Mr.Chander – Honest scientists of DRDO shocked when you delayed result of scientist ‘H’ in 2013 and October when they seen the name of Ms Tessy Thomas who superseeded well deserved. DRDO shocked when you made Ms Tessy Thomas as Director, ASL ignoring the deserve ones DRDO scientists again shocked when you advertised tailor made post […]
DRDO chief booted out 16 months before end of tenure
Hidustan Times – Rahul Singh, Hindustan Times New Delhi, January 13, 2015 The government on Tuesday sacked Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) chief Avinash Chander, putting up the exit order on the Department of Personnel and Training website even before informing him. “I am hearing this from you. It has come as a shock […]
22 Sep 2014Hindustan Times (Lucknow)Rahul Singh DRDO rejects foreign missile for homemade Arjun Mk-2 tank, to work on a new version instead THE TANK DEVELOPED BY THE DEFENCE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION (DRDO) IS AN UPGRADED VERSION OF THE MK-1 VARIANT India drops Israeli-made LAHAT missiles after it fails to meet the army’s requirements, […]