Another picnic spot developed by DRDO in HESCO, Shuklapur, Prem Nagar, Dehradun. DRDO officials are found to visit hill area, earlier ITM, Mussoorie is very popular for all senior top DRDO officials especially in summer. The ITM Mussoorie conduct lot of courses in various topics/ subjects but passage of time it can be verified that […]
Corruption in ITR Balasore Part- 2
ASHIT KUMAR DASH Submitted on 2011/07/26 at 4:33 pm Sir, Shri RANJIT MARNDI , Scientist”E” ,ITR, Chandipur has huge Immovable Property in BALASORE, which is disproportionate to his income by corrupt practices in DRDO. He has recently built a Two Storey Building with High Class Marble brought through a Contractor M/s Jeet & Jeet, Jaipur […]