To 13thSeptember 2014 Hon’ble Shri Narendra Modi Ji, Prime Minister of India, Room No -152, PMO, South Block, New Delhi-110011 Subject:Shri Avinash Chander SA to RM , DG DRDO, Secretary (DRD)patronizing organized corruption in procurement by Dr. A. K. Saxena, Director, DMSRDE, DRDO, Kanpur. Sir, With reference to above I would like to submit following […]
DMSRDE – Second Fact Finding Inquiry Committee 9th & 10th July 2014
It seems DRDO take U –turn in DMSRDE corruption cases. Shri AvinashChander , DGR&D and SA to RM constituted second four members FFIC under Chairmanship of Dr. D C Pande, Outstanding Scientist, LRDE, Bangalore and members Shri Haribabu Srivastva, Director, LASTEC, New Delhi, Shri R S Mehta, Joint Director, Dte of Vigilance& Security, DRDO Hqrs, […]
Dr. A K Saxena’s justification regarding Corruption of DMSRDE
To 2nd June 2014 Dr. V Bhujanga Rao DG (NS&M) NSTL Campus Vigyan Nagar VISHAKHAPATNAM –AP-532007 Subject: Complaint for irregularities in procurement of High Temperature Reactor dated 24th Dec 2013 to SA to RM, CVC, Defence Minister. Reference: Dr. A K Saxena’s justification letter to you dated 22nd January 2014 on the above subject […]
I am here. Headquarter is with me. He is support us – Dr A K Saxena, Director, DMSRDE, Kanpur
DR. A.K. SAXENA’S REACTION ON COMPLIANT TO CVC, DEFENCE MINISTER & DG R&D, DRDO on Subject: Complaint against Dr. A. K. Saxena, Director, DMSRDE, DRDO, Kanpur- 50 LIT HIGH TEMPERATURE MONEL REACTOR(COST:Rs. 74 lakh 25 thousand) dated 24 December 2013 New Year 2014 address by Dr. Arvind Kumar Saxena, Director, DMSRDE, Kanpur on 01 January […]