In DRDO Directors’ Conference 2010, above mentioned view was unopposed accepted by almost all top brasses of DRDO.
Then to defy DOPT guidelines of FCS (Flexible Complementing Scheme) DRDO started to assign scientists, the admin allied and other non technical jobs as full time. Like Administration, Stores, Library, Conservancy, Works, Security, Motor Transport, etc.
As a result, now you see the chaos created by these incompetent scientists everywhere in DRDO. The number of court cases increased multifold. More than hundreds cases are running in various judiciary bodies all over the India. It can be verified by the amount spending by DRDO after 2010 onward.
Now scientists are running after these non scientific assignments because they witnessed in last several years the promotion jumps of scientists who are engaged in sundry work.
Interestingly, senior scientists who enjoyed these non scientific assignments are also able to pitch their after retirement assignments as consultants on contracts, etc. or members/chairman post of various committees where there are no age limits boundaries.
Recently, scientists also established one more area in the recruitment of admin assistant process for the interview board CEPTAM asked for admin rep. In LASTEC, Dr. A K Maini turned down the name of Sh. Prakash Singh, Senior Administrative Officer -II the single available official for required demand. Instead he sent the name of Ms. Sangeeta Talwar, ineligible for said interview board member as Admin Rep.
Second example that for the same recruitment of admin assistant process for the interview board, Jodhpur, CEPTAM asked for admin rep from DEAL Dehradun. The Director, DEAL, Sh. R C Agarwal proposed the name of his staff officer Sh. Vipin Kaushik, Scientist ‘F’ instead of Sh. K K Mishra, Joint Director, Administration.
There are several examples recently of Sh. Ashok Gupta, Technical Officer ‘C’ INMAS, DRDO who got deputation appointment of Senior Administrative Officer -I through UPSC in SSPL then shifted to DRDO Hqrs., DRDO. This foolish act shows DRDO situation is really very pitiable. How can a technical officer who is recruited for technical job avails the arbitration being a technical person got certified by Director, INMAS and concurrence by DRDO Hqrs that he did administrative /stores assignments.
Government of India has looked in to this DRDO rules manipulation game because these manipulations are a major cause of unproductiveness of this white elephant.
Money making machine of DRDO , MTO Scientist , Head of MMD Scientist , Head of Admin Scientist , Security officer TO ‘B’ or TO ‘C’ Fire officer TO ‘B’ or TO ‘C’ it is drdo corruption policy no other policy adopt by drdo only corruption