Subject: Extension of service after age of 60 years.
Recently DOP&T published an OM F.No.22/35/2011-EO (SM.II) 24th September, 2014 Sub: Grant of extension/re-employment to Central Government servants beyond the age of superannuation.
In Para 1 of above – The ACC has observed that in some of the cases, the Departments are not taking timely action to reconstitute the Departmental Peer Review Committee (DPRC) and are unilaterally extending the service of the officers beyond the age of superannuation without first obtaining approval of the ACC.
In Para 4 of above – It is also reiterated that in absence of specific approval of ACC towards extension of his services beyond the date of superannuation, an officer should stand retired on his date of superannuation and under no circumstances should the Ministry/Department concerned extend his services beyond superannuation unilaterally without the approval & ACC.
Sir, with reference to above OM it is clear that ACC has observed that in some cases officials/scientists got service extensions without first obtaining approval of the ACC, and after straight order no one is retired on his date of superannuation.
It shows that system is having still few strong manipulators who are protecting individuals and putting some weird excuses so that above order is not executed after 46 days. It is really very astonishing facts that after your strong message some of rotten minded officials are not working in the national interest.
On 31st October 2014 evening when DRDO & DAE people got message that you have not granted extensions to scientists after series of recommendations of their so called superiors, they welcomed your decision and distributed sweets and celebrated the closing of extension era.
To maintain their spirit and boosting their moral it is requested that weed out those few officials from your system who are the obstacle of our country’s development and execute the above DOP&T OM urgently.
The cases of extensions without approval of ACC should be cancelled immediately and these scientists should be superannuated with effect from the date they got extension.
Prabhu Dandriyal 21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun Ph 0135 2787750, Mobile 9411114879, e-mail id website
One extended, normal salary of 2 lakh. is sufficient get useful 5 ITI holders, 3 diploma holders and 1 engg, saving 9 family and the nation. after 60 years one gracefully go home leaving room for others. With all good indications from PM, our director is trying for 2nd extension by show export business.
Drdo fail to deliver.
LRSAM Successfully test fired on 10 November after copybook training cum practice launch of Agani-2 by user on 9th November and superb maiden flight of final production version of Tejas trainer PV6 on 8th November. JAI HIND.
Great Job !!!!
pl………… no extn. to any scientists/officers above 60 yrs
All positions beyond the age of 60 be removed/withdrawn by government. Even all chairs, scientist with any name, chairpersons etc