Kindly provide me with the following information requested under the purview of the Right to Information Act, 2005 in respect of my representation dated 16th April 2014 address to honorable Dr Man Mohan Singh, Prime Minister. The subject of letter was Unconstitutional act of DoPT officials who are managing the Online RTI Portal and supporting corrupt officers of DRDO.
1. Please provide the date of receipt of my representation dated 16th April 2014 address to honorable Dr Man Mohan Singh, Prime Minister.
2. Please provide the copy of noting/ remarks of PMO on my representation dated 16th April 2014 address to honorable Dr Man Mohan Singh, Prime Minister.
3. Please provide the present status of my representation dated 16th April 2014 address to honorable Dr Man Mohan Singh, Prime Minister.
Regards Prabhu Dandriyal,21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun -248008 Phone 0135- 2787750, Mobile- 9411114879,
e-mail id prabhudoon@gmail.com website www.corruptionindrdo.com
Enclosed – My representation dated 16th April 2014 address to honorable Dr Man Mohan Singh, Prime Minister
Registration Number PMOIN/R/2014/60413
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