Subject: Transfer of Application AR No 0178 dated 10 July 2013
My RTI application to CPIO, DoPT dated 27th May 2013 was transferred to Shri Rajiv Singh, CPIO, & Under Secretary, MoD, South Block vide letter no AB14017/4/2013-Estt (RR)(03074/RTIC/13) dated 28/6/2013. The CPIO, MoD transferred my RTI request to CPIO, DRDO vide letter no Mof D ID No 21(3)2013(1083)/D(RTI) dated 5/7/2013.
Subsequently I have received information of my RTI request point 2 from DoPT vide their letter no F.No.29/38/2013-EO(SM-II) dated 15th July 2013.
The CPIO, DRDO Hq transferred my RTI request vide letter No. RTI/01/2091/P/2013/0178 dated 18th July 2013 to your office for information of point 1 of my RTI request.
As per my previous experiences regarding RTI requests all DRDO establishments 99% replied with their fix quote –
“DRDO is an organisation which is placed in Second Schedule of RTI Act 2005 and is therefore, exempted from disclosures of information under Section 24(1) except information pertaining to the allegations of corruption and human rights violations.”
Therefore, it is requested that the information is pertaining to the allegations of corruption. Sh R K Agarwal’s promotion case is totally based on corruption & nepotism.
I would like to submit some evidences of nepotism of Sh. R. C. Aggarwal, Director, DEAL, DRDO.
- Sh. R. C. Aggarwal after taking charge as Director, DEAL put all scientists/staff of his community in important positions. You can verify with Departmental Part orders.
- He supported Sh. R K Agarwal for his false claim of work in “Project NARAD”, which was the only real-time successful project and was appreciated by user (IPKF).
- Sh. R K Agarwal claimed the aforementioned for his promotion to outstanding scientist and it was published in DRDO’s News Letter September 2012 page No -14
- Departmental Part Order for manpower for Project NARAD reference are DO Part-I No.232/AD dated 18/11/1988 and DO Part-I No.238/AD, No.239/AD dated 24/11/1988. There was clear cut mention in the order that Sh. R K Agarwal was not part and parcel of Project NARAD.
- The appreciation letter No 35795/Aks/per date 20th April 1990 by Major A K Singh, 57 Mtn Div. Signal Regiment to Sh Surendra Pal, Dy. Director, Project NARAD clearly reveals the names of DEAL’s scientists who participated and contributed their best in the real operation scenario. There is no name of Sh. R.K Agarwal in the appreciation letter.
- The DRDO in their RTI reply No.DEAL/RTI/0003/2013 dated 08/04/2013 clearly mentioned that No such document/information is available, means there is nothing available which proves that Sh R K Agarwal was part and parcel of Project ‘NARAD’. It is clear evidence that Sh RC Aggarwal supported Sh R K Agarwal’s false claim for promotion to outstanding scientist because of the only reason of nepotism.
Note: above required information is directly related to corruption and not come under schedule -II
“Whoever does anything with the intention of causing wrongful gain to one person or wrongful loss to another is said to do that thing dishonesty”
Prabhu Dayal Dandriyal 21-Sunderwala, Raipur, Dehradun-248008 Phone – 2787750, Mobile- 9411114879, e-mail id , website- www.corruptionindrdo.comCopy enclosed
- DoPT Letter no AB14017/4/2013-Estt (RR)(03074/RTIC/13) dated 28/6/2013
- MoD Letter no Mof D ID No 21(3)2013(1083)/D(RTI) dated 5/7/2013.
- DoPT Letter no F.No.29/38/2013-EO(SM-II) dated 15th July 2013.
- DRDO Letter No. RTI/01/2091/P/2013/0178 dated 18th July 2013
- DRDO’s News Letter September 2012 page No -14
OM Sai Ram says
Dear PDD Ji.
Your already declared Sh. R. C. Aggarwal, Director, DEAL, DRDO. was corrupt Director in DRDO this evident was inf for CBI , IB, & CVC for taking strong action this corrupt officer of drdo.