IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI + W.P.(C) 3610/2015 & CM No.6436/2015 (for directions). PRABHU DANDRIYAL ….. Petitioner Through: Mr. R. Sathish, Adv. versus UNION OF INDIA & ORS ….. Respondents Through: Mr. Anil Soni, CGSC and Naginder Benipal, Adv. for R-1 to 3. Mr. R.V. Sinha and Mr. A.S. Singh, Advs. […]
PIL status – Fact Finding Inquiry has already been held and he undertakes to place before this Court the inquiry report.
IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT New Delhi + W.P.(C) 3610/2015 & C.M.No.6436/2015 (directions) PRABHU DANDRIYAL ….. Petitioner Through: Mr.R.Sathish, Adv. with Mr.Mohan Das K.K., Adv. Versus UNION OF INDIA & ORS….. Respondents Through: Mr.Sanjay Jain, ASG with Mr.Anil Soni, Ms.Aastha Jain, Mr.Akash Nagar, Advs. for R-1 to 3. Mr.R.V.Sinha, Adv. for R-5/CVC. Mr.R.V.Sinha. […]
PIL – Dr A K Saxena- Respondent Seeks time – Next Date – 29 April 2015
IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI + W.P.(C) 3610/2015, CMs No.6436/2015 (for directions) & 6437/2015 (for exemption) PRABHU DANDRIYAL ….. Petitioner Through: Mr. R. Sathish, Adv. Versus UNION OF INDIA & ORS ….. Respondents Through: Mr. Sanjay Jain, ASG with Mr. Anil Soni and Mr. Naginder BEnipal, Advs. for R-1 to 3. Mr. […]
DRDO RTI Cell Trying to take shelter of High Court Order
DRDO RTI cell doing propaganda that Honorable High Court declared DRDO 100% exempted organization from RTI Act-2005 and started giving denial to each and every RTI request without seeing the merit and facts that the request pertain to corruption. And best part of this now they are stop writing “except information pertaining to the allegations […]