Kindly provide me with the following information requested under the purview of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005 in respect of sanction a project of Rs 288.oo Lakhs to Prof V R Reddy, CR Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science,(AIMSCS) Hyderabad (a Society) for Project titled NIMO Radar- Spatial Diversity, Spatial Resolution and Transmitter Waveform in Target Detection, Resolution and Identification. The projection sanction by Dr V K Saraswat, Ex-DG, DRDO
- Total money released to AIMSCS Society, Hyderabad by DRDO
- Present status of project it is delivered (Yes or No)
- If not than DRDO has initiated to recover funds from AIMSCS Society, Hyderabad (Yes or No)
- Copy of financial expenditure details submitted by AIMSCS Society, Hyderabad
Note : Matter is directly related to corruption and not exempted under Section 24 (1), as Dr V K Saraswat, Ex-DG, DRDO happened to be the president of AIMSCS Society governing body. Hence, without prejudice to the correctness of the decision relating to this Grant-in-Aid, it was against the canons of financial propriety for SA to RM to have sanctioned grants to a society headed by him. Release of advance payment to the society even for salary in respect of non-existent manpower blocks government funds and provides an opportunity to private society to earn interest income. DRDO was hired a consultant and the consultant is also planning to hire consultant. CGDA special audit also raised serious objection on this matter.
Regards Prabhu Dandriyal,21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun -248008 phone 0135 -2787750 Mobile 0911114879 e-mail id – prabhudoon@gmail.com website -www.corruptionindrdo.com Registration Number MODEF/R/2014/60997
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