IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT New Delhi + W.P.(C) 3610/2015 & C.M.No.6436/2015 (directions) PRABHU DANDRIYAL ….. Petitioner Through: Mr.R.Sathish, Adv. with Mr.Mohan Das K.K., Adv. Versus UNION OF INDIA & ORS….. Respondents Through: Mr.Sanjay Jain, ASG with Mr.Anil Soni, Ms.Aastha Jain, Mr.Akash Nagar, Advs. for R-1 to 3. Mr.R.V.Sinha, Adv. for R-5/CVC. Mr.R.V.Sinha. […]
Fake DEAL Awards – letter received by Website
Dear friends in every Labs/Establishments of DRDO, Directors are having absolute powers and they are using these powers not in the interest of organization or nor in the interest of lab officials. In maximum cases all facilities provided by DRDO like infrastructures, encouragements monetary benefits like, cash awards, phone facilities, participation in Seminars, Workshop or […]
Corruption Complaints Status against Dr A K Saxena, Director, DMSRDE,DRDO, Kanpur & other officials working with him (Complaints during period from 29/11/2013 to 15/01/2014)
To Date 3rd March 2015 Shri R K Mathur, Defence Secretary & Defence R&D, 101-A, South Block, New Delhi-110011 Subject: Corruption Complaints Status against Dr A K Saxena, Director, DMSRDE,DRDO, Kanpur & other officials working with him (Complaints during period from 29/11/2013 to 11/06/2014) Sir, Please find enclosed Corruption Complaints Status against Dr A K […]
To 13th February 2015 Hon’ble Shri Manohar Parrikar, Defence Minister, 104- South Block New Delhi-110011 To Shri R K Mathur Defence Secretary & Defence R&D 101-A, South Block New Delhi-110011 SUBJECT : REQUEST FOR CONSTITUTION OF SPECIAL INVESTIGATING TEAM (SIT) FOR INVESTIGATION OF COMPLAINTS OF CORRUPTION AGAINST DR. A.K. SAXENA, DIRECTOR, DMSRDE, KANPUR UNDER […]
DRDO – CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Approach – HESCO, Shuklapur Village – Picnic in the name of rural technology
Another picnic spot developed by DRDO in HESCO, Shuklapur, Prem Nagar, Dehradun. DRDO officials are found to visit hill area, earlier ITM, Mussoorie is very popular for all senior top DRDO officials especially in summer. The ITM Mussoorie conduct lot of courses in various topics/ subjects but passage of time it can be verified that […]
DMSRDE – Second Fact Finding Inquiry Committee 9th & 10th July 2014
It seems DRDO take U –turn in DMSRDE corruption cases. Shri AvinashChander , DGR&D and SA to RM constituted second four members FFIC under Chairmanship of Dr. D C Pande, Outstanding Scientist, LRDE, Bangalore and members Shri Haribabu Srivastva, Director, LASTEC, New Delhi, Shri R S Mehta, Joint Director, Dte of Vigilance& Security, DRDO Hqrs, […]
Atrocities on SC/ST in DRDO – Police Investigation Begin
Dehradun -3rd July 2014 An official of DEAL, DRDO Sh. Jagdish Kumar, Technical Officer ‘C’ reported SSP, Dehradun against the crime committed by Sh. R K Agarwal, Scientist ‘H’ Principal Associate Director, (Farzi Designation because as per RTI information there is no such gazette notification), DEAL. Today at 2:30 PM Sub Inspector B P Singh […]
RTI – Fact / Fake Finding Inquiry Committee, DMSRDE, Kanpur
To, 16th July 2014 Dr. RB Sharma, CPIO, DRDO HQ, Min. of Defence, DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg New Delhi-110011 Hello, Kindly provide me with the following information requested under the purview of the Right to Information Act, 2005 in respect of Fact Finding Inquiry Committee constituted by DG, DRDO under chairmanship of Dr […]
Dr. A K Saxena’s justification regarding Corruption of DMSRDE
To 2nd June 2014 Dr. V Bhujanga Rao DG (NS&M) NSTL Campus Vigyan Nagar VISHAKHAPATNAM –AP-532007 Subject: Complaint for irregularities in procurement of High Temperature Reactor dated 24th Dec 2013 to SA to RM, CVC, Defence Minister. Reference: Dr. A K Saxena’s justification letter to you dated 22nd January 2014 on the above subject […]
RTI – Human Rights Violation in DRDO
To, 18th March 2014 Dr. RB Sharma, CPIO, DRDO HQ, Min. of Defence, DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg, New Delhi-110011 Human Rights – RTI Hello, Kindly provide me with the following information requested under the purview of the Right to Information Act, 2005 in respect DRDO Hqr Letter No. DOP/01/00008/DEAL/M/01 dated 12th March 2014 in […]