Subject: Application under Right to Information Act 2005
Please provide information in respect of my applications dated 2nd August 2013 address to you, Subject- Fooling the RTI applicant by DRDO with help of DoPT.
1. Date of receiving of my application
2. Certified copy of noting on my application
3. Copy of letters if any forwarded to concern officials
4. Copy of replies received by you from concern officials
5. Present status of my application
- Regards,
To 2nd August 2013Shri R K GIRDHAR Under Secretary RTI Section, Room No 215 A /II
North Block, New Delhi
Subject: Fooling the RTI applicant by DRDO with help of DoPT
I have send a RTI request CPIO,Under Secretary (Estt.A-IV) R.No.202, North Block, D/o.Personnel & Training, North Block, New Delhi on 23rd July 2013. (Copy enclosed for your ready reference.)
I have received a letter from Sh B Bandyopadhyay, Under Secretary, & CPIO, vide letter No 28034/265/2013-Estt.(A) dated 29th July 2013 stated that my application forwarded to CPIO,DRDO Hqrs for providing information directly to me. Copy enclosed)
Subsequently vide letter no RTI/01/2091/P/2013/0210 DRDO Hqrs CPIO, Dr.A.K.Tyagi, Sc’F’ refused to disclose this information u/s 24 (1) of the RTI Act.
In view of above I would like to inform you some facts for your kind perusal.
In 11th July 2011 I had requested similar RTI request to DoPT and received proper information from Sh Mohd. Moniruazzaman, CPIO vide letter F.No 29/41/2011/EO(SM-II) date 2nd August 2011. ( Copy enclosed)
2. The DRDO Hqrs CPIO, Dr.A.K.Tyagi, Sc’F’ is facing CVC probe vide CVC No.569/11/9. Dr.A.K.Tyagi, Sc’F’ major concern to protect corrupt officials by not providing information to RTI applicants who want expose DRDO officials corrupt practices in procurement/ recruitments/ promotions / extensions etc. The current status of Dr.A.K.Tyagi, Sc’F’ case is the case file No 203/D/(Vig.II)/2011 was referred to CVC on 17th July 2013 from CVO, Ministry of Defence for further action.
3. In my RTI request is directly related to corruption in Sh R C Agarwal’s extension case, the guidelines FR 56 d was not followed properly. Sh R C Agarwal have no international or national reputation credits, his second extension backed by DRDO for Software Defined Radio Project (100 Cores), without any output PDC Date 27th July 2013, there is no further extension received by DEAL, DRDO till date. As per sources 18 members team of Project Management Review Committee found that project is not feasibly fit for further extension on 14th August 2013 but the DRDO will manage to get extension for another 12 months for wasting rest Rs 40 corers precious poor tax payers’ money.
4. It is requested to do needful action to replace Dr A K Tyagi from the duty of CPIO as he is facing CVC enquiry against him.
It is requested to kindly directed Sh B Bandyopadhyay, Under Secretary, & CPIO to provide the requested information as earlier followed by DoPT.
Prabhu Dayal Dandriyal 21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun-248008 Phone – 2787750, Mobile- 9411114879, e-mail id , www.corruptionindrdo.comEnclosed
- Copy of RTI request sent to CPIO,Under Secretary (Estt.A-IV) R.No.202, North Block, D/o.Personnel & Training, North Block, New Delhi on 23rd July 2013.
- Copy of letter of Sh B Banddyopadhyay, Under Secretary, & CPIO, vide letter No 28034/265/2013-Estt.(A) dated 29th July 2013.
- Copy of denial letter no RTI/01/2091/P/2013/0210 dated 16th August 2013 from DRDO Hqrs CPIO, Dr.A.K.Tyagi, Sc’F’
- Copy of Sh Mohd. Moniruazzaman, CPIO vide letter F.No 29/41/2011/EO(SM-II) date 2nd August 2011
Copy to
- Prime Minister of India, PMO, South Block, New Delhi
- 2. Defence Minister of India, Room No 104, South Block, New Delhi.
Dr. Syamal Kumar Sarkar, Secretary, MOP, Room No-112, North Block, New Delhi
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