Kindly provide me with the following information under purview of RTI Act 2005. DRDO is having Centre for Acquisition for Research Services (CARS) for partnership with Academic Institution in R&D projects/ programmes/basic research activities. Funding of academic institution for research whose expected outcome was judged to be of use in extent DRDO R& D projects/programmes. Instrumentality was the sponsored research proposal instigated by a DRDO laboratory or vetted by it for direct relevance of research outcome(s).
Director, DMSRDE granted several projects/programmes under CARs of DRDO to various academic institution/University/IITs/private industries etc.
Kindly provide following information
- Name & Designation of Sanctioning Authority for CARS Project in DMSRDE, Kanpur.
- Copy of delegation of financial powers of Director, DMSRDE for sanctioning CARS project.
- Provide details of the CARS projects given by DMSRDE, Kanpur to other research organizations/academic institutions etc for FY 2011-2012 & 2012-2013 in the following format:
SN/ Financial year/CARS Project Title & PDC/Institution getting CARS project/ Sanctioned amount & PDC/ Name & Rank of Investigator
- Number of CARS projects that have been completed up to DMSRDE satisfaction till 28th Feb 2014.
- The details of the equipment purchased by the research service provider and the status of their submitting back to DMSRDE, Kanpur.
- Details of CARS projects given to Dr. Arvind Dixit, VSSD College, Kanpur with details of sanction amount & PDC and names of project team.
- Copy of Contract & Terms & Conditions of CARS projects sanctioned by Director, DMSRDE to Dr. Arvind Dixit, VSSD College, Kanpur.
- Details of items (Chemicals, Glassware, Instruments etc) transferred to Dr. Arvind Dixit, VSSD College, Kanpur from Rubber & Adhesive Division by Dr. D.N. Tripathi, Scientist F and Mr. A.S. Parihar, Scientist D under CARS project sanctioned to Dr. Arvind Dixit ,VSSD College, Kanpur with cost, quantity and date of transfer of items.
- Total cost of items that were transferred /handed over by Mr. A.S. Parihar, Scientist ‘D’, DMSRDE to Dr. Arvind Dixit, VSSD, College, Kanpur under CARS project sanctioned to VSSD College, Kanpur.
- Whether the cost of items handed over by DMSRDE, Kanpur to Dr. Arvind Dixit , VSSD College Kanpur under CARS project was included in sanctioned cost of CARS project. (Yes/No)
The information sought pertains to misuse of official capacity of Dr. Arvind Kumar Saxena, Director, DMSRDE and falls under the ambit of corruption, therefore not exempted u/s (24) of RTI Act 2005.
Regards Prabhu Dandriyal21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun-248008 Phone 0135- 2787750, Mobile- 9411114879,
e-mail id prabhudoon@gmail.com website www.corruptionindrdo.com
Registration Number – MODEF/R/2014/60556
large number of project in drdo was fake , there was count in corruption project as Dr. Arvind Kumar Saxena, Director, DMSRDE
Under cars may projects are gift Item to CHAPLOOS and well wishers more plz ask about IDST appointments total misuse and money earning system in DRDO, all IDST are sitting Idle in lab and misusing PUBLIC MONEY.