To, 23th July 2016 Shri ManoharParrikar, Defence Minister, Room No -104 South Block, New Delhi-110011 Subject: DRDO officials think they are entitled to waste tax payers’ money Sir, DRDO officials think they are entitled to waste taxpayers’ money and if Parrikar Sahib asks then they easily convince him in the name of defence preparedness, as […]
Corruption Complaints Status against Dr A K Saxena, Director, DMSRDE,DRDO, Kanpur & other officials working with him (Complaints during period from 29/11/2013 to 15/01/2014)
To Date 3rd March 2015 Shri R K Mathur, Defence Secretary & Defence R&D, 101-A, South Block, New Delhi-110011 Subject: Corruption Complaints Status against Dr A K Saxena, Director, DMSRDE,DRDO, Kanpur & other officials working with him (Complaints during period from 29/11/2013 to 11/06/2014) Sir, Please find enclosed Corruption Complaints Status against Dr A K […]
RTI-Tessy Thomas – VIP Security
To 27TH February 2015 Sh Satpal Chauhan Joint Secretary (Admn), CPIO Room No.194, […]
Shacking Shame in DRDO Post-Favour Complaints
TRUTH OF AGNI MISSILE PROGRAMME (अग्नि मिसाइल कार्यक्रम की सच्चाई)
To Date 02 February 2015 Hon’ble Shri Narendra Modi Prime Minister of India PMO, South Block New Delhi-110011 SUBJECT: TRUTH OF AGNI MISSILE PROGRAMME अग्नि मिसाइल कार्यक्रम की सच्चाई Hon’ble Sir, Sir, country thanks to your decision to revamp DRDO, it is requested […]
“I am hearing this from you. It has come as a shock to me. I haven’t received any order from the government,” Chander told HT exclusively.
Mr.Chander – Honest scientists of DRDO shocked when you delayed result of scientist ‘H’ in 2013 and October when they seen the name of Ms Tessy Thomas who superseeded well deserved. DRDO shocked when you made Ms Tessy Thomas as Director, ASL ignoring the deserve ones DRDO scientists again shocked when you advertised tailor made post […]
Farewell Trip of SA to RM, Sh Avinash Chander?
SA to RM, Sh Avinash Chander is visiting today Institute of Technology Management (ITM), Mussoorie where he will enlighten the modus oprandi of Director in DRDO to newly appointed Director of various DRDO labs. Misinterpretation of laid down government rules and misappropriation of fund are the main hidden agenda. Examples are the contractual appointments of […]
Role model and an inspiration for women scientist’s husband appointment case
DRDO advertised RAC Advt No. 110, December 2012 for the post of Scientist ‘G’ specially to accommodate CMDR S K Patel Husband of Ms Tessy Thomas but unfortunately due to lot of resistance from DRDO senior scientists Sh Avinash Chander could not succeeded to obliged ? as he was not the big boss that time and […]