December 1, 2010
Dear Dr Saraswat Ji Jaihind
Please see following, how your Aide’s handling RTI’s specially related to corruption
August Kranti Bhavan, Bhikaji Kama Place
NEW DELHI 110066
Appeal / Complaint No. ________dated__________
[For office use only]
As I am aggrieved by decision/no decision of Central Public Information Officer and First Appellate Authority, I hereby file this appeal/complaint for your kind decision.
1. Details of appellant/complainant
1.1 Full Name: Prabhu Dayal Dandriyal
1.2. Full Address: 21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun, Uttarakhand Pin 248008
1.3 Phone/Cell No.: 0135-2787750 Cell No 09411114879
1.4 Email ID:,
2. Details of CPIO
2.1 Name/Designation: Sh. S.Ravi, Additional Director, DRDO Hqrs.
2.2 Full Address: Room No 314 A, DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi – 110105
2.3 Name of Public Authority: DRDO, Ministry of Defence
3. Details of First Appellate Authority [FAA]:
3.1 Name/Designation of the FAA: Sh. S Sundaresh, CC R&D,
3.2 Full Address of FAA: Room No 414 A , DRDO Bhawan, Rajai Marg, New Delhi -110105
4. Dates of RTI application/first appeal:
4.1 To CPIO: 18th May 2010 & mailed on: 18th May 2010
4.2 To FAA: 20th July 2010 & mailed on: 20th July 2010
5. Particulars of Decisions:
5.1 Reference No & Date of CPIO’s Decision: No DIITM/02/2091 Dated 18th June 2010
5.2 Reference No & Date of FAA’s Decision: DIITM/02/2091/P/2010-19 16th August 2010
5.3 Date/s of personal hearing by FAA: No personal hearing by FAA
6. Dates of receipt of replies by appellant/complainant from:
6.1 CPIO: 21st June 2010
6.2 FAA: 19th August 2010
7. Details of information sought: My RTI to CPIO, DRDO Hqrs 18th May 2010
Kindly provide me with the following information requested under the purview of the Right to Information Act, 2005.
- Source of recruitment in respect of Dr.Amarjeet Singh Bains, retired as Director, DEAL in 2004, whether it was from the open advertisement or UPSC/RAC
- Date of appointment and Post
- What was the qualitative requirement for the post?
- Dr. Amarjeet Singh Bains’s qualifications and copy of certificates/testimonial on the basis of which he was appointed in DRDO.
Note: above required information is directly related to corruption and not come under schedule -II
8. Brief facts of the case:
i) His appointment in DRDO was in very mysterious circumstances.
ii) As per available records he was an employee of Marconi Defence Systems in Stanmore, Middlesex, UK up to 1982 and he was joined DRDO in 1984.
iii) There were mysterious deaths of 25 employees of Marconi Defence Systems, Stanmore during the working period of Dr.AS Bains in Marconi Defence Systems, Stanmore. The all victims were involved in the strategic defence deals.
iv) To protect the anti-national officials of DRDO, CPIO, DRDO Hqrs. denied the informations.
v) The information requested to expose the corruption in DRDO and it is not come under purview of exemption. Please treat RTI application under sanction 6(1) read with first provision to Sanction 24(1) [Corruption Case]
Under the chairmanship of DRDO’s Appellate Authority, so called expert of DRDO Hqrs, DRDL, Hyderabad and DEAL, Dehradun met on 16th July 2010 at First Appellate Authority’s Office and decided not to give single information to RTI requester but only to reply to obstruct the giving of correct information to RTI requester they wasted lot of public money on TA/DA for said government officials who attended the said meeting from Hyderabad and Dehradun.
Camouflage of exemption under schedule –II of RTI Act 2005 has been deliberately taken to circumvent to deny the required information.
Dr. A. S. Bains (then Director DEAL, Dehradun) aim was to damage the organization’s financial deals and help his friends, who were parting the hefty commission/omission. Example – a purchase of Digital display Synthesizer (DDFS) which was required for Composite Net Radio (CNR a prestigious project of DEAL), he directed project in-charge to put his friend’s company’s name (M/S Wave Components & Systems, 1409 W, Woodcrest, Fullerton CA 92833, USA) in the quotation enquiry. The best part of that the firm’s rep supplied in person the item (in the shape of scrape which is still lying with CNR project) at DEAL’s gate well before the quotation’s opening date and with item there were no papers enclosed that the items were imported from US. The plea was given by firm’s rep that his luggage was stolen at airport. It can be verified with DEAL’s gate records. The matter was exposed by me, the file was closed but he had to give money to his friend, so again a new file was raised as per direction in proprietary base case with new nomenclature as DDES instead of DDFS, order were place to US, LC opened, money was drawn but the item were not send from US. As expected that he had already delivered back at DEAL’s gate. After two years RBI asked for FE settlement, and then DEAL asked the firm to send anything against the said supply. But because of the Pokhran Blast, US sanction was imposed and company was not able to supply, but again they adopt DRDO’s Scientist gimmicked and arranged locally, a bogus airway bill no and with blank box they deposited via their Delhi based firm by courier. They forget that they established a relation between a firm and later on in other quotation they used this firm as their competitive.
M/s Wave Components and Systems Contact Person – Mr.Manikant Thakur
1409 –W, Woodcrest Ph – 310-541-3617
Fullertone, CA- 92833
Residence of Mr.ManiKant Takur as per US municipal records
i) Mr. Manikant Takur has accepted that he is good friend of Dr.A.S.Bains to Tahalka Correspondent Mr. Shashi
ii) The above firms received crores of rupees order from DEAL. The origin and existence of this firm is is also mysterious.
iii) The firms deals with only DEAL, Dehradun
iv) The firms have no dealership of any manufactures
v) The firm has a not single leaflet/brochure’s/any professional existing document which proves that they are very well in the business later on due course of CBI inquiry they generated few but they found bogus.
vi) The firm supplied MMIC components/Li batteries, quartze crystal etc it’s shows big variation in business field
vii) The firm always asked for splitting the order for because to avoid FERA and other agencies who normally not bother for small transactions.
viii) The asked for change the nomenclature of the items so it can help to fool, financial member, custom authorities and US commerce department.
ix) Not a single fruitful output was generated by DEAL by using items supplied by said firm. If one can go for physical verification will find the only scarp, in case of 35 GHz Down Converter the CBI, Dehradun was found that out of 150 nos half were not working, some odd 20+ was pasted without use or any output and some they said was given to Project Trishul (i.e 18 GHz project not 35 GHz) and rest to CERI, Pilani. It is complete eyewash.
x) What was the DEAL’s gain the all scientists who helps in procurement got outstanding reports and got promotions the main example Dr.KD Nayak presently holding post of CC R&D and Mr. Sushil Kumar Verma presently Sc ‘F’ and recently posted to DRDO Hqrs with Dr KD Nayak, so they can against create a new gimmick.
After Pokhran Blast all pending orders of M/S Wave Components & Systems, 1409 W, Woodcrest, Fullerton CA 92833, USA were converted in RE and diverted to garment and rice exporter firms belongs to Dr.Bains landlord Lt Col Deepak Badhwar.
- M/S Wave Components System Associates (India) Ph – / fax -26225293
M-39 (LGF), Chitranjan Park
New Delhi – 110019
- M/S Celestia Impex Pvt. Ltd Ph/fax- 26225293 As MTNL record this phone
557, Tower-III Kailash Apatment belongs to Lt.Col Bhatia Kewal
New Delhi- 110065 Kumar
Lt.Col Deepak Badhwar, Resident of 37/7, Vijay Colony, Dehradun owns both the above firms. He is a regular visitor to US, and good friend of Dr. A.S.Bains, Director, DEAL, DRDO, Dehradun ( As IB report revealed the facts) and also related with Mr. Moti Kapur of 4804- Astreria, Torrance, CA – 90503, this address they used for another firm M/s S.K. Components for quotations game.
Just to compete the coram for quotation formalities they included two more firms name which do not exist in US.( I have collected sufficient evidences in respect which can be produce to government investigation agencies)
- M/s SK Components Contact Person – Sivam Kapur
4804,W Asteria Street Ph – 310-370-3856
TORRANCE, California –90503
Residence of Moti Kapur /Indra Kapur as per municipal records of Torrance relative of Lt.Col Deepak Badhwar
- M/s Ruby Electronics Ph – 618-322-0873
145 – Woodland Dr
Salem, IL – 62881
Residence of Dr. Gautam Jha, MD and well known medical practitioner at Salem, US and have no connection with any electronics business activity.
Dr. AS Bains also violated the govt. rules by asking quotation from US based firms during US sanctions for just route the money of poor tax payers of India. Anyone can imagine the quotations are coming from US and TPC reflecting in the minutes these companies are well known firms in their field based on the DEAL’s procurement records.
Sir, have any finance rep ever asked about the credential of any firms or verify with any other lab or source, I can understand the pressure on other TPC members because they are from DRDO and always worried for their carriers.
Under the forging details there is no room to allow the culprits to go escort free. Any one asks details from various investigation agencies who have worked in this respect and are perplexed. Please contact Major Chetri, then in-charge, MI, Dehradun, Mr. Bist, then SP, CBI, Dehradun, IB, Dehradun, Director, CAG, Dehradun.
This is a tip of iceberg if you people allow me to work with financial agencies for uprooting the corruption in DRDO, I can produce tons of information and info related to their modus of operandi.
9. Reasons/grounds for this appeal / complaint:
i) It is clear cut case of corruption and national security interest.
ii) A holistic approach of expose the weak recruitment process of DRDO
10. Any other information in support of appeal/complaint:
Appointments by DOPT in RAW be Made Public: CIC, The appointments above ranks of Joint Secretary in country’s external intelligence agency RAW made by the Personnel Department should be made public, the Central Information Commission ruled.
11. Prayer/relief sought for:
i) It is requested that please provide me correct information as per request of my RTI dated 18th May 2010 in larger public interest, because it is directly related to national security.
12. Grounds for prayer/relief sought for: – sake of national security interest and stop the corrupt practices prevailing in DRDO.
13. Personal Presence at hearing: YES / NO –Yes
14. Declaration:
I hereby state that the information and particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I also declare that this matter is not previously filed with this commission
nor is pending with any Court or tribunal or authority.
Place: Dehradun
Date: 16th Nov 2010
Signature of appellant/complainant
of Mr._________________ dated ________with CIC
1. Particulars Page Sr. No. from/ to
2. Original second appeal
3. Chronology chart of RTI application
4. Copy of RTI application dtd 18th may 2010 with its enclosures.
5. Copy of proof of mailing RTI application
6. DD/IPO/PS/Cash receipt for filing fees and other charges. Rs 10 Postal order 60E034440
7. Copy of first appeal dtd. 20th July 2010 with its enclosures
8. Copy of proof of mailing first appeal
9. Postal A.D. card/Acknowledgement letter, received from CPIO & FAA
10. Copy of decision of CPIO dated 18th June 2010
11. Copy of decision of FAA dated 16th August 2010
12. Proof of mailing complaint/second appeal to CPIO and FAA
13. Other documents in support of second appeal
i) My RTI request dated 18th May 2010
ii) IB report
iii) News paper Clips
Place: Dehradun Date:16th November 2010 Signature of appellant/complainant
1. Action Date: 18th May 2010
2. Application mailed to ACPIO/CPIO on 18th May 2010
3. Application received by ACPIO/CPIO on
4. Date of receipt of letter for paying charges
5. Date of remitting charges to CPIO
6. Date of decision of CPIO 18th June 2010
7. Date of receipt of decision of CPIO by appellant/complainant
8. First appeal mailed to FAA on 20th July 2010
9. Date of receipt of appeal by FAA
10. Date/s of personal hearing by FAA – No hearing by FAA
11. Date of decision of FAA 16th August 2010
12. Date of receipt of decision of FAA by appellant/complainant 19th August 2010
13. Date of Second Appeal/complaint 16th Nov 2010
14. Date of mailing copy of second appeal/ complaint to CPIO & FAA16th Nov 2010
15. Date of mailing Second Appeal to CIC –16th Nov 2010
Place: Dehardun Date:-16th Nov 2010
Signature of appellant/complainant
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