Kindly provide me with the following information under purview of RTI Act 2005 in respect of Mr. Ajay Kishore Sharan, STA-B, DMSRDE, Kanpur.
Recruitment & Promotions in DRDO for DRTC are governed by DRDO Technical Cadre Recruitment Rules, 2000 notified vide number SRO 296 dated 05 December 2000 as amended framed by Ministry of Defence, Government of India. There is provision of recruitment of STA-B through LDCE under Rule 5(5) of DRDO Technical Cadre Recruitment Rules, 2000.
DMSRDE, Kanpur is an establishment under Materials Cluster of DRDO. LDCE 2012 for DRTC was conducted by DMSRDE for recruitment of STA -B and Mr. Ajay Kishore Sharan, STA -B (presently posted in Applied Chemistry Division, DMSRDE) was recruited on post of STA -B through LDCE 2012.
- Essential Qualification Requirement (EQR) pertaining to the post of STA -B for recruitment under LDCE 2012 at DMSRDE, Kanpur.
- Certified Copy of application submitted by Mr. Ajay Kishore Sharan for LDCE -2012
- Certified Copy of board proceeding of LDCE- 2012, DMSRDE, Kanpur including file noting for constitution of Selection Board for LDCE 2012 for DRTC by Director, DMSRDE.
- The composition of Selection Board for LDCE 2012 at DMSRDE for recruitment of STA ‘B’ under Rule 5(6) & Schedule IV of DRDO Technical Cadre Recruitment Rules, 2000 with name & rank of Chairperson & Members of Selection Board.
- Copy of recommendations of Selection Board after LDCE 2012 for recruitment of Mr. Ajay Kishore Sharan on the post of STA ‘B’ duly approved by Director, DMSRDE.
- Copy of appointment letter issued by Director, DMSRDE for recruitment of Mr. Ajay Kishore Sharan on post of STA ‘B’ after recruitment in LDCE 2012.
- Copy of the mark sheets & degree issued by the concerned Institution/University from which Mr. Ajay Kishore Sharan, STA ‘B’ achieved B.Sc. degree on the basis of which he was recruited on post of STA ‘B’ in LDCE 2012.
- Whether qualifying degree of Mr. Ajay Kishore Sharan, STA -Bfor appearing in LDCE 2012 was UGC recognized. (Yes/No)
- Whether any letter was sent to UGC regarding recognition of B.Sc. Psychology degree issued by Annamalai University under distance education. (Yes/No)
- If answer to point (9) is yes then provide copy of the letter sent to UGC, New Delhi from DMSRDE, Kanpur.
- Whether any confirmation achieved till date from UGC regarding recognition of B.Sc. Psychology degree issued by Annamalai University under distance education. (Yes/No)
- Provide details of all candidates appeared in LDCE 2012 for the recruitment on post of STA -B in DMSRDE, Kanpur in following format.
- Any approval was taken from DRDO Hqrs for post of STA – B (B.Sc. Psychology) (Yes/No)
Note – It is alleged that Mr. Ajay Kishore Sharan, -B was recruited on post of STA ‘B’ through LDCE 2012 at DMSRDE, Kanpur on the basis of un recognized degree from UGC and his qualifying degree of B. Sc. Psychology is not covered under Rule 5(5) and Schedule II of DRDO Technical Cadre Recruitment Rules, 2000.
The recruitment of Mr. Ajay Kishore Sharan is provisional on post of STA ‘B’. Therefore the recruitment of Mr. Ajay Kishore Sharan, STA -B was made with gross violation of DRDO Technical Cadre Recruitment Rules, 2000 and Corruption by Dr. Arvind Kumar Saxena, Director, DMSRDE, Kanpur.
The information sought pertains to misuse of power in official capacity of Dr. Arvind Kumar Saxena, Director, DMSRDE and falls under the ambit of corruption, therefore not exempted u/s (24) of RTI Act 2005.
Prabhu Dandriyal,21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Phone 0135- 2787750, Mobile- 9411114879,
e-mail id prabhudoon@gmail.com website www.corruptionindrdo.com
Registration Number – MODEF/R/2014/60437
Dinesh singh says
plz update the reply received and the current status of this RTI.
thanks and regards.
Dinesh Singh
chaitu says
what happen after RTI, plz update the reply by RTI – same case is happened in GTRE, Bangalore – i am also fighting about this cause.
admin says
Schedule – II of sanction 24 DRDO is exempted organisation and free for doing all corruption, nepotism not having dum to give RTI replies even giving all authentic corruption evidences.
Ananymous says
Also our great aeronautical punter Dr. K Tamilmani tried to give similar posting to a lady (???? haa haa) admn assistant. But, he could not succeed due stiff resistance of Admn Officer. But, now Admn Officer is made suffer plenty of humiliation. Please compare, an eagle may be flying very high, but his eyes are always down to gutter. This great gentleman deserves to be dumped to gutter at the earliest, otherwise he will dump DRDO.
Anonymous says
Dear All
Even in LDCE-2014 for Appointment of Scientist B is just a flock.
The results are not declared as similar to UPSC Civil services exams
How a person can evaluate himself that where he/she lacks and needs further improvement.
Everything is top secret.
50% written and 50% weightage for interveiw. we can understand the gimmick in making the rules to keep manipulating results as per their wish and interest.
My Lord!
Please do something to overhaul this could be auspicious organisation.
Abhishek kumar says
Please Update about this
Prabhu says
No information provide by CVO, MoD