16th March 2011
Dear Dr Saraswat Ji Good Morning
Postponement of DRDO Director’s Conference suppose to held on 4th March has drawn the attention of many including those who are concern with national security.
Two events Def –Expo and DRDO Director’s Conference are important as it provides a platform for user three services and researchers (DRDO) to come together and discuss the priorities of weapons and its availability in global market, potential of developing import substitute through rigorous R&D.
The scenario at Indian border does invite a holistic defence procurement to modernize the various systems.
The role of R&D therefore pushed in the front. All developed nations even if they try to help India, they can only sell 15-20 years old technology. As an example US spend 50 years on developing 200 Watt CW Laser Source for satellite to submarine communication. If DRDO plans to purchase such system it will never get. In such condition the boss of DRDO that is SA to RM should consider the R&D of such Laser Source and should accelerate the holistic R&D in this area.
The award ceremony for awarding scientists without a product or patent is not justified. If award is to giving encourage and motivate and if goal is not defined the R&D fails to convert into product and if the help of PSU’s the prototype comes out until the field evaluation is done the award is meaningless. It is simply becomes ritual instead of helping the organization it detourate the growth of potential of the scientific manpower.
This postponement of DRDO Director’s Conference may not be instantaneous instead it may be growing hatred between demand and supply.
Does this postponement indicates the difference of opinion between user and researchers only time will tell.
Thanking you
Prabhu Dayal Dandriyal
21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun 248008
Phone – 0135-2787750, Mobile, 9411114879
Website – www.corruptionindrdo.com/
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I am regular visitor of your site. i don’t know why still your cases are pending at cic. why r u not responding about the decision on site. Anyway waiting for your reply.