To 20th December 2013 Honorable Defence Minister Room No – 104, South Block New Delhi-110011
Honorable defence Minister of India on 29th October 2013 ordered CBI inquiry against the corrupt top DRDO officials.
“Also ordered and recommended replacement of Recruitment & Assessment Centre ( RAC) by suitable agency like UPSC”
I congratulate all the honest and innocent workforce of DRDO, who did noticed the misadventures of DRDO Hqrs & Directors of lab and informed the Honorable Defence Minister/ Honorable President of India through registered complaints. These corrupt officials used to write their own constitutions such that they can misinterpret the government laid down rules and misappropriate the government funds for their own benefits, under the shadow of secrecy and OSA 1923, and they swallowed their ugly acts.
God gave me courage to fight against the corrupt officials of DRDO. I have begun this journey just after “KARGIL WAR”. DRDO did consumed thousand & thousand crores, did not delivered any significant product which can utilize in “KARGIL WAR” and then General Malik uttered “casualties in the conflict could have been reduced had the Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) “not come in the way”
“It has taken fifteen years to convince the government of India about involvement of DRDO officials/ Directors in neck deep corruption.”
On 28th October 2013 Defence Secretary Sh R K Mathur put up note to Defence Minister with proof of involvement in recruitment of scientists unfairly with manipulation and hiding facts while investigation, trying to close three times the investigation with wrong feedbacks by following top DRDO officials.
Four Recruitment Cases of Mrs T Chandrabanu, Scientist ‘F’, Mrs S Geetha, Scientist ‘C’, Ms Swati Srivastva, Scientist ‘C’ Ms Dolly Bansal, Scientist ‘C’
- Civilian Padma Awardee 2003, Former Scientific Advisor to Defence Minister, DG-DRDO 2004-2008
- Civilian Padma Awardee 1998 & 2013, Former Scientific Advisor to Defence Minister, DG-DRDO 2008-May 2013, Chairman of The Aeronautical Society of India Hyderabad Branch, President, C.R.Rao Advanced Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science (AIMSCS)
- Former Distinguished Scientist & Chief Controller – R&D (LS & IC),DRDO , President – Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation, DRDO Technology Leadership Awardee (2010), Scientists of the year Awardee 1989, President – Federation of Indian Physiological Societies Father of Ms S Geetha
- The then Distinguished Scientist, CC R&D (NS M & HR)
- Ex- Director of Personal, Scientist ’H’, Outstanding Scientist, Suspended just two hours before retirement from service. Scientists of the year Awardee 2007, Father of Ms Swati Srivastav
- Ex-Director, DTRL, DRDO retired in May 2013, Best Techno Managerial Services/Popular Science Communication Award 2011
- Ex- Additional Director, RAC, DRDO, Father of Ms Dolly Bansal
- Ex- Director of Personal, Scientist ‘G’ Scientist of the Year Award – 2003, Ex-Director, Dte of Life Sciences, DRDO HQrs (2002) DRDO, the recipient of Vijnana Rathna jointly awarded by National Centre for Science & Technology Communication, New Delhi and Science Centre, Gwalior in 1991
- Ex-Director, DIPAS, DRDO (appointed Director(DIPAS), Delhi, wef 26 April 2002) winner of HH Loescheke Research Prize in Techniques/ Instrumentation- 2002, Maj Gen SL Bhatia Oration Awardee 2006,HH Loescheke Research Prize in Techniques/ Instrumentation- 2002
- the then Director, RAC, DRDO 2004, Ex Director, PEACE , 10 May 2001-15 July 2003, was awardee the DRDO Technology Award-1995
A very strong recommendation from Honorable Defence Minister highlights the incompetence of existing Recruitment & Assessment Centre ( RAC). Honorable Defence Minister recommended the replacement of RAc by suitable recruitment agency like UPSC from financial year 2014-15.
CBI inquiry is big blow for DRDO having lakhs crores infrastructure, having more than 30000 strong scientific / technical work forces, having 52 labs across the country.
Some of the above top ex DRDO officials’ calls on to Honorable Defence Minister to convince their innocence during last to last week and expressed that CBI inquiry may stop further research work in DRDO. Honorable Defence Minister very well knew that in the last 30-40 years of their scientific carrier what are their ground contribution because DRDO measurably failed to deliver any significant product in our last “KARGIL WAR”. They forgot that before them or after them whatever DRDO achieved or achieving that is because of honest people work force not by their corrupt / nepotism /incompetent group.
DRDO directors demonstrated their incompetency several times but they manage major share in defence budget every year. They do not deserve single penny until unless they are able to develop an import substitute.
With fake degree’s the manpower were selected as charge-man/ technical assistant and become scientist’H’ outstanding scientist, distinguished scientists by purchasing degree from private institutions, deemed universities and also manipulating by DIAT itself, crores of crores rupees were distributed by DRDO every years in the name of scientific development but now by CGDA audit also revealed that this money is routing through private institutes and deemed universities. It also confirmed facts that if any one check DRDO’s M Tech/PhD’s/ honorable degrees then will found that the money connection and degrees allotments like reveri’s by private universities and deemed universities etc. And unfortunately this mechanism also starts following in government intuitions in the name of resource development.
The incompetence of DRDO directors have been observed and felt by services Hqrs. Since inception of DRDO till 1990, DRDO used to work very closely on General staff requirement and Generals were closely monitoring day to day developments of DRDO. But when DRDO started “working on major programs” without prior knowledge of basic science &technology gave assured commitment for product development which never saw the light of the day.
The time has come for sincere and honest efforts by scientific community for an end result/ product development.
Honorable Defence Minister is requested to thoroughly investigate the DRDO procurement policy which has made the scientist a mere suppliers. Every director of 52 Labs has fake companies or associations with suppliers. Investigation will reveal that incompetent suppliers who are in touch with DRDO director beside his knowledge base, if he is rice exporter/ simple computer peripheral sellers /simple traders, he can sell any high-tech missile parts/ high tech laser components / high end software’s or anything which required by DRDO scientists in national interest or strategic applications. Dilemma these high tech information is shared by these incompetent suppliers with their families in kitchen and dining table. This is only for money matter nothing else no national interest, no values, no moral. In last 10 years honorable defence minister and national security adviser also received n numbers of anonymous letter but having truth and IB also gave confirmation reports.
Sir, how can you imagine wonders from this mind set the lab directors of DRDO ? Absolute power, Absolute corruption.
Government of India, Ministry of Defence should reconsider the appointment of Scientific Adviser to RM as it was done through search committee before 1984. A person with a moral values /strong scientific knowledge base known across the globe/ technical leadership/ technology contributions like Dr. Daulat Singh Kothari, Prof. Suri Bhagavantham, Dr. Basanti Dulal Nagchaudhur I, Dr. Raja Rammana, etc.
The selection of Scientific Adviser in house the incompetent manpower has damaged the scientific temperament. The current environment / work culture there are no special or outside observation encouragement for innovation, creativity, scientific achievements, etc, only incompetent/ yes man/ are encouraged. Today in DRDO no transparency in recruitments / promotions /procurements is observed, every lab facing nepotism/ yes man culture.
Sir, I want to congratulate you for taking such strong decision and giving signal to all corrupt official of DRDO, in spite of big lobbyist ex – DG, SA to RM who have good connection in PMO.
The decision is timely, well awaited Lokpal has passed honorably from both the houses and Lokpal recommends appropriate punishment for corrupt officials, “They will get their due”
Jai Hind
Dear Prabhu ji,
Mr. Tyagi,CPIO -DRDO Hq told to me during a telecommunication that Mr. Chauhan you not know that we are DRDO Top officers and nobody can do any thing against us. Now, what Mr. Tyagi think about yourself.
Secondly, when I inspected the RAC, DRDO Scientists recruitment files as per the CIC direction , I find out clear cut corruption during the recruitment in the related files. During my inspection Chief controller of Defence Mr. Silwamurty was busy to hide the corruption related papers from the recruitment files.
Thirdly, Mr. Arun Kumar, Director at DRDO Hq was busy to provide the shelter to the Corrupt Scientists in DRDO.
Forthly, Mr. Saraswat, Scientific Adviser and Secretary,DRDO neglected the Corruption related complaints and mails because they were already busy with the corrupt officers group/lobby.
However, I have a lot of the corruption related memories and my action against that but not possible to disclose here for National interest reasons.
Now, I warn to the corrupt officers from any ministry / Deptt. that God is Great and they are only public servant. So work with honesty and accountability.
Dr. Rajiv Chauhan,Advocate.
1053/3; ShastriNagar, Meerut.
Dear Dr. Rajiv Chauhan,Advocate. very good we are against corruption Jai Hind
Dear sir, i does hail to the honorable of the RAC, i keeping a subject,which are on the level research.i done a invent of the mathe sectioned,is name-ratiomultiplicate,which done unit namely of ramu.The multiplication marks on uplevelic of the subtraction marks.To prove of ramu-first marks ramu second marks-as its give forme of subtractions,In after,its give forme of multiplication and to the multiplicate.Then,known willbe the ramu-values.e.g.-3 -:-2=3 -2=1, so,that as 1 multiplicate 2=2,so,ramu=2 it’s answer.1st rule-from 1st marks in 2nd marks of subtraction,2nd rule-frome the answer marks in 2nd marks ofthe multiplicate and 3rd rule-so,it’s answer.Although,i gone ceptam-6 exame inthe drdo,but,comen’t of resulte.and my post code-5O1 and refference please show to resulte.jai hind.