I must tell you that I did nothing big in exposing corruption in NTRO , merely used my right as the citizen of India and sought judicial intervention after Govt failed to act. I know that all out attempts are still being made to delay the action against the big wigs in NTRO ( quite a few middle level and junior level officials have been dismissed or have resigned – in all about 90+ ; but the politically well connected are still being protected by delaying action) . Usual stuff and predictable action by Govt. My case and other cases prove the point that ‘how so ever big you may be , you are non-entity in front of the law’. Hence if you want some concrete action to be taken in DRDO case , seek judicial intervention; do not expect one looter/thug to act against another looter/thug. I have seen well known individuals shaking when it comes to questioning by courts .
Remember if I can do it, others can do it as well . So it is high time that all right thinking people join hands and work together to save DRDO .
Best wishes,
V K Mittal
605, Satpura Apartment
(m)- 9811333195
Anonymous says
KUDOS . May God Bless You With Energy And Courage To Fulfil This Divine Mission . But the roots of corruption in DRDO are very deep and it prevails at all levels. Some people have lost their ethics, morals and their conscience is DEAD. Such few black sheeps have given a very bad reputation to DRDO which otherwise could have been a premier organisation of our nation in true sense. My best wishes are with you.
admin says
Think effact of truth says
Dear PDD Ji,
Corrupt is friend of drdo , public money eater scientist lobby , corruption done free approval of SA to RM . GoI take action this top boss.