Room No 225 – E, North Block
New Delhi
Kindly provide me with the following information requested under the purview of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005 in respect of Technical Officer –D
Under the limited flexible complementing scheme for promotions provided in schedule III of Defence Research Technical Cadre Rules notified vide SRO 296 dated 5th Dec 2000. Further vide amended SRO 33 dated 29 March 2008, post of Technical Officer –D was inserted in the scale of 12000-375-16500 Group A Gazzetted Non Ministerial currently Pay scale 15600-39100 pay band -3 grade pay 7600.
- Please provide certified copy of financial concurrence taken by Defence Research Development Organization for creation the post of Technical Officer –D
- Kindly provide the file no of DRDO proposal for the post of Technical Officer –D
- SRO 33 Notification
Registration Number DOEXP/R/2014/60234
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