; Govt.of India, New Delhi,
Subject – DRDO Scientist recommendation with false information to grant extension of service for a period of two years beyond the age of 60 years; .
Respected Sir,
This is not a single example which is put up before you that how the recommendations with false information to grant extension of service for a period of two years beyond the age of 60 years; given by the DRDO HQ. Is it a misuse of office for misuse of powers or a pecuniary arrangement with involvement of corruption?
Dr.Rao A Subhananda ; Distinguished Scientist, particulars recommended by the DRDO HQ with false information that ‘NO’ any VIGILANCE proceedings are pending or contemplated against the officer, However in a RTI reply it found that a Vigilance proceeding is pending against the scientist. I hereby enclose that annexure with DRDO HQ false information and related RTI information. Both information is contradictory. Which is a right information, Information given by CVC or given by the DRDO HQ?
I request you to take a suitable and necessary action against the responsible officer, who sent the recommendation with false information to the Govt. of India.
With high regards,
Your’s, Sincerely.
(Rajiv Chauhan)
1- Hon’ble President of India for kind consideration and necessary action.
2- Hon’ble Prime minister of India for kind consideration and necessary action.
Rajiv Chauhan
A 1 says
Dear Rajiv Chauhan
You are write right story of HEMRL Ex Director Dr.A Subhananda Rao Sc ‘H’.this director is totally fraud and his other corrupt hand work in HEMRL , but SA to RM is not taken any action against this corrupt man. Two year extension of service menace 50 lakh payment freely eating & cheating of government of India, this corrupt Director not develop any type self project but he was release advance payment of Hyderabad site vendors who is supply the materials in ACEM Nasik, DRDO work behind SRO for a period of two years beyond the age of 60 years , Recovery of government loss in his pension & stop his pension payment & deposit in public fund . Punish to Dr.A Subhananda Rao that menace other’s learn the lesson now CBI & CVC take the action against this corrupt . Do the Job to Nation.
Coman Man think says
Dear PDD Ji,
grant extension of service for a period of two years beyond the age of 60 years. this is English Dog Story DRDO already show work in British mind , some of Director work for extension and other is work in IDST , this IDST is corruption Cave of Scientist. IDST start by SA to RM for Cheating in public fund both site money eating by this corrupt team , first close this IDST this a fraud system , CVC & CBI need to inquiry of this IDST office . why out sider use the government top secret after beyond the age of 60 years. mostly all this scientist medically unfit in service but use mind for cheating GOI . extension menace public loss. Rule is Rule DRDO is not a owner of India this is one research agency of GOI.
MNS says
Hit the Dr.Arun Kumar DOP , he was main corrupt & he recommended Dr.A.S.Rao Ex Director HEMRL & Register the FIR against MPC Rao & A.Appa Rao , Arun Kumar.both are two hand of A.S Rao. all this nonsense officer work against rule , Use CCS rule against this team & save DRDO & also INDIA
Kiyer says
This is true in BARC also, Only corrupted bellows are getting extension not a person working for the interest of the country.