Subject: Foundation Laid for Recruitment Scam in DRDO
CEPTAM was constituted with aim and objective to recruit the technical/ scientific/ admin allied man power, who can be the workforce in major national DRDO projects.
DRDO Hqrs made it a mockery and laughing object. DRDO has violated SRO from beginning of CEPTAM and there are several cases pending in CAT/High courts all across the India.
The recent recruitment drive tells a different story.
CEPTAM – 06 Advertisement Published in Employment News dated 04-10th May, 2013.
No of post advertised in various categories – 844
Approximately 5 lakhs application received (excluding hundreds of applications misplaced)
Approximately 1 lakh applications were rejected for silly reasons (example followed)
Approximately 2 lakhs candidates not able to appear for examination held on 25th August 2013
Approximately 3 lakhs candidates deprived by Sh Rajesh Goyal, Director, CEPTAM
It is very big question, how DRDO can give permission to Sh Rajesh Goyal, Director, CEPTAM to play with fundamental right of young citizen of India.
Please go through the following facts which clearly shows Sh Rajesh Goyal’s, Director, CEPTAM personal vested interest
- The SMS game – All interested candidates who wish to apply for DRDO Entry Test, are compulsorily required to register themselves on mobile no. 56677 of CEPTAM by sending a SMS in this format CEPTAM First choice of Exam City Code Post Code Date of Birth as ddmmyy NAME (Leaving a space between first, middle and last name) Example: CEPTAM 15 0112 231283 Rupesh Kumar Goyal (Name of Director’s son, it is example of pure chamchagiri environment of CEPTAM). Why this SMS system introduced by Sh Rajesh Goyal, Director, CEPTAM
Approximately 5 Lakhs application received and each applicant paid Rs 3 for each SMS registration.
Total money received by CEPTAM 15 Lakhs
The contract was cooked with M/s MILLENNIUM SYSTEMS a computer peripheral supplier and well connected with Sh Rajesh Goyal since he was in ISSA. Anyone can verify these things with back record of firms supply orders vs with Sh Rajesh Goyal’s involvements. The M/s MILLENNIUM SYSTEMS website is shown the order of client list. If 5 lakhs applicants registered the money was huge 15 Lakhs and in open market bulk SMS service providers 6 to 7 paisa /SMS so any one can work out the play in this contract. The CEPTAM did not give this contract through DAVP shows the corruption angle.
- No approval from competent authority to induct compulsory Mobile registration.
- No tender floated by CEPTAM for bulk SMS service providing
- No minimum 7 vendors address procurement policy of DRDO followed (Limited tender)
- CEPTAM was not approached to DAVP empanelled SMS bulk service provider
M/s MILLENNIUM SYSTEMS – Provides -Selling of Computers & Related Peripherals such as :Range of Desktops / Servers – IBM / HP / COMPAQ / ACER etc.Range of POS and Kiosk / Billing Machines – Panasonic / Epson,Multimedia Products e.g. Video & Audio Processing Cards, Website designing and hosting. Man power Solutions / Recruitment Solutions /Data Entry. Annual maintenance contracts (AMC)
Q-6. Is it necessary to send application after registering through SMS?
A-6. YES. Without registration number application will not be accepted. It is FIRST STEP for Applying for any post. (Note: Register for each post code separately if you are applying for more than one post code and get registration for each post code.)
Q-9. I have submitted my application on prescribed format but could not register myself through SMS. Whether my application will be considered?
A-9. NO; Applications received without registration number are liable to be rejected. Prior registration is mandatory for all posts, candidates applying for.
In above application form the marked box for office use only so hundreds of candidates not filled the SMS registration, result in this basis CEPTAM rejected their applications, who is responsible. Is DRDO ready to repay the money/time wasted by individuals?
Question is whether this kind of provision for like diesel mechanic posts and for SC/ST candidates who belong to rural areas and do not have access or are familiar with internet to verify or clear their issues, is allowed by government of India?
Example rejection of application due to SMS Registration
2. The CEPTAM asked applications by ordinary post and other option were put in 2 boxes in both gates of Metcalf House and 1 box in front of CEPTAM entrance. There was no mechanism to acknowledge applications. So what happened to hundreds of hundreds candidates who spent their days in front of CEPTAM reception but could not get their admit cards because simply they were told that their application was not found. If so then CEPTAM should show their accounts about how many postal orders they enchased against each application. The total number of available applications & postal orders will never match. There is no other example in entire government of India or PSU, Banks where application acknowledgement mechanism is not applied. CEPTAM violated fundamental right of young citizens of India.
Example application – not received /found
Example application – not received /found
3. Approximately 2 lakhs candidates could not appear due to wrongly assigned examination centres. It is not possible that the huge number of candidates themselves asked for the centre, this whole thing is deliberately done by CEPTAM on the direction of Sh Rajesh Goyal or otherwise it is clearly proved that he is incompetent to handle such a task. Please find some examples of admit cards issued by CEPTAM.
In Application centre city code clearly mentioned – 09 (Delhi NCR)
Admit Card centre city code given – Ranchi (Code -24)
In Application centre city code asked – 09 (Delhi NCR) Given Kanpur (Code 16)
In Application centre city code asked – 09 (Delhi NCR) Given Ahmedabad (Code 02)
In Application centre city code asked – 09 (Delhi NCR) Given Ahmedabad (Code 02)4.
4. Although CEPTAM corrected some centre errors and provided that list on the website but numbers (First list -89, second list 54 were few in respect to the numbers of candidates who were not able to appear i.e. 2 Lakhs.
5. There are many example in which any one can see, how Sh Rajesh Goyal, Director chose data entry firms who played with the future of young India.
6. In one of my RTIs, I have requested information regarding selection boards’ expert members, because it is observed that Sh Rajesh Goyal, Director, CEPTAM engaged his wife, his co-brother and other blood relation persons as expert in different selection boards all over India. Like Dr Madhu (Madhuri) Goyal , Mr M C Goyal, Mr Sekher Gupta, Mr Anupam Gupta . The act of Sh Rajesh Goyal, Director, CEPTAM assigning his relatives as experts violated the laid down rules CCS rules. No prior approval from competent authority was taken in this regards. This act can give liberty to do manipulation in recruitment. My RTI dated 2nd May 2013 and CPIO, CEPTAM Reply is enclosed here with for your ready reference. (Assessment Boards and Recruitment Board constituted in the year 2012) This mechanism is also following in recent recruitment drive. (RTI request and reply of CPIO, CEPTAM enclosed herewith for your ready reference.)
7. Please find enclosed list of the name and phone numbers of some candidates from whom you can visualize how CEPTAM, DRDO played with the future of young Indians for their own vested interest. (List enclosed as annexure)
Sir, above all examples are enough evidences to investigate the CEPTAM-06 recruitment drive, beside this lot of complaint already received by honorable Defence Minister and various authorities. The CEPTAM director putting his efforts to diluting and burring the subject matter. It is requested kindly do needful urgently for the future of young citizens of India.
Sir, please put your all sincere efforts to stop the corruption in CEPTAM. The approximately 3 lakhs youths are waiting for your honest decision to get fair chance of selection. Do something to maintain prestige of DRDO.
Prabhu Dayal Dandriyal 21-Sunderwala, Raipur Dehradun-248008 Uttarakhand Cell No- 9411114879, Landline- 0135-2787750 e-mail-, website –
- Copy of my RTI request to CPIO,CEPTAM dated 2nd May 2013
- Copy my RTI request to CEPTAM dated 9th June 2013
- List of the name and phone numbers of some candidates
Jay Hind says
M/s MILLENNIUM SYSTEMS was register vendor in DIAT this is very famous vendor was work for Tyagi and making more and more money
Ram says
Good job sir
sathyamoorti says
Will the results of CEPTAM 6 be published or the exam has got cancelled.
sathyamoorti says
Will the results of CEPTAM 6 be published or the exam has got cancelled. My 1 year preparation, time, age has been ruined just because I eant to work in DRDO alone.