Moneylife Digital Team 06 January 2015 Dr Saraswat, as former chief of DRDO has been also red-flagged by the Comptroller General of Defence Audit-CGDA over his several decisions that resulted in the Defence Ministry curtailing his financial powers The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) appointed Dr VK Saraswat as full-time member of newly established National […]
TRUTH OF AGNI MISSILE PROGRAMME (अग्नि मिसाइल कार्यक्रम की सच्चाई)
To Date 02 February 2015 Hon’ble Shri Narendra Modi Prime Minister of India PMO, South Block New Delhi-110011 SUBJECT: TRUTH OF AGNI MISSILE PROGRAMME अग्नि मिसाइल कार्यक्रम की सच्चाई Hon’ble Sir, Sir, country thanks to your decision to revamp DRDO, it is requested […]
DRDO Refuses to Divulge Information on Hi-tech Chariot
By Pradip R Sagar Published: 29th December 2014 05:59 -Indian Express NEW DELHI: The DRDO has refused to give out any information regarding making of a ‘chariot’ for a religious function. The Express, in its report on dated 23 November, had exposed that a Pune-based DRDO laboratory Research and Development Establishment (Engineers) had developed and […]
Every fortnight launching a missile – hidden agenda of DRDO
Sh. Narendra Modi ji, Honorable Prime Minister when asked about Indo-Pak relations he said “Talks get lost in the noise of bomb blasts.” It was a simple and effective way to convey the message to our neighbor. Since 1999, when DRDO credentials were on stake due to the exposure of its strength in KARGIL WAR, the […]
Chinks in the Armour – What ail DRDO, India’s Premier Defence Organigation? – News-Special Part- IV The DRDO has succeeded with missiles, but… George Iype In May 1998, the DRDO and its chief Dr A P J Abdul Kalam became symbols of national pride thanks to the nuclear tests. DRDO’s expertise in explosives and related technologies, and in systems engineering and integration was the key to […]
Prithvi II tested successfully
TNN | Aug 26, 2012, 01.07AM IST HYDERABAD: The 350-km range surface-to-surface Prithvi II missile was successfully flight tested at the Integrated Test Range, Chandipur, Balasore district in Odisha on Saturday giving the Strategic Forces Command (SFC) the Prithvi power. “It was a text-book launch with very high accuracy. With this test launch, we can […]
Government baffled over DRDO chief’s claim on missile shield
Manoj Joshi | MAIL TODAY | New Delhi, July 18, 2012 | The government of India has been baffled by DRDO chief V.K. Saraswat’s repeated claims that a ballistic missile shield is ready for deployment, and that two locations, presumably New Delhi and Mumbai, will be the first recipients of the ballistic missile defence […]
DRDO contradicts Army chief, says Tatra trucks ‘outstanding’
PTI | Mar 31, 2012, 08.18PM IST NEW DELHI: Contradicting Army Chief General V K Singh, DRDO chief V K Saraswat on Saturday said Tatra trucks were “outstanding” and there was nothing substandard about the vehicles used as base for launching all important missiles like Prithvi and Agni. “Tatra truck is an outstanding truck… They have a very good cross country capability and can […]
Armed Forces wait as showpiece missiles are unguided, way off mark
Express Investigation: Delayed Research; Delayed Organisation – Part – Two Armed Forces wait as showpiece missiles are unguided, way off mark Amitav Ranjan […]
DRDO muddles through 439 projects
DRDO muddles through 439 projects Rajat Pandit, TNN Aug 16, 2006, 03.01am IST NEW DELHI: From missiles, radars and electronic warfare programmes to even juices, mosquito repellents and titanium dental implants, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) does it all. And, by and large, flounders in them all, with technical glitches, time and cost […]