To Date 22nd March 2015 Shri Syed Ekram Rizwi, Director & Central Public Information Officer, Prime Minister’s Office, South Block, New Delhi 110011 Hello, Kindly provide me with the following information requested under the purview of the Right to Information Act, 2005 in respect of corrupt practices following by DRDO. The applicants already filed hundreds […]
Invite white paper on DRDO’s current scenario
To […]
Request to provide facility of filing online RTI applications for DRDO
To 13th June 2014 Sh. […]
DRDO Corruption – Modus Operandi example prevailing corruption in DRDO labs
To 11th June 2014 Sh. Narendra Modi, […]
Dr. A K Saxena’s justification regarding Corruption of DMSRDE
To 2nd June 2014 Dr. V Bhujanga Rao DG (NS&M) NSTL Campus Vigyan Nagar VISHAKHAPATNAM –AP-532007 Subject: Complaint for irregularities in procurement of High Temperature Reactor dated 24th Dec 2013 to SA to RM, CVC, Defence Minister. Reference: Dr. A K Saxena’s justification letter to you dated 22nd January 2014 on the above subject […]
Every fortnight launching a missile – hidden agenda of DRDO
Sh. Narendra Modi ji, Honorable Prime Minister when asked about Indo-Pak relations he said “Talks get lost in the noise of bomb blasts.” It was a simple and effective way to convey the message to our neighbor. Since 1999, when DRDO credentials were on stake due to the exposure of its strength in KARGIL WAR, the […]
Policy bankruptcy in DRDO – hype to create artificial crisis
डीआरडीओ में नीति का दिवालियापन – कृत्रिम संकट पैदा करने के लिए प्रचार To […]