Some scientists from IRDE, DRDO, Dehradun raised voice against the Recruitment Assessment Centre (RAC), DRDO for unethical practice in conducting assessment of scientists Grade scientist C to E.
Recently the interview was held from 15 May to 19 May 2018. Dr A K Gupta was core member, so he was in the board for all days. Total 29 candidates from IRDE were there in this board.
On 15 May 02 Sc C to Sc D
On 16 May 10 Sc C to Sc D
On 17 May 08 Sc D to Sc E
On 18 May 03 Sc D to Sc E
On 19 May 06 Sc E to Sc F
Dr AK Gupta was core member so he had extra power to manipulate the results and he did same.
As Dr AK Gupta (Ex Director) was the core member of instrumentation Board for IRDE. It is clearly against the rules and law. Ex IRDE it was observed that Dr Gupta was partial with some candidates and gave them extra advantage to get through. This modus oprendi is also very common practice of RAC to promote incompetent scientists by custom designing of interview board. Sh Arun Jaitley then charge of Defence Minister had ordered action against two senior scientists in a case in DRDO on July 2017
As promotion is related to financial gain as well as morale booster for each DRDO scientist and give major impact on his performance. It should be asked from RAC (Coordinator for Assessment 2018 Mrs Rajinder Kaur Sokhi, Sc G that how & why she did this? Hopefully she gets proper approval from Director RAC in writing. It is clear cut case of corruption and violation of rules.
See the dilemma of IRDE scientists on the issue.
निवेदन है कि RAC द्वारा Assessment बोर्ड 2018 के इंस्ट्रूमेंटेशन बोर्ड (Instrumentation board) में हुई अनियमितता के सुधार हेतु आप उचित कार्यवाही करें. IRDE देहरादून के इंटरव्यू बोर्ड में IRDE देहरादून के ही पूर्व निदेशक डॉ. अरुण कुमार गुप्ता को कोर मेंबर बनाने से बोर्ड की निष्पक्षता पर ही प्रश्नचिन्ह लग जाता है, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप पक्षपातपूर्ण निर्णय होनें की पूरी पूरी संभावना है, जो की भारतीय संविधान एवं प्राकृतिक न्याय के सिद्धान्त (Principle of Natural Justice) के विरुद्ध हैं ! RAC के संविधान के अनुरूप निष्पक्ष भर्ती और मूल्यांकन के लिए आवश्यक है की साक्षात्कार बोर्ड में ऐसे सदस्य हो जो की कैंडिडेट के परिचित या रिश्तेदार ना हो परन्तु कोर मेंबर श्री मान गुप्ता पूर्व निदेशक होने के कारण अभ्यर्थियों से भलीभांति परिचित हैं और कुछ वैज्ञानिको से उनके बहुत ही घनिष्ठ एवं मधुर सम्बन्ध भी हैं तथा कुछ से व्यक्तिगत वैचारिक दुर्भाव भी! जिसके परिणामस्वरूप उनके बोर्ड का कोर मेम्बर होने से साक्षात्कार का परिणाम अवश्य ही प्रभावित होगा, जिससे साक्षात्कार की निष्पक्षता पर ही संदेह हो जाता है जिसे नकारा नहीं जा सकता हैं ! इस प्रकार ये गठित बोर्ड ही पूर्णतया असंवैधानिक हैं और अभ्यर्थी वैज्ञानिको के भविष्य के साथ खिलवाड़ हैं !
मान्यवर, कुछ अभ्यर्थी वैज्ञानिक तो उनके घर में बतौर किरायेदार उनके साथ ही रहे हैं और उनके घर खाना तक बनाते थे, इस तरह वे उनके परिवार के सदस्य की भांति ही रहते आयें हैं ! इससे उनको इस बोर्ड में एक्स्ट्रा एडवांटेज मिल सकता है और उनका इंटरव्यू ख़राब होने के बावजूद वो प्रमोट हो सकतें है !
महोदय, ये निवेदन पत्र आपके समक्ष प्रस्तुत कर आपसे विनम्र निवेदन हैं की RAC की भूल को सुधारते हुए उपरोक्त बोर्ड को null & void घोषित कर IRDE के INSTRUMENTATION बोर्ड को पुन: निष्पक्षता के मानदण्डों को पूरा कर गठित करे ताकि साक्षात्कार में शामिल होनें वाले अभ्यर्थी वैज्ञानिको के भविष्य के साथ किसी प्रकार का अन्याय ना हो तथा मजबूरन हम अभ्यर्थी कों न्याय पाने के लिए माननीय न्यायालय की शरण में नहीं जाना पड़े !
आपसे पुन: अनुरोध है की हमारे हितो की रक्षा हेतु आवश्यक एवं समुचित कार्यवाही करे.
जय हिन्द.
Jai Hind says
it is truth of DRDO. they always manipulate every thing. only the scientists who knows the art of buttering his/her boss is successful in DRDO. there is no value of talent here. Above case is clear example of mental corruption. how RAC constitute an assessment board with Ex Lab director as a core member? how can they expect fair result then? it is the way to suppress the actual talent & to boost the buttering culture.
Beekay says
Assessment boards even at higher level also has a rep called internal expert who manipulates the results to ‘eliminate’ all unwanted candidates even by polluting the minds of other members before they are submitted to the peer committee for final decision. This is irrespective of the candidate’s best performance in the past five or six years with results to prove. Basically it is only a session for only choosing whom they want.
Vinod says
By writing letter to this site won’t help you. Write to modi ji, pmo, news papers. 100 percent that interview will ve cancelled.
But do it before 30th june
Azad says
Dear sir,
This is to bring your kind notice that assessment is just a complete eyewash and only making fool of hard working scientists. The internal reps mold the assessment board as per his/ her interests and they make it only the game of choice.If internal rep is having any enemity with candidate, he makes it sure to fail him by hook or crook. He only promotes his near and dear ones. Hence there should be rules ammendment in assessment board that no internal rep from same lab be there in board. So that the assessment shall be uniform for all assassees. There should also be recording of interview board, so that board will not divert from the subject of candidates.
Jai Hind Jai Bharat…
Beekay says
I fully agree with Azad. I had the bitter experience with the internal expert in the assessment of the higher level where I got abused in the board which led to instant depression and followed by the accident on the following day.My only fault was I was in the way of their candidate and a hurdle which was eliminated in this way !
Beekay says
I fully agree with Shri Azad.I had the bitter experience of being abused by a SA s rep to such an extent in the board that led to instant depression in me followed by an accident the following day.My only fault was that I was in the way of their candidate as a hurdle and needed to be eliminated !
ajit says
I fully agree with Azad Promotions in DRDO is a game for creating terror among scientists by Director. all the person doing polishing of Directors are managed to get promotion whether in DTRc cadre or in DRDS cadre. even post of Sc G and H was managed by Directors. recent examples can be seen in DMSRDE. Dr N eswara Prasad is a great manipulator.
mridula says
The result of F->G of last several years, from 2011-2018 has resulted in true merit being ignored. The result is glaring example of nepotism, regionalism, sycophancy, casteism, etc. The criterion for merit is decided by the board. On the basis of pre-fixed board, a very high score (such as 980/1000) is awarded to the candidate to be cleared. And extremely low score (such as 670/1000) is awarded to the candidate who is to be failed. These scores when matched with the actual performance has no relevance. It is only to prevent any change in decision by the Chairman RAC. Actually such scores should be challenged in court, as there is gross mismatch between APAR scores and scores awarded by screening committee. Organisation fails to understand the fact that such process has resulted in unfit candidates to rise on the top, who can only ruin the organisation. Actual worker remains suppressed. This is happening across all the laboratories. And the result is mediocre systems which fails to excel with the user. In 2018 there are Scientist who do not turn up in laboratory are promoted. Such scientists have established own industry base, and are busy nurturing private business. I wonder, when would DRDO wake up to the facts and realities. Its already too late. Top is unfit and shaky. They have no knowledge about the technology and management. In every laboratory you can find such example of nepotism and regionalism.
mridula says
The result of F->G of last several years, from 2011-2018 has resulted in true merit being ignored. The result is glaring example of nepotism, regionalism, sycophancy, casteism, etc. The criterion for merit is decided by the board. On the basis of pre-fixed board, a very high score (such as 980/1000) is awarded to the candidate to be cleared. And extremely low score (such as 670/1000) is awarded to the candidate who is to be failed. These scores when matched with the actual performance has no relevance. It is only to prevent any change in decision by the Chairman RAC. Actually such scores should be challenged in court, as there is gross mismatch between APAR scores and scores awarded by screening committee. Organisation fails to understand the fact that such process has resulted in unfit candidates to rise on the top, who can only ruin the organisation. Actual worker remains suppressed. This is happening across all the laboratories. And the result is mediocre systems which fails to excel with the user. In 2018 there are Scientist who do not turn up in laboratory are promoted. Such scientists have established own industry base, and are busy nurturing private business. I wonder, when would DRDO wake up to the facts and realities. Its already too late. Top is unfit and shaky. They have no knowledge about the technology and management. In every laboratory you can find such example of nepotism and regionalism.
ajit says
correct Mridula ji
Beekay says
Very true. There should have been a mechanism by which the awarding of marks in all grades should be known.At least upto F level internal rep is there who is nor allowed tto tlak much nowadays. But at F to G the role is played by the departmental or internal expert who does all the manipulations to uplift their candidate. I was humiliated by one such so called rep which led to a serious accident to me the following day !