Ramshastri Justice Foundation
(Regd. No.: Mah. 723 / 2010 / Pune) Adv. B. R. Barge Dr. R. G. Taware President Secretary Cell No. 9881750682 Cell No. 9423015022 Email: justicefoundationpune@gmail.com Office: 16, Mata Chambers, Anandnagar, Old Sangvi, Pune: 411027. Phone: 020-27282647. No. CG/DRDO/07 Date: 09th Aug. 2011LET US CLEANSE THE DRDO!
We are contemplating to file a Writ Petition (Public Interest Litigation) in High Court, Bombay on the subject of irregular extensions in service to the ranking officers (Directors, CCR&Ds etc.) in DRDO, beyond the age of superannuation.
Those, who have been affected by or are deprived off their rightful posts, may please contact.
Present post to which the officer is clinging, his date of birth and other details will be helpful.
President / Secretary
Ramshastri Justice Foundation, Pune
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