December 1, 2010
Dear Dr Saraswat Ji Jaihind
Please see following, how your Aide’s handling RTI’s specially related to corruption
August Kranti Bhavan, Bhikaji Kama Place
NEW DELHI 110066
Appeal / Complaint No. ________dated__________
[For office use only]
As I am aggrieved by decision/no decision of Central Public Information Officer and First Appellate Authority, I hereby file this appeal/complaint for your kind decision.
1. Details of appellant/complainant
1.1 Full Name: Prabhu Dayal Dandriyal
1.2. Full Address: 21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun, Uttarakhand Pin 248008
1.3 Phone/Cell No.: 0135-2787750 Cell No 09411114879
1.4 Email ID:,
2. Details of CPIO
2.1 Name/Designation: Sh. S.Ravi, Additional Director, DRDO Hqrs.
2.2 Full Address: Room No 314 A, DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi – 110105
2.3 Name of Public Authority: DRDO, Ministry of Defence
3. Details of First Appellate Authority [FAA]:
3.1 Name/Designation of the FAA: Sh. S Sundaresh, CC R&D,
3.2 Full Address of FAA: Room No 414 A , DRDO Bhawan, Rajai Marg, New Delhi -110105
4. Dates of RTI application/first appeal:
4.1 To CPIO: 28th Arill 2010 &13th May 2010 & mailed on: 28th Arill 2010 &13th May 2010
4.2 To FAA: 10th July 2010 & mailed on: 10th July 2010
5. Particulars of Decisions:
5.1 Reference No & Date of CPIO’s Decision: 6th May 2010, 17th May 2010 & 18 June 2010
5.2 Reference No & Date of FAA’s Decision: 16th August 2010 DIITM/02/2091/P/2010-19
5.3 Date/s of personal hearing by FAA: No personal hearing by FAA
6. Dates of receipt of replies by appellant/complainant from:
6.1 CPIO: 6th t May 2010, 17th May 2010 & 18 June 2010
6.2 FAA: 19th August 2010
7. Details of information sought: My RTI to CPIO, DRDO Hqrs 28th April 2010 & 13th May 2010
28th April 2010 RTI
- Total numbers of Directors in DRDO
- Total numbers of Associate Directors in DRDO
- Total numbers of Additional Directors in DRDO
- Total numbers of Joint Directors in DRDO
- Total numbers of Deputy Directors in DRDO
- Total numbers of Assistant Directors in DRDO
- Total numbers of Directors in DRDO from UPSC
- Total numbers of Associate Directors in DRDO from UPSC
- Total numbers of Additional Directors in DRDO from UPSC
10. Total numbers of Joint Directors in DRDO from UPSC
11. Total numbers of Deputy Directors in DRDO from UPSC
12. Total numbers of Assistant Directors in DRDO from UPSC
13. Gazette notification of Department of Personal, Government of India in respect of using Director designation in DRDO
14. Copy of order in respect Sh.YV Ratna Prasad, Scientist ‘F’,DRDL using designation as Director Management Services
13th May 2010 RTI request
Kindly provide me with the following information requested under the purview of the Right to Information Act, 2005.
- Please provide copy of gazette notification or copy of any order by Government of India for using designation as Assistant Director, Deputy Director, Joint Directors, Additional Directors, Associate Directors & Director in Defence Research Development organization’s Scientists ‘B’ to Distinguished Scientists. As DRDO personals commonly using in their publications, commercial advertisements, web sites and correspondences to the general public etc.
Note: above required information is directly related to corruption and not come under schedule -II
8. Brief facts of the case:
DRDO having approx 7000 strong Scientists team and recently DRDO is asking more Scientists s from Government of India stating the reason that entire authorization of DRDO post has been used up and there is urgent need to enhance authorization to meet essential and sensitive requirements of projects/ programs/ task
Presently DRDO management is wasting their scientific and technical manpower in admin, allied, stores, procurement, security, arboriculture, horticultures and works (constructions) assignments for some vested reasons. To know the exactly about the ground realty of using manpower in proper assignments.
I have requested on behalf of poor tax payers, how much money is being wasting by DRDO by putting scientific and technical manpower in sundry works, so that the factual information would have reflected the information authorized manpower is being used in admin allied assignments.
DRDO Hqrs obtain authorization of manpower under DRDS, DRTC and Services justifying the reason of their deployment/ requirement for R&D Projects/Programs/Tasks. DRDS scientists, DRTC technocrats and services officers are being trained to meet the long term requirement of developing systems and technologies for the armed forces.
The scientists are being sent to on training and courses at IIT’s Universities ect. on Government expenses, so as to enhance significantly the profile for job functional requirements but their services are actually utilize in handling personal matters, general administration, court cases, relating to service matters, security, Director Management Services, Head Material Managements, Security Officer, Library In-charge, Works In-charge, CSD management, Wet Canteen, Estate Managers.
Therefore it is considered that functioning of by the Government on the recruitment/ training and on their carrier development of DRDS/DRTC is being misutilized and misappropriated, thus it is a corrupt practice on the part of DRDO management.
“RTI is a key instrument for imposing democratic values, accountability and transparency in our public administration,” Dr.Shah Faisal ( IAS topper 2010 & RTI activist of J&K RTI Movement NGO) told Sakàl Times
The service in Govt. of India is controlled by article 145 of constitution and SRO’s are prepared considering the locus standy to meet the functional requirements.
The sanction under SRO is granted for appointing Scientist “B” to Distinguished Scientists in Officer Cadre.
Until the SRO amendment it is crime and violation of CCS/CCA rules of the Govt. of India.
DRDO selects right people with desire competence for the post for which they are recruited/promoted/trained. In order to attract retaining, inspire and motivate, DRDO scientist to give their best contribution and keeping in view the role played by them in the development of high technology and systems for strategic application the government has sanctioned following financial incentive to all scientist of DRDO with effect from 1st Jan 1999.
Special pay of Rs 2000/ per month to Scientist G and above*
Two additional increment to Scientist (recruited/promoted) C, D, E and F after their pay normal pay fixation.
Professional update allowance @ Rs 5000/- per annum to all Scientists**
*….Enhanced to Rs 4000/ per month with effect from 1st Jan 2006
**.. Enhanced to Rs 10000/ per annum to Scientist B, C & D
Enhanced to Rs 20000/ per annum to Scientist E & F
Enhanced to Rs 30000/ per annum to Scientist G & above with effect
from 1st Sept 2008
In addition to above mentioned financial increments the really deserving scientist of DRDO for their very exceptional and highly meritorious performance and recognition of their merit, are being granted variable increments up to maximum of 6 at the time of their promotion with effect from1st Jan 2009. The scientist ‘H’ / Outstanding scientist and distinguished scientist are being granted fixed amount of Rs 10000/- per month as variable increments.
Variable increments up to a maximum of 3 increments have been granted to all supporting technical staff of DRDO with effect from 1st Jan 2009
i) DRDS official and DRTC personnel promoted prior to 1st Jan 2009 have been awarded variable increments based on their pervious/ last review/assessment.
9. Reasons/grounds for this appeal / complaint:
i) To know the numbers Scientist are involved in sundry works
ii) To know the number of admin allied manpower is available in DRDO
iii) To calculate the amount of poor tax payers DRDO is wasting in this mismanagement.
10. Any other information in support of appeal/complaint:
i) Please refer the DHRD/76687/ORGN/C/M/02 dated 13th May 2010, 1st June 2010 and 11th June 2010
ii) Cardiologist’ suspended for professional misconduct News Clip TNN, Jun 2, 2010, 02.33am IST,
(Copy enclosed)
11. Prayer/relief sought for:
i) It is requested that please provide me correct information as per request of my RTI dated 28th April 2010 & 13th May 2010 in larger public interest, because it is directly related to poor tax payers money
12. Grounds for prayer/relief sought for: – sake of national security interest and stop the corrupt practices prevailing in DRDO.
13. Personal Presence at hearing: YES / NO –Yes
14. Declaration:
I hereby state that the information and particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also declare that this matter is not previously filed with this commission
nor is pending with any Court or tribunal or authority.
Place: Dehradun
Date: 16th Nov 2010
Signature of appellant/complainant
of Mr._________________ dated ________with CIC
1. Particulars Page Sr. No. from/ to
2. Original second appeal
3. Chronology chart of RTI application
4. Copy of RTI application dtd 28th April & 13 may 2010 with its enclosures.
5. Copy of proof of mailing RTI application
6. DD/IPO/PS/Cash receipt for filing fees and other charges. Rs 10 Postal order 53E 905960 & 60E034431
7. Copy of first appeal dtd. 10 July 2010 with its enclosures
8. Copy of proof of mailing first appeal
9. Postal A.D. card/Acknowledgement letter, received from CPIO & FAA
10. Copy of decision of CPIO dated 6th t May 2010, 17th May 2010 & 18 June 2010
11. Copy of decision of FAA dated 16th August 2010
12. Proof of mailing complaint/second appeal to CPIO and FAA
13. Other documents in support of second appeal
i) My RTI requests dated 28th April 2010 & 13th May 2010
ii) Letter No DITTM/02/2091/P/2010 Dated 3rd May2010
iii) Letter No DITTM/02/2091/P/2010 Dated 6th May2010
iv) Letter No DITTM/02/2091/P/2010 Dated 17th May2010 1st letter
v) Letter No DITTM/02/2091/P/2010 Dated 17th May2010 2nd letter
vi) Letter No DITTM/02/2091/P/2010 Dated 20th May2010
vii) Letter No DITTM/02/2091/P/2010 Dated 18th May2010
Place: Dehradun Date:16th November 2010 Signature of appellant/complainant
1. Action Date: 28th April 2010 & 13th May 2010
2. Application mailed to ACPIO/CPIO on 28th April 2010 & 13th May 2010
3. Application received by ACPIO/CPIO on
4. Date of receipt of letter for paying charges
5. Date of remitting charges to CPIO
6. Date of decision of CPIO 6th May 2010, 17th May 2010 & 18 June 2010
7. Date of receipt of decision of CPIO by appellant/complainant
8. First appeal mailed to FAA on 10th July 2010
9. Date of receipt of appeal by FAA
10. Date/s of personal hearing by FAA – No hearing by FAA
11. Date of decision of FAA 16th August 2010
12. Date of receipt of decision of FAA by appellant/complainant 19th August 2010
13. Date of Second Appeal/complaint 16th Nov 2010
14. Date of mailing copy of second appeal/ complaint to CPIO & FAA16th Nov 2010
15. Date of mailing Second Appeal to CIC –16th Nov 2010
Place: Dehardun Date:-16th Nov 2010
Signature of appellant/complainant
sorry says
Please visit and see how Project is coming out from the lab by senior scientist in VRDE
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