Sri Avinash Chander, Distinguished Scientist and Chief Controller Research & Development (Missiles & Strategic Systems) as Secretary, Department of Defence Research & Development–cum-Director General, Defence Research& Development Organisation and Scientific Adviser to Raksha Mantri vide letter No. 12/9/2013-EO(SM-I) dated 31st May 2013,Secretariat of Appointment Committee of Cabinet, DOPT, Ministry of Personal, Public Grievances and Pensions, New Delhi. [copy of order dated 31 May 2013 enclosed]
According to the said letter dated 31 May 2013 , The appointment of Shri Avinash Chander beyond his date of retirement i.e.30.1 1.2014 would be on contract basis with the same terms and conditions as he would be entitled to Secretary (DRD) before the date of retirement.
The Chief of DRDO is holding three post simultaneously DGR&D,DRDO, SA to RM and Secretary, DRD and having control over 30000 employees, 52 establishments and Rs. 15283 crore of public money.
The said appointment order of Sri Avinash Chander was illegal on the grounds-
(i) Shri Avinash Chander is not having International Stature that is basic requirement for extension in service from age of 62-64 years; hence the extension in service beyond the age of 62 years to Sri Avinash Chander was illegal.
(ii) appointment from Distinguished Scientist to Secretary is promotion cum appointment (promotions in extension in service is illegal as FR 56(d)
(iii) Shri V. Narayanasamy, Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office replied to Parliament in the year 2012 that “there is no policy formulation for appointing the Secretaries in Union Ministries and Departments on contract”.
(iv) According to News published on 28 May 2012 in Hindustan Times stating “Contractual appointment post-retirement not in rules” based on reply given by DOPT, Ministry of Personnel in 15th Lok Sabha.
(v) Orders for regular appointment and contractual appointment could not be clubbed in one order as both are totally distinct action as per recruitment rules.
(vi) An official appointed on contract after retirement cannot function as Head of Office for all administrative & financial matters in the department. It is apparent from his appointment letter that he will exercise all administrative and financial powers on contractual appointment as he was having in his regular appointment before retirement.
In this matter several applications under RTI Act 2005 was filed to DOPT, Cabinet Sectt. , DRDO and MOD. In some applications vital information was provided by Government.
Recently on 06 August 2014, one DRDO scientist filed complaint to Hon’ble Prime Minister who is also the Chairman of ACC. The said complaint is under consideration to Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India.
India Today in its issue of 13 Oct 2014(English Edition) and 15 October 2014(Hindi Edition) published detailed News about post retirement appointment and extensions business in DRDO.
Besides several complaints against Sri Avinash Chander was filed by to Hon’ble Prime Minister regarding following matters.
- DEEMED SUSPENSION OF DR. G. MALKONDIAH, DS AND CCR&D (HR), DRDO AS under the provisions of Rule 10(2)(b) of CCS(CCA) Rules 1965, dated 06 Oct 2014.
- Shri Avinash Chander SA to RM , DG DRDO, Secretary (DRD) patronizing organized corruption in procurement by Dr. A. K. Saxena, Director, DMSRDE, DRDO, Kanpur, Dated 13 September 2014
- Non-Implementation of DOPT, Govt. of India, Office Memorandums regarding submission of IPR and put the same in Public Domain in Defence Research & Development Organisation, Min. of Defence, dated 28 July 2014
- The Appointment Committee of the Cabinet appointed Sh. Avinash Chander on contract basis, dated 27 May 2014
- Conspiracy and propaganda for reverse technology transfer to USA by forged TOT of EDK by DRDO under guidance of Shri Avinash Chander, DGR&D, DRDO and SA to RM, Secretary, DRD.
- डीआरडीओ में श्री अविनाश चन्दर, वैज्ञानिक सलाहकार की चल रही है जागीरदारी (Example of Sh Avinash Chander’s feudalism in DRDO) (Appointment of SK Patel case). arranged a survey to know the view of DRDO officials , Whether DRDO officials want that Sri Avinash Chander continues as SA on contract basis after 30th November 2014?
All Scientists, officers and officials of DRDO are requested to participate in the survey so that DRDO officials view and emotions could be put before the Government.
Above all the contractual appoint of Sri Avinash Chander a massage to whole world, that 125 crores of Indian doesn’t have a single capable scientist who can lead the DRDO, a big question to Modi ji government.
Anonymous says
if implemented, we should execute under the orders of a contract employee, what a pity!
Well Wisher says
He should not be allowed after 30 Nov 2014 as an employees under contract cannot exercise financial and administrative powers. As far as advises and consultancy to GOI, Mr. Avinash Chander can open his own consultancy firm from which DRDO can get his advises on “how to make corruption” by outsourcing.
Abhishek says
Nakli Bhagat Singh of DRDO , TERA KYA HOGA, after 30 November 2014, when Shri Chander Ji will out of DRDO. Please come and tell the people who are eager to know your fate.
Vikas Sharma says
हठी विक्रम ने हार न मानी। उसने पेड़ पर से ड़डियाल के शव को उतार कर अपने कंधे पर लटकाया और चल पड़ा। चलते – चलते रास्ते में शव में रहने वाले बेताल ने अट्टहास करते हुए विक्रम से कहा – तू बहुत जिद्दी है विक्रम ! तुझे पुरानी टर्म कंडीशन याद है कि नहीं। मैं तुझे एक कहानी सुना कर अंत में प्रश्न करूंगा। अगर तुझे उसका उत्तर ज्ञात होगा और न बतलाएगा तो तेरा सिर टुकड़े – टुकड़े हो जाएगा। और अगर तूने मौन तोड़ा तो मैं फिर शव सहित पेड़ पर वापस जाकर लटक जाऊंगा। तो सुन टाइम – पास के लिए ही सुन !
हे विक्रम ! तीन तरफ समुद्र से घिरा एक सुंदर देश था। वहाँ अनेक महान वैज्ञानिकों ने रक्षा के क्षेत्र मैं अपना योगदान दिया। वहां के राजा बहुत बुद्धिमान और ईमानदार थे। वहाँ का राजा विज्ञान तथा मिसाइल तकनीकी का बहुत बड़ा जानकार था। वह देश की प्रगति चाहता था। यूं तो इस देश की रक्षा अनुसंधान की व्यवस्था ठीक – ठाक ही थी , जिसकी पूरे विश्व में सराहना भी होती थी तथा वह बुद्धिमान राजा इसमें और भी अधिक सुधार चाहता था। उसने देखा कि तकनीकी अनुसंधान संस्थाओं की प्रक्रिया अत्यंत जटिल है, इससे वैज्ञानिकों पर मानसिक दबाव पड़ता है। उसने विज्ञान के क्षेत्र के विशेषज्ञों को अपनी बात खुलकर कहने व अनुसंधान करने का मौका दिया। परन्तु कुछ क्षेत्रों में निराशा मिल रही थी। राजा ने इस समस्या को अत्यंत गंभीर माना। अत : उसने इसके समाधान के लिए अपने एक बुद्धिमान , योग्य , विश्वासपात्र मंत्री को चुना और उसे यह जिम्मेदारी सौंपी कि वह इन समस्याओं के ठोस हल निकाले। उस योग्य मंत्री ने इस जटिल समस्या का चुटकी बजाते ही समाधान प्रस्तुत कर दिया और एक नई नीति लागू कर दी। पर नीति लागू होने के कुछ समय के भीतर ही साख नीचे चली गई , राष्ट्र के अनेक नौनिहाल टूटकर बिखर गए , मेरा धंधा चौगुना हो गया , निराश वैज्ञानिकों ने प्रमोशन आदि का सपना ही छोड़ दिया और मेरी दुकान चल पड़ी। हे विक्रम , क्या तू बता सकता है कि डी.आर.डी.ओ में उन्नति के बजाय अवनति क्यों हुई ? चौबे जी राष्ट्र छब्बे जी बनने गया था पर दुबे जी कैसे बन गया।विक्रम गंभीर स्वरों में बोला – हे बेताल। तूने इस बार अत्यंत कठिन प्रश्न किया है। फिर भी मैं कोशिश करता हूं कि इसका सही – सही जवाब दे सकूं। तो सुन, किसी अनुसंधान का भविष्य युवा पीढ़ी और वरिष्ठ वैज्ञानिकों की टीम होती है। उसी पर डी.आर.डी.ओ. के भविष्य की जिम्मेदारी रहती है। अनुसंधान के क्षैत्र में अगर किसी पुरानी व्यवस्था को भंग कर नई व्यवस्था लागू की जा रही है तो उस पर सतही चिंतन के बजाय गंभीर मनन आवश्यक है। पुरानी व्यवस्थाओं में अनेक अयोग्य वैज्ञानिक खप गए थे या तेरे जैसे भाग गए थे।अनुसंधान में अनेक प्रक्रियाओं को ताक पर भी रखना पड़ता है, वरना एक वैज्ञानिक व बाबुओं के काम में क्या अन्तर रह जाएगा, और इसी लिए केवल डी.आर.डी.ओ. का सेक्रेट्री आई.ए.एस नहीं होता। कुछ अयोग्य व अक्षम लोग डी.आ.डी.ओ. की जानकारी जग उजागर करना चाहते हैं।अनेक वैज्ञानिक प्रक्रियाओं को छिन्न भिन्न करना चाहते हें, जो कि अनेक विदेशी ताक़तें भी चाहती हें।आर.टी.आई. के ज़रिए प्राप्त जानकारी का दुरुपयोग कर रहे हें। बिना सत्यता जाने, कुछ अयोग्य, निराश व अक्षम लोगों द्वारा दी जानकारी तेरे पेड़ के द्वारा लटक जाती है, इसके अनेक सबूत भी हें।अार. टी. आई. की अत्याधिक दखलंदाजी से तकनीकी संस्थाओं की छवि प्रभावित हुई। साथ ही अार. टी. आई. की व्यवस्था को चरणबद्ध रूप से लागू करने के बजाय सी.आई.सी. आनन – फानन में लागू कर रहा है, जिससे कई प्रयोगशालाओं का भविष्य बर्बाद हो रहा है।तेरे शमशान में अनेक निराश व विफल वैज्ञानिक व तकनीकी अधिकारी व कर्मचारी बेताल बने तेरे संरक्षण में हें।बेताल अब तू पैसा ले कर यह कार्य करना बन्द कर दे। अपने ख़र्च व आय का ब्यौरा दे।विज्ञान की प्रगति में बाधा न बन, विदेशी मन्सूबौं को जान। राजा सब प्रक्रियाओं का खुद ख़ूब ध्यान रखता है पर तेरी जटिल व अनावश्यक प्रक्रिया के कारण अनेक होनहार वैज्ञानिक व तकनीकी लोग कार्य करने से कतराने लगी है और उन्होंने दूसरे देशों में नोकरी के लिएे रुचि लेना शुरू कर दिया। यह देश हित में नहीं है। मुझे तो लगता है तू भी एक थकेगा वैज्ञानिक था जो प्रमोशन प्रक्रिया की मार से असमय ही बिखर गया। कहकर विक्रम ने पीछे मुड़कर देखा तो पाया कि बेताल की आंखों से झर – झर आँसू बह रहे हैं। बेताल इतना हताश कभी नहीं दिखा था। विक्रम उसे दिलासा देता हुआ उसके सिर पर हाथ फेरने लगा। तभी उसे चारों तरफ से रोने की आवाज सुनाई दी। उसने देखा कि चारों तरफ अनेक वेताल रो रहे हैं। विक्रम यह दृश्य देखकर हतप्रभ रह गया।
Warrior says
Dear younger brother of king of Betaal’s (Vikas Sharma/Bhagat Singh)
There is a big difference between knowing and understanding:
First know about who was Vikram and who was Betaal.
In present scenario of DRDO, Betaal’s occupied the throne of Vikram , mischievously but do’nt worry the fight between armies of Vikram and Betaal will continue and once Vikram will do justice with Betaal.
Till then please read.
अर्ध सत्य
चक्रव्यूह मे घुसने से पहले
कौन था मैं और कैसा था
यह मुझे याद ही ना रहेगा
चक्रव्यूह मे घुसने के बाद
मेरे और चक्रव्यूह के बीच
सिर्फ़ एक जानलेवा निकटता थी
इसका मुझे पता ही न चलेगा
चक्रव्यूह से निकलने के बाद
मैं मुक्त हो जाऊँ भले ही
फ़िर भी चक्रव्यूह की रचना मे
फर्क ही ना पड़ेगा
मरुँ या मारू
मारा जाऊं या जान से मार दूँ
इसका फ़ैसला कभी ना हो पायेगा
सोया हुआ आदमी जब
नींद से उठ कर चलना शुरू करता हैं
तब सपनों का संसार उसे
दुबारा दिख ही नही पायेगा
उस रौशनी में जो निर्णय की रौशनी हैं
सब कुछ समान होगा क्या?
एक पलडे में नपुंसकता
एक पलडे में पौरुष
और ठीक तराजू के कांटे पर
अर्ध सत्य
Ardh Satya(Half Truth)
Chakravyuh mein ghusne se pehle,
kaun tha mein aur kaisa tha,
yeh mujhe yaad hi na rahega.
Chakravyuh mein ghusne ke baad,
mere aur chakravyuh ke beech,
sirf ek jaanleva nikat’ta thi,
iska mujhe pata hi na chalega.
Chakravyuh se nikalne ke baad,
main mukt ho jaoon bhale hi,
phir bhi chakravyuh ki rachna mein
farq hi na padega.
Marun ya maarun,
maara jaoon ya jaan se maardun.
iska faisla kabhi na ho paayega.
Soya hua aadmi jab
neend se uthkar chalna shuru karta hai,
tab sapnon ka sansar use,
dobara dikh hi na paayega.
Us roshni mein jo nirnay ki roshni hai
sab kuchh s’maan hoga kya?
Ek palde mein napunsakta,
ek palde mein paurush,
aur theek taraazu ke kaante par
ardh satya.
Ardh Satya – Half-truth
Before I entered this maze,
Who was I?
I will not remember.
After I entered the war-maze,
there was a life-threatening
proximity between the enemy and me.
I will never come to realize this.
Even if I earn my freedom,
and get out of this maze alive,
it will make absolutely no difference to the maze itself.
While within this maze,
to die or to kill,
to be killed, or to take someone’s life,
can never be fairly judged.
When a man awakens from his slumber,
and starts to walk again,
he relinquishes his world of comfortable dreams.
In that light of wakefulness which illuminates his choices,
will there be fair and equal justice?
Balancing impotence, on one side of the scale,
with manhood, on the other,
the needle of this perfect balance points us
to a half-truth
Somdev Bhatt says
DOP Saheb alias Vikas Sharma alias Bhagat Singh , it is good to know that you wrote 26th story of Vikram Betaal after the 2500 years for the old book Betaal Pachchisi. Indian literary society will definitely award you for this new Vikram, Betaal story on DRDO. It is surprising to DRDO community that first you left Life Science/Infection Imaging, then your clerical and admin job at CC(HR), CEPTAM, DHRD , DOP and now start writing stories.You might not have studied the book “Betaal Pachchisi” in which there was one more character “Monk /Yogi/Sadhu” besides Vikram and Betaal. The said yogi/Monk wants to kill the king Vikram with help of Betaal and wants to occupy the throne of Vikram but unfortunately Betaal changed the side and helped Vikram to kill the evil Monk/Yogi.
Who is Vikram & who is Betaal in your story but I am 100% sure you are that evil yogi/monk who wanted to kill Vikram and occupy your thrown. This real story from Betaal Pachchisi is for your motivation so that you perform your duty carefully otherwise you will be thrown out of DRDO like the Gatekeeper was thrown out of his job by King in the story of Vikram & Betaal named “Reward for Gatekeeper”. Left all your notorious activity at DOP and concentrate on Life Sciences study as very soon you will be next Director to DRL, Tezpur. Till then go through true Vikram & Betaal story and donot write fake story.
Reward for Gatekeeper
It was a dark night and was raining heavily and there were strange noises from everywhere and voice of the moaning of jackals could be heard.
Although there was a bad atmosphere king Vikramaditya did not fear a bit. He climbed the tree to bring the corpse down and soon he began to walk with the corpse lying on his shoulder.
The Betaal spoke: “O King , I pity you as you are making untiring efforts without relaxing as if you wish to achieve something. Instead of enjoying a comfortable sleep in your palace you’re still coming after me”.
King didn’t speak anything because any word from his mouth would keep Betaal right back on the tree.
So Betaal starts his story……….
Once Upon a time there lived a king named Chandrakant. He is very brave and kind king. He was taking good care of his subjects. Everyone was living with peace in his kingdom.
Once a guard came to him and told him that “Huzoor! you must alert our soldiers, as enemy might attack our country within few days”. Chandrakant asked him how could he say before the moment. The guard didn’t reply anything.
Few days went away. Suddenly neighbour country attacked Chandrakant’s Kingdom , but as his soldiers were alert. They fought bravely and defeat the opponent. Chandrakant remembered the advice of the guard.
After finishing war he came back to the palace. He was relaxing on his bed at the night. He decided to give good reward to the guard next day. Next day, he called a guard. Guard came very happily to receive his reward. King gave him 1000 gold coins and asked him how you got an idea enemies were going to attack on our kingdom. Guard replied “Sir I can see future things which are going to happen in my dreams, that night while doing my duty at night I had a dream that enemy was attacking us”. King was pleased with him. He gave him 1000 gold coins. But suddenly he said “You have done good work by alerting us, but you are dismissed from the post of the guard”.
People were surprised by King’s decision, but no one had a dare to ask him why. But the guard said “Yes sir, I must be punished and went away”.
Betaal stops and asks King Vikram asks this question: Why King dismissed guard even if he helped him to win against the enemy?
Vikram replies with a lot of thought, “Betaal, duty of guard is to take care of palace’s gate. As guard said he said he had a dream during the duty, king got the idea he was sleeping at the gate so although he helped him to win against enemy he forgot to do his duty so king dismissed him from the post of the guard”.
As soon as Vikram had finished his answer, Betaal disappeared back to the tree.
Senior Well Wisher says
Hon’ble Avinash Chander Ji, you enjoyed 42 years in DRDO based on work of Sri R.N. Agarwal, Father of Agni , Dr. V.G. Sekaran, Architect of Agni and Dr. R.K. Gupta, Project Director of Agni V. What was your role as an Electrical Engineer in “Agni” Programme is well known to all DRDO Scientific Community. It is better you don’t make your contract appointment an issue and don’t try lobbying through your pet chamchas Vikas Sharma (Betal) & fake Bhagat Singh of DRDO etc through social media. You know very well ” Band Mutthi Laakh Ki, Khul Gayi Toh Phir Khaak Ki…”.
Please Go and meet your dear friend Dr. Arun Kumar , Ex-DOP and her daughter , whom you protected with all your effort by giving false report in June 2011 being Member of Prof. S.K. Salwan Committee , while you were No. 2 in DRDO that time holding post of CCR&D(MSS). How much they are depressed and cursing DRDO Management for not protecting them? So your all effort wasted by submission of false report to protect Dr. Arun Kumar & her daughter as you himself cancelled the appointment of Ms. Swati Srivastava, Scientist ‘C’ and on the other hand you gave clean chit to recruitment of Ms. Swati Srivastava d/o Dr. Arun Kumar in the year 2011.
Therefore you himself created evidence that you gave false report knowingly and later on under pressure of Govt , you cancelled appointment of Ms. Swati Srivastava. Do you know this action in legal language called as “Criminal Misconduct” under PC Act 1988. This is one glimpse of Band Mutthi , hope you or your chelas will not create situation where people of DRDO revolt against you and you might be victim of due to your own DRDO chelas like Dr. Arun Kumar, Dr. AK Tyagi, SM Veerbhadrapa, Smt Chnadra Bano, Dr. VK Saraswat, Dr. G. Malkondiah and several others in queue. Finally I say “Sabko Sanmati De Bhagwan ” and all should follow “Kam Khao Gam Khao”.
Take good & huge retirement party on 30th Nov 2014 and let new era be start in History of DRDO.
Well wisher says
All extension business must stop. All chairs made to accommodate retired so called high profile scientists should be scrapped. All these are responsible for the pathetic condition of DRDO and in general R&D in nation.
Bhagt Singh says
@Vikas Sharma:- Kudos to you brother, I liked your witty way by explaining modern day chaos in a folklore, the way, you vividly and lucidly elucidated the whole mess is commending.
@All well wishers of DRDO:- May I ask all well wishers of DRDO a favor? Please have a get together with the help of Mr. PDD. In this get together, please identify your own skills and talents. Then, if you really want to do something constructive not only for this organisation but for our beloved country, I beg you all with folded hands, kindly make only one indigenous product of International level for Indian Defence. I hope, you all will be ready to take this challenge as if a Private Company of one family can make EDK kit what I learned on this website, then I am sure you all can easily make a one product of International stature. By doing this not only you will do service to our beloved country but would put forward a genuine challenge for DRDO Personnel’s capabilities.
@Mr. PDD:- I am big fan of yours now, as you are providing a platform to such persons to whack out their emotions against the organisation whenever they feel unhappy. But I hope, you understand my point of providing them a different platform, where they can deviate their anger to create some product of national interest. I request you to please create a web page on this website to discuss the technical and scientific issues faced by all those personnel who are really serious in this challenge, I am sure, during R&D if they will face any problem, whole DRDO fraternity will be ready to help them to find a solution.
I hope, nothing personal and nothing negative in this.
Hindustan Jindabad
Bhagat Singh
God Father says
Nakli Bhagat Singh(Jaichand) of DRDO , Dalali aur chamchagiri ki dukan band kar kuch S&T kaam kar aur DRL, Tezpur ja kar maje kar, daaru saaru sab mlega. jyada panga na le nahin tu hi nanga ho jayega,
Bhagat Singh says
Kya hua competition ka naam aate hi aapki to bhasha hi abhadra ho gayi…
chhh chhh you are bringing shame to your Teachers…
Khoob karo apni jabaan aur mati gandi…
Jai Hind
Bhagat Singh
God Father says
Apne god father ki baat maan le, jisne tughe Staff Officer se DOP bana diya hai, Aab to teri god sister bhi DRDO se bahar ho gai hai, dum hain to inquiry face kar, leave the chair of DOP and come in DRL, Tezpur. Tab pata chalega Mard kaun hai aur bachha kaun?
Well wisher says
भगोड़े ओर लात मार कर निकाले लोगों का क्या ACHIEVEMENT हो सकता है। आपका कमेन्ट ग़लती से बिना रिव्यू के पोस्ट हो गया है! वरना इस प्रकार के कमेन्ट इस साइट पर नहीं रखे जाते।
admin says
well said Mr Gupta join hands with Dr A K Saxena, DMSRDE, Kanpur
Jai Ho says
Catch to corrupt in drdo through CVC & CBI this big achievement of ex employees of DRDO
Dr. Philip G, (Indian by Birth). says
1. Why all of you can not put all this energy in research?
2. Why all of you do not have courage to identify yourself to fight with corruption?
3. From where such sites are getting finances?
4. If so much is going wrong in DRDO, what Arnab Gowsami is doing on TIMES NOW in India which is very popular Tv show in our US too?
5. Can you give us a list of Very Good directors in DRDO?
6. Can you suggest who will be best next SA?