An explosive purported conversation between former in-charge of Air Force’s Rs. 7,900 Crore project, MM Joshi and another BEL senior officer MM Pandey recently surfaced and received by the through anonymous sources. MM Joshi was the officer who signed the IACCS contract on behalf of Bharat Electronics Limited in October 2015 and served as driving force till April 2016 when he was unceremoniously transferred from BEL.
According to sources, Joshi was removed from the position after he refused to endorse large-scale corruption in the project that was being orchestrated through senior officers of defence public sector undertaking.
Another person in purported conversation, MM Pandey (GM), who conducted inquiry in alleged irregularities in IACCS project and exposed the deep-rooted corruption in the project. Pandey has now been suspended by BEL for exposing corruption. The government, which vows to fight corruption has been a mute spectator all along while Pandey is being harassed for doing honest job. MM Joshi who handled the sensitive IACCS project in purported conversation with Pandey has made startling revelation suggesting that alleged loot in contract began immediately after BEL signed the agreement with Indian Air Force and at least two senior officers were instrumental in perpetrating the irregularities. Joshi is also heard in the conversation admitting that it is fit case to be investigated by the Central Bureau of Investigation.
This shocking revelation fly in the face of BEL, which has been trying to cover-up the massive scam and punishing honest officers, who expose the rot. It has been learnt from the reliable sources that Department of Defence Production, has recommended a CBI probe but the file for the last one month is still awaiting recommendation of defence minister.
While this case has been caught in bureaucratic quagmire due to influence exercised by the Babus, BEL officers, the inquiry team which exposed corruption has been suspended. This is a sad reality of a vibrant democracy where corrupts are honored and honest officers are hanged.
This whistleblower website which has been on the forefront of anti-corruption movement for more than a decade has decided to publish excerpts of the purported conversation which makes it amply clear on loot right under the nose of government and investigating agencies., however, cannot independently verify the authenticity of audio. Received from anonymous source. has forwarded government agencies for further investigation.
Here are the excerpts of conversation between MM Joshi (NCS SBU head in BEL when the IACCS project was finalized between BEL and Air Force, Retired in March 2019) and MM Pandey (GM-PS/Delhi who was the Vigilance Inquiry Officer who brought out the corruption in IACCS project) on 9th April 2019 or 10th April 2019 after main stream media reports publish on 9th April 2019 “BEL allegedly violated string of norms to award contracts to German, Finnish firms; ex-CMD, two retired defence officials under scanner”
Mr. M.M. Joshi can be heard saying:
_ I was very careful in signing any document order/contract of IACCS without seeing that everyone has signed since I knew that all of these cases would be opened by Vigilance one day
_This report is beyond the report which was made by M.M. Pandey and contains details of procurement of “A” class items. Mr. Nataraj Krishnappa (who is Director-Oother Units) and Mr. Joydeep Majumdar (who is the present GM-NCS) will finally be caught for what they have being doing (which brings out that he had knowledge of the wrong which was to happen in the project from the time the project was taken up).
_ One of the Directors of BEL is saying that there is some person in DRDO who has leaked the report to press
_ What has been brought out in the second news article is point to point and ever thing which has been written is the truth and today’s report is very explosive and related to Material Procurement
– This report will directly indict Mr. Nataraj and Mr. Majumdar. They should get a lesson and they should get the return for whatever wrong they have done. They were the people behind my transfer out of NCS in fact Mr. Majumdar had started manipulations even before he took over as SBU head. Also Mr. Nataraj is the person who manipulated the selection of D (OU) and saw that my application for that post gets rejected so that he could be selected. He was also responsible for my transfer out of NCS SBU and bringing in Mr. Joydeep Majumdar in my place
_ All these should be handed over to CBI/CAG or they should take suo moto cognizance of the corruption done by these people.
_ All the companies to which order has been given are shell companies
_ I will wait for that day when these two are punished for what they have been doing.
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