Even the present Hon’ble Defence Minister is helpless in stopping the continued deliberate harassment meted out to the Whistle Blower of DRDO (acknowledged by the then Defence Minister) by the top management of DRDO HQ New Delhi & by his present Director of Delhi based lab of DRDO, MOD through the following acts & omissions.
- Harassment meted out by DRDO HQ, New Delhi
- By non implementation of the advice of CVC issued vide CVC OM No 24571/2016/vigilance-9 19-04-2016 , O M No conf/6807/16/315999 dated 30-05-201 & O M No conf/1750/09/3201 dated 15-07-2016 to restore the posting of the whistle blower to LASTEC, Delhi even disregarding the formal representation dated 16-06-2017 submitted by the whistle blower of DRDO in this regard to the present Secretary, DDR&D.
- By non conveying of the decision of the Hon’ble Defence Minister ( obtained from him by deliberately misleading him distorting the material facts) to the complainant whistle blower on his complaint/ representation dated 28-12-2015 submitted to the then Hon’ble Defence Minister to get implemented the decision of para 03 (three) of MOD decision conveyed to DRDO HQ vide MOD ID no PC to 470/ DO (Vig)/ 2012 dated 19-10-2015 against 22 prima facie guilty officials of DRDO who trumped up false charges & committed a number of irregularities with single minded objective of harassing the whistle blower through their ibid mala fide actions.
- By non communicating the decision of the Hon’ble Defence Minister, decision of the present secretary, DDR&D, decision of present DG (ECS), decision of Shri V P Dutta, the then Scientist ‘G’ of DEAL, Dehradun & Chairman & decision of Shri A K Pandey Scientist ‘F’ OF IRDE, Dehradun & member of the committee appointed vide DG ( ECS) order No DG ECS /ADM/12538/LASTEC/2015/PS dated 13-01-2016 on through proper channel representation dated 18-03-2016 of the whisle blower of DRDO submitted to the then DG (ECS) of DRDO HQ & copies also endorsed to Hon’ble Defence Minister & all the above mentioned authorities of DRDO for taking remedial actions.
- By hatching a conspiracy to ultimately post the whistle blower in a wing of a Delhi based lab of DRDO situated 15 kms away from the main LAB where there is no basic infrastructural facilities & absolutely no work for the whistle blower in his sphere of duties where the the whistle blower has been suffering unbearable miseries. This was done after doing the drama of taking the option of choice posting to LASTEC, Delhi from the whistle blower.
- By not processing & not redressing his any of the genuine service matter grievances on one or the other illegal pretexts submitted by the whistle blower of DRDO during the tenure of present Secretary, DDR&D.
- By illegally getting rejected the issues raised in the pre litigation conciliation representation dated 26-11-2015 of the whistle blower of DRDO through the false Recommendations of the committed pre litigation conciliation committee Headed by Shri Sushil kumar Verma, Director, Cyber security & Scientist ‘G’ of DRDO HQ prepared by deliberately overlooking & ignoring the contents of the pre litigation conciliation representation dated 26-11-2015 of the whistle blower & other letters submitted by the whistle blower to Shri Verma.
- The issues raised in the pre litigation conciliation representation dated 26-11-2015 of the whistle blower were finally rejected by the present Secretary, DDR&D By deliberately ignoring the material facts based on the record of DRDO & MOD contained in the through proper channel representation dated 28-04-2017 submitted to the present Secretary, DDR&D.
- BY rejecting most urgent & most immediate through proper channel representation dated 28-09-2015 of the whistle blower of DRDO submitted to the secretary, DDR&D in most arbitrary manner directly violating the standing provisions of grievance redressal policy of both Govt. of India & DRDO, MOD.
- By not deciding through proper channel representation dated 29-01-2016 of the whistle blower of DRDO submitted to the secretary, DDR&D pertaining to deliberate illegalities committed in DRDO HQ continuously affecting adversely to the whistle blower of DRDO even till to date.
- By not deciding & not communicating the final outcome of 02 (two) complaints of vigilance nature dated 04-07-2016 & dated 11-07-2016 to the whistle blower of DRDO even up to now submitted by the whistle blower of DRDO to the present Cabinet secretary to the Govt. of India & to the Hon’ble prime minister of India respectively which reached in DRDO HQ in 2016 itself for taking appropriate actions on the same.
- Harassment meted out to the Whistle Blower of DRDO by present director of the Whistle Blower
- By hatching a conspiracy to post the whistle blower of DRDO in one wing of the concerned Delhi based lab of DRDO Situated 15 kms from the main lab where there was no work for the whistle blower even when whistle blower of DRDO was the senior most officer of the Admin cadre posted in that Delhi based main lab of DRDO to make him professionally obsolete..
- By hatching a conspiracy not to nominate the whistle blower of DRDO in 2016 for the training programmes even run by govt. agencies free of cost directly related & essential for enhancing the acumen of the whistle blower of DRDO in the sphere of his charter of duties as senior administrative officer , Grade –I of Admin Cadre of DRDO, MOD.
- By hatching a conspiracy by getting Arbitrarily rejected 04 nominations of of the whistle blower of DRDO pertaining to short term training programmes of the duration of one week or less period to be conducted during the period from July 2017 to December 2017 by the Govt training Institute namely by ISTM, New Delhi free of cost directly related & essential for enhancing the acumen of the whistle blower of DRDO in the sphere of his charter of duties as Senior Administrative Officer , Grade –I of Admin Cadre of DRDO, MOD through the initial decisions dated 13-07-2017 of his immediate sub-ordinate scientist “G’ Shri Raju Agarwal without any cogent grounds & thereafter he himself approved such arbitrary decisions to harass the whistle blower of DRDO .
- By not ensuring processing any of the service matter grievances of the whistle blower of DRDO with due diligence & giving full opportunity to the concerned officials to adopt dilatory tactics in processing the service matter grievances of the whistle blower of DRDO, New Delhi.
- By compelling the whistle blower of DRDO to exclusively limit his charter of duties to open & close the one wing of the Delhi based lab of DRDO in which he has been posted.
- BY Removing the whistle blower of DRDO from the hitherto duties of officer in-charge (assigned to him on 23-08-2016) of the one wing of the Delhi based lab of DRDO vide order dated 25-07-2017 leaving him without any work & compelling the the whistle blower of DRDO holding the functional designation of senior Group ‘A’ Gazetted post of Senior Administrative Officer , Grade –I of Admin Cadre of DRDO, MOD to report to one in situ promoted Scientist ‘D’ of DRDO who does not any competence to do any value addition in administrative work of the said wing & who even insulted the whistle blower in the presence of his all junior on 25-07-2017 on official telephone saying that the whistle blower does not have any authority in the said wing of the said Delhi based lab DRDO because we scientists can do anything to the whistle blower which seems to be true also considering the above mentioned acts & omissions by one of the senior scientist of DRDO holding the designation of scientist ‘H’ & Director of the Delhi based lab in which the whistle blower is posted Who was dare enough to conduct the illegal meetings of internal screening committee main for assessment of Scientists ‘Fs’ of DRDO for assessing their suitability for the posts of Scientist ‘G’ under promotion quota IN 2011 even before inception of the amendments in the concerned statutory nature of recruitment rules of Scientist ‘G’ in DRDO while holding the appointment of Director , RAC, New Delhi thereby incurring the financial loss to the tune of 14 lakhs to the public exchequer for which some investigation has also been ordered by the DRDO/MOD ,still he does not hesitate to continue harassing the whistle blower of DRDO.
- By making Payments of the arrears of 7th CPC to the whistle blower of DRDO only in April 2017 whereas all other officials of DRDO got their arrears of 7th CPC in 2016
Jk Sharma says
The GOI framed Whistle Blower Protection Act and therefore the said Whistle Blower should make a complaint to Competent Authority under the Act to get immediate relief from above narrated harassment from authorities of DRDO.