To, 26th July 2016
Shri Manohar Parrikar,
Defence Minister,
Room No -104 South Block,
New Delhi-110011
Subject: Siphoning of Govt. funds by DRDO Scientists through the Variable Increments Scheme.
Website received enclosed letter which give details the exploitation Variable Increments scheme by DRDO Scientists. It is true that more than 30% DRDO Scientists are engaged in sundry works and are enjoying Flexible Complementary scheme & Variable Increments scheme without doing any scientific bench work. In DRDO Hqr lot of Scientists sitting since last 10 to 15 years and getting promotion on outstanding APAR. As per sources MoD taken seriously this issue and ask DRDO to shift such scientists to different labs but these DRDO Hqrs scientists become more powerful than their top bosses, reason they very well know the weakness. As per one such DON scientist already declared that no one can sift these Hqrs scientists in mass level may one or two will be reshuffle here & there.
Prabhu Dandriyal,
21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun-248008
Phone 0135-2787750, Mobile 9411114879
Copy of letter from IRDE, DRDO, Dehradun received by website.
Shiv Verma says
There should be a ban in DRDO on keeping Scientists as staff officers…. Staff officers symbolises nepotism and promotes incompetency in the organization. Best example Dr AK Goyel of DRDE, this rasckel is now promoted to the rank of Sc-F, He has misused of being staff officers or covert chemcha since scientist-B from getting special vaccency for directly becoming D to getting super outstanding promotion to E and then to F on out standing promotion….. what all this bugger’s great character is bluffing and serving liquor to boss. This man now as Officer On Special Duty to Director he is just destroying Scientific atmosphere in the organization…. There are incompetent scoundrels like him in every lab of DRDO
sakthi says
every word and every sentence are pearl in crown, Fantstic . You have narrated very fine, especially the last sentence namely, “There are incompetent scoundrels like him in every lab of DRDO”.
wellwisher says
One more thing is to be added The promotion is given deferred (?) meaning is someone is not eligible for this year for promotion and he will enjoy his promotion on next year! How it is decided that he will eligible for next higher responsibility i.e. promotion to next year the meaning is he is failed to grab promotion this year.
second is someone is on study leave for MTech for two year and away from establishment/lab then how he can get promotion merely working for only one year. However the residency period is 03 years and he is not qualifying the basic requirement. This is big blunder. Many scientist( so called ) are getting promotion during study leave. Prabhu jee kindly look in the matter and put RTI that How many scientist gets promotion when they are on study leave for two year. and not working for the lab but learning for self.
Third- technical audit should be carried out for the promotion and third party will check that what presentation has been given for promotion by individual Scientist from B,C,D,E,F,G You will be surprised that same presentation with minor changes has been given for the all promotion. The research he has carried out should be calculated for the promotion not the years in particular post.
Pankaj Agarwal says
This pretains to corruption carried out by Sh Raja babu,Sc H along with Sh Sandep sharma and Ms Jaya Shanti.
SPIC is DRDO Lab handling very highly sensitive work and has been designeated as a very critical strategic location. Sh Raja babu along with PSUs are involved in money frauding the public/nation money for several years. This team jack up the prices by 400% or more depending upon their personal intersets. If properly investigated, this corruption is big as 2G scam. The brief is as follows :
Sh Raja babu along with team is supporting the company by M/s Infrotrack pvt ltd of Hyerabad. This company is doing the command and control software. This company has got only one private engineer named as K Srinivas working and sitting inside SPIC, it violates all secret regulations. In name of secreacy, SPIC gives projects to PSU only (Defence PSU) how this private company is allowed. It is to be noted, the software is very sensitive and describes the command and control of highly sensitive Strategic program. Revealing of this a threat to national intelligence. Srinivas came to SPIC in 2006 . Srinivas along with Sandeep sharma are manipulating this software for their benefits. In addition to this, Srinivas is involved in generating of secret key to be used for missile launch. For name sake, Sandeep and srinivas have put one dump scientist VS Chauhan at front end . The contract to M/s Infotrack is given on propritary basis. This mentioned project was completed long back. The value of M/s Infrostrack software is more than 4 cr and every year this profit is being shared between Raja babu and team.
Raja babu and team are handling the task of designing communication vechicle for prithvi. For designing the communicaiton vechicle, one needs the background . How they are handling this task, this needs to be investigated. More than 12 vechicles have been designed. They have got limitation. Hence they were honey traped by the suspicious vendors, who took the advantage of their limition and in turn, raja babu and team were offered the money. Designing of Communication vechicle consists of communication equipment and NBC shelter. Raja babu and team were honeytraped by all the companies. Regarding communcaion equipment (explained below), how vendors took the advantage of their limitation. Regarding the NBC shelter, they were honey traped by Dass Hitachi. In the most prithvi communication vechicle, they recommended the NBC shelter by Dass Hitachi. It is to be noted, this was a single tendor and PAC solution. No approval of single tendor has been taken. In addition to this, for NBC solution, DRDO has got special labs who does this job. Neither their help was sought in designing the solution nor help was sought in putting the order to M/s Dass Hitachi.
NBC shelter provided by Dass Hitachi are very very costly and the company has taken SPIC, DRDO for ride. The cost offered by Dass Hitachi is very huge and it has caused lots of money loss to DRDO, in turn govt of India. In the case of NBC shelter for Prithvi, the loss amounts to about Rs 60 Cr. The loss to Govt of india and profit for Dass Hitachi was shared by Raja babu and team.
These culprits did not stop here. Indirectly, with the help of some known and evident mentor (??), he played an active role in infulencing the scientists involved in designing to communication vechicles (Road, Rail) of Project Agni and other related projects to place an order for NBC shelter to Dass Hitachi. The Scientists who refuses to listen to them, either he is shown the door or he is so mentally tortured that he is totally isolated. If one has to survive, he has to listen to the order of Raja babu and team. By placing the order of NBC shelter for Project Agni, the estimated loss is about 75 cr. Again, the loss to Govt of india and profit for Dass Hitachi was shared by Raja babu and team along with their mentors. If one see the enormous amount in designing the NBC shelter, question arises, on what basis, the single vendor M/s Dass Hitachi was selected. What is the relation between Dass Hitachi and this team. It is well known fact in SPIC, when Mr king of corruption vasudeva left SPIC after retirement. Dass HItachi played an active role in honey traping, (in terms of money) the new Director then Dr Satish, to support their misdeeds. remove The actual loss incurred to Govt of india will be revealed when proper investigation is carried out.
In addition to the above, Raja babu has put his right hand highly corrupt Sh Sandeep Sharma for designing the communication solution for number of highly sensitive sites (PMO sites) and one project S 21. It is to be noted that Sh Sandeep Sharma is not qualifed enough and he does not have prerequisite degree (Computer Science or Electronics Enginnering) to handle the work. He is Post Graduate in Math. Due to limitation of knowledge, he has to depend upon the vendor. Hence the solution being designed are vedor specific and vendor takes the advantage of sandeep limitation. As SPIC does not give contract directly to private company (OEM or System Integrator) due to security reasons (Exception for M/s Infrotrack), hence Raja babu along with team do the money fraud through a public sector (PSU) using the following model.
Raja babu and team designe the communication solution (as manipulated by Vendors) creates the requirement of vendor specific items and takes quotation from these companies or their agents and then he ask vendor to increase the rates and quote to PSU (BEL, ECIL or other PSU depending upon sandeep setting). PSU adds another percentage as their personel commission (PSU employees involved with them) and adds the PSU profit and sells the product back to SPIC at 400% of actual cost of items. In short, we can say, if SPIC wants to purchase an item say x, which has got cost Rs a. Raja babu and team will take quotation from OEM of a. OEM will add the personal commission of Raja babu and gives a1. PSU adds their personal commission (Raja babu and team like employees) it is marked as a2 and then PSU profit and it is maked as a3 and sold back to SPIC. The cost of a3 is almost 4 times to a or more depending upon the setting. Sometimes, it happens, item a has been sold at different rates to SPIC by same PSU (??).
Manipulation by sandeep causing lots of money loss to Govt of India. It is to be noted that annualy SPIC does the procurement of more than Rs 2000 Cr. PSU does not sustain any open tendor business as they cannot earn commission in these deals and they get business at same time. One can imagine the loss. If one explore in detail the projects like S21 and other projects done , it emerges the following OEMs have been selected :
CISCO routers
Comtech Radyane DMD 10 or DMD 20 modems
Fibcom Optimux
CISCO switch
Matchbox Blockup Converter
DELL Datawall
Bosch Cameras
Global Network (For installation )
Pen Control (for Supplying datawall)
The selection of OEM is very vague. Raja babu plays an diry role in selecton of OEM. For name sake, a technical committee has been formed. All members are bogus except this team. They manipulate and forces to put the OEM by their choice. If one explore the cost of one OEM item (for example CISCO router), SPIC has paid more than 4 times or some times more the cost of origianl items depending upon the agreed commission by Raja babu and PSU.
Their is strong bond between this team and CISCO and other OEMs. They meet the vendor (CISCO and other OEMs) at odd times (night 2300 hrs or later) sharing the secret information with the vendor. He takes liquur with them and discuss national important issues. It may happend or had happened they are hoenypot for these vendors. If one track them physically or through his phone, it will reveal the mind blowing result. I
Wait for this blog, soon an audio is coming, where Raja babu along with team is asking for bribe and favor from the vendor.
rajas says
Even Many PS are enjoying full power by making fool to top bosses.
swamydrdo says
You are presenting a tampered document, and hidden/modified the contents of the original letter. The rule for tapering of increment is crystal clear in the actual letter and it is not related to residency period of the grade as claimed in the letter published on your site. For tapering the residency period of individual officer is taken into account, which happens to be the number of years he has put in the grade before next promotion. E.g. if a person becomes C->D in 6 years with 3 increments, his/her tapring will only start in D grade after 6 years. In case he/she fails to become D->E in 6 years the increment would be tapered, with one cut each year. Though grade residency is 4 years, but individual residency for previous grade is 6 years. He/she can get a call any time after grade residency of 4 years (depending upon APAR) and if promoted, he/she may get more increments as may be deemed fit by the board. However tapering would start only after 6 year for him/her. Correct yourself and verify the facts before publishing any garbage.
Neeraj kumar says
Dear Swamy DRDO
The Govt. letter shown above is 100% genuine and there is NO TAMPERING in it. This letter has been issued by Department of Defence Research &Development after taking concurrence of Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure and Ministry of Defence, Deptt of Finance (R&D) as mentioned in last para of the letter.
Dear Swamy ji, it seems you are referring to DRDO HQ letter dated 20.4.2009. This letter was issued by DRDO to prescribe the norms for grant of variable increments. But inadvertently (or deliberately, god knows), in the last para of this letter DRDO also prescribed the norms of tapering for which DRDO has NO AUTHORITY. These norms of tapering are in total contravention to para (h) of Govt letter 20.4.2009. These norms have been issued WITHOUT obtaining the concurrence of Ministry of Finance/ Deptt of Expenditure and Ministry of Defence/ Finance (R&D).
Later DRDO HQ realized its mistake and issued letters on 23.7.2009 and 16.8.2011 corrected its mistake(though partly).
Dear Swamyji, the example of tapering as mentioned by you, is based on the methodology prescribed in DRDO HQ letter dated 20.4.2009 which has already been withdrawn vide letters dated 23.7.2009 and 16.8.2011. But many of DRDO labs are still following the same methodology, deliberately.
Hence the points raised in the above letter of IRDE employee in the website seems to be quite genuine.
Radhika Kutty says
Here is the government approved statement of the rule as quoted in the letter of 2011:
Tapering off of the increments in case of non-promotion :
In case, a Scientist fails to qualify for promotion to the next higher grade, the variable increments granted based on past performance in the previous position will be withdrawn in a tapered manner for every unsuccessful assessment and the incentive increment will be brought down by one increment from the current level in accordance with residency period. The starting date/year for tapering of advance increments granted to a Scientist will be the completion of the residency period taken into account by the DRDS Assessment Board for promotion to the present grade.
Neeraj kumar says
Radhika Kutty ji,
The portion you have quoted is from DRDO HQ letter issued on 20.4.2009 and not in 2011 as mentioned by you.
Further, the norms of tapering mentioned by you has already been withdrawn by DRDO itself vide its letter dated 6.8.2011. I request you to go through that letter. The last para of this letter states that:
“In case, a Scientist fails to qualify for promotion to the next higher grade, the variable increments granted to him/ her based on past performance will be determined in accordance with residency period of the present grade. The residency period based tapering of existing Scientists C, D, E and F who were promoted prior to 1.1.2009 will be in accordance with the number of variable increments shown against residency period in tables VI, VII and VIII of para 7 of the ibid letter of DHRD/16342/VI CPC/1/M/01 dated 20 Apr 2009”
In view of the above, it is clear that for the Scientists who are promoted after 1.1.2009, tapering will be done if after completion of residency period the Scientist is not promoted to the next grade irrespective of the fact whether he has received call letter for the assessment or not.
Please reconcile and respond. Waiting for your response.
bindu says
Neeraj Kumar ji, you are confused because, you are not aware of the whole scenario. There is no policy letter on the subject in 2011. What you are talking about is clarification of doubts on tapering. The para you are quoting is about the first list increment which was released by DRDO in 2009, to be implemented. Subsequent increments were to be decided by the Assessment boards for the promotees. The list of 2009 contains variable increment quantum till the residency period of the concerned Scientist. Tapering rule is also clearly mentioned in the same letter. The residency period in the context means the residency period of the Scientist and not the Grade. There is absolutely no doubt on the issue. The implementation example as mentioned by swamydrdo is correct, and as per policy. So don’t worry be happy. Majority of DRDO scientist is not corrupt, and is getting far less perks as compared to DAE and ISRO. You shall remain confused because you are reading the paras in isolation and out of context. Hence they are not making any sense, and are misconstrued.
Karavan says
There r number of IIT/ NIT engineers sitting in corporate hqrs. If actually there is shortage of scientists then what these engineers r doing in hqrs. When DG offices have been formed then what is the reduction of work in hqr.
mohini says
Some paras and content between para (g) and (h) are missing which decides on the rule for tapering. Its an attempt to misinterpret already established rule, and debated widely during its implementation. Separate letters have been issued by the DOP on the issue to clarify it.
well wisher says
will someone comment on deffered promotion? when individual is failed to get promotion this year how he will get promotion automatically in next year in defrred condition?
Also comment on the promotion granted for individual who is away for M tech from lab /not working for lab for two years gets promotion during study period itself?
Karavan says
That is true regarding deferred promotion. There r sc B sc c in Hqrs and we say shortage of scientific manpower. They r working as adm asst or sta getting promotion as outstanding. They don t have exposure of projects/ labs. There r people who have purchased PHDs without doing science. THIS is the HR policy of DRDO. Who has to look into it and who has to be blamed.
ADE says
in drdo, the many competent scientists r not getting work, so the acr grades and ultimately promotion as compared to other inferior scientists involved in sundry jobs at lab/hqr. how the scientists involved in non-scientific jobs at hqrs r getting the benefit of fcs which is clearly for scientists involved in scientific jobs? there r many GHAPLAS /IRREGULARTY on promotion business of scientists in drdo. and this go on increasing as one goes on higher grades. mostly, about 50-55% incompetent scientists r occupying directors post. this decease is responsible for not desired productivity in drdo. we in general are not so dedicated for the NATION AS COMPARED TO PEOPLE AT IN WESTERN COUNTRIES. THATS WHY THEY R DEVELOPED. HOPE THINGS WILL IMPROVE ………. MAY GOD GIVE SADBUDDHI TO OUR DRDO SCIENTISTS PARTICULARLY AT HIGHER LEVELS…….
Mridula says
The biggest curse of DRDO is its merit based promotion policy. On the face it looks good, if implemented properly. However, there are several loopholes in the process. Starting from APAR grading till assessment/interactions. For favorable APAR you need to be from the region/caste of your boss, or next boss, or should have a god father sitting somewhere who has influence on your bosses and can dictate your marks. Grading on the basis of caliber/capability/work is secondary. Then comes assessments. Which are tweaked by unwritten rules on result should be 50% and 30% etc. The board is forced to pull down a candidate just because it has to meet the target of not promoting more than 50% on a particular day/board. Worst is the person getting promoted may not be the fittest one. Imagine a genuine person not getting promoted results, in demoralizing. A unfit person getting promoted can not deliver. Hence the DRDO merit based promotion is highly manipulative and results in built up of non-meritorious tops, and the vicious cycle goes on and on, every year. Hard working person is told, promotion does not matter. And is told some funny reasons for not getting it. Whereas efforts are made to get the person from boss region/caste to get promoted. So it is the luck which matters a lot in DRDO merit based promotions. Unfortunately, but true, the system is dooming the DRDO day by day. The sooner DRDO realizes the value of true merit in a person, it would excel. It has manpower eager to work, but true merit is discouraged in favour of apana region/apana caste, and various other types of biased approach.The biggest curse of DRDO is its merit based promotion policy. On the face it looks good, if implemented properly. However, there are several loopholes in the process. Starting from APAR grading till assessment/interactions. For favorable APAR you need to be from the region/caste of your boss, or next boss, or should have a god father sitting somewhere who has influence on your bosses and can dictate your marks. Grading on the basis of caliber/capability/work is secondary. Then comes assessments. Which are tweaked by unwritten rules on result should be 50% and 30% etc. The board is forced to pull down a candidate just because it has to meet the target of not promoting more than 50% on a particular day/board. Worst is the person getting promoted may not be the fittest one. Imagine a genuine person not getting promoted results, in demoralizing. A unfit person getting promoted can not deliver. Hence the DRDO merit based promotion is highly manipulative and results in built up of non-meritorious tops, and the vicious cycle goes on and on, every year. Hard working person is told, promotion does not matter. And is told some funny reasons for not getting it. Whereas efforts are made to get the person from boss region/caste to get promoted. So it is the luck which matters a lot in DRDO merit based promotions. Unfortunately, but true, the system is dooming the DRDO day by day. The sooner DRDO realizes the value of true merit in a person, it would excel. It has manpower eager to work, but true merit is discouraged in favour of apana region/apana caste, and various other types of biased approach.
Gautam says
Norms for tapering of variable increments were decided after consulting Department of Expenditure and Ministry of Defence(Finance). But Scientists at DRDO Headquarters changed these norms themselves without consulting Department of Expenditure and Ministry of Defence(Finance). This is a classic case of financial impropriety done by DRDO.
EmployDRDO says
One of the biggest corruption in IRDE done by staff is that they are not doing small work without overtime. Even all people are making their TA/DA bills and submitting to TD/DA section. The job left with staff is only to maintain the record ( not preparation of bill because all paper work is done by individual not by staff ) and send to finance authorities. They need overtime to do this job. IRDE staff working in various canteens are getting money in the form of honorarium however they are doing this job in office time for which they are getting pay. There are many other small holes from where staff is trying to withdraw money. Most of the medical bills of the staff are fake. To get all above benefits many others they are building pressure on director and management either through staff union or by other means. Why don’t you highlight such corruptions and write the suggest letter to defence minister to remove it? I know you will not do this job .
Gautam says
Very well said EmpDRDO.
Overtime allowance is also one of the scams in DRDO labs.
Not only in IRDE, but also in many other DRDO labs, overtime is paid for routine work which can very easily be completed within normal office hours.
Not only this, Overtime is paid by applying the formula which is applicable only to the DEFENCE INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYEES whereas there is not a single industrial employee in this lab. This is a major irregularity.