Kindly provide the following information u/s 6(1) of RTI Act 2005.
Applicant submitted following complaints to CVC for Corruption charges against Dr. Arvind Kumar Saxena, Director, DMSRDE, Kanpur and other Scientists of DMSRDE, Kanpur. And I have received only one registration no 1323/2014/vigilance 9. Details of complaints to CVC are given below.
Following information may kindly be provided for above mentioned complaints
- Status of above mentioned complaints at CVC.
- Whether complaints have been registered at CVC.(Yes/No)
- If answer to point (2) is yes then provide the Complaint Number issued from CVC to each complaint sent to CVC as mentioned above.
- Action taken by CVC on each complaint mentioned
Prabhu Dandriyal,21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun – 248001 Uttarakhand Phone 0135- 2787750, Mobile- 9411114879,
e-mail id website
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