Kindly provide me with the following information requested under the purview of the Right to Information Act, 2005. In DRDO website under organization chart following corporate directorates are mentioned –
- RTI Cell
- DV&S
- DoRB &O&M
- D Parl Affairs
- DTC Sectt
- Please provide copies of the documents which describe the duties and functions performed by these directorates.
- Please provide a copy of the document which indicates the structure of these of these directorates, i.e. the number of posts, level of the post, pay scale, grade pay, total manpower and their duties. If the information is not available at single place, please provide the copies of as many minimum no. of documents which may reveal this information clearly.
- What are the qualifications, educational as well as experience, required for the all the posts in these directorates.
- Are these posts are sanctioned by Govt of india? Please provide copies of such sanction. If some authority subordinate to Govt of India has authorised/sanctioned these posts, please provide copies of order creating/authorising these posts.
- Please provide copies of the SROs of the posts of Directors of these directorates.
- Please provide the copy of the document which can indicate the decision making process regarding the functions of these directorates.
- Are CVC guidelines of maximum no. of service in particular post is applicable to the posts of these directorates. If, yes please provide copies of the documents (a minimal set) which can indicate that no default has been made on this ground.
- What is the level of automation of these directorates Is there any document which can indicate the level of automation in these directorates If so, please provide a copy of the same.
- Total burden to the exchequer on running these directorates
- Have any studies been made to find out that these directorates are really in worth. If so, please provide a copy of the same.
- Have any studies been made by DRDO for downsizing these directorates. If so, please provide a copy of the same.
- Is there was ever any bar on recruitment of administrative cadre officers in DRDO? If so, please provide a copy of the same.
- Who is the Head of Office of a DRDO lab as per rule 14 of Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1978 Please provide a copy of the order in this regard.
21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Phone 0135- 2787750, Mobile- 9411114879,
e-mail id prabhudoon@gmail.com website www.corruptionindrdo.com
Registration Number MODEF/R/2014/60343
PDIP says
R/Sir,Prabhu Dandriyal, 21-Sunderwala, Raipur your RTI was very nice but all this drdo agency was working for corruption and they are spend the poor taxpayer money through DRDO & SA to RM every body want setting on top post in drdo so that SA to RM make this corrupt department they are manage corruption through this pet director as below. DRDO was misuse of PM’s power.
RTI Cell
D Parl Affairs
DTC Sectt
Asif Sheikh says
These departments have been created for making a heaven for the ‘poor’ scientists. By ‘poor’ I mean the scientist who are incapable of doing any research work, but somehow they managed to be in good books of higher officials. Doing no scientific work but enjoying all facilities earmarked for hardworking scientists and even getting promotions even faster to their hardworking brothers.
DRDO top officials think that the citizen of this country are fool they will never notice these thing.
PDIP says
Work against corrupt and corruption making scientist in your lab we can register case in CVC.
jai ho says
WELL SAID. Strongly agree with your point of view.
jai ho says
Absolutely true