To Date – 9th April 2015 Shri Syed Ekram Rizwi, Director & Central Public Information Officer, Prime Minister’s Office, South Block, New Delhi – 110011
Kindly provide me with the following information requested under the purview of the Right to Information Act, 2005 in respect of DRDO. It is observed that DRDO RTI cell is not providing any information in spite of providing corruption evidences.
Dr Tamilmani, DG(Aero), DRDO was used Rustom II project vehicle Toyota Innova bearing No # 14B 113597Y. The vehicle was procured for Project Rustom in the name of Remote Video Terminal Vehicle. Vide letter No DRDO/02/333/P/2/Vol-II-394/D/R&D date 23/02/2011.
After complaint to Hon Prime Minister on dated 26th February 2015, the vehicle returned to project premises ADE, Bangalore.
GTRE, Bangalore purchased two Toyota Innova vehicle against project one vehicle is using by Director, GTRE, Dr.CP Ramanarayanan, surprisingly the another Toyota Innova vehicle bearing no ↑15B 115897Y was provided on 11th March 2015 by GTRE, Bangalore to Dr Tamilmani, DG (Aero) against his demand dated 10th March 2015
- Provide the sanction letter of DHRD with financial concurrence of Ministry of Finance for purchasing two Toyota Innova vehicles by GTRE, Bangalore.
- As per DRDO transport policy the project vehicles should use dedicatedly for project work, provide the DRDO hqrs approval for transfer the vehicle to Dr Tamilmani.
- If Director, GTRE not obtained the permission for transferring the vehicle then provide the DRDO provisions for mishandling the project property without prior approval.
- Copy of letter of DG (Aero)/Sectt/TSO/1/018 dated 10 March 2015 addressed to Director, GTRE for transfer the vehicle.
Note: The matter is related with corruption allegation that misuse of government funds and mislead to government. The return of vehicle itself proves that DRDO officials are openly wasted the public funds for their enjoyment.
Enclosed: Photograph of Rustom II project vehicle Toyota Innova bearing No ↑ 14B 113597Y with Brass Plate DG(Aero)
Prabhu Dandriyal,
21-Sunderwala, Raipur,Dehradun -248008 Phone 0135- 2787750, Mobile- 9411114879, e-mail id website
इसी प्रकार से डीआरडीओ के पुणे स्थित संस्थान एच इ एम आर एल के निदेशक श्री विकास भट्टाचार्य द्वारा भी इसी प्रकार से एक इन्नोवा मोबाइल इन्ट्रूमेंट कैरियर नाम से खरीद कर अपने इस्तेमाल में ली जा रही है। टेंडर, फर्म्स, गाड़ी का लाल बत्ती लगा चित्र, सप्लाई आर्डर संख्या आदि संलग्न है। Now this vehicle deposit in MT section & Mr.E.S.Gujar was take care for next Director.
Strict action should be taken against CP Ramnarayana Director GTRE for this financial and procedure lapses. Vigilance action should be taken against Tamilmani.
OK, then I will take new vehicle from CEMILAC or CABS. Who are you to question me?