एससी-एसटी आयोग ने दिए जांच के निर्देश डील के तकनीकी अधिकारी ने वार्षिक गोपनीय प्रतिवेदन में भेदभाव का लगाया आरोप पूर्व में आइआरडीई निदेशक की जांच में साबित भी हो चुका है पक्षपात यह अधिनियम उस व्यक्ति पर लागू होता हैं जो अनुसूचित जाति, अनुसूचित जनजाति का सदस्य नहीं हैं और इस वर्ग के सदस्यों […]
Sh R C Agarwal your Tea was not accepted by Uttarakhand Police, Sub Inspector B P Singh’s report misfired
Today evening around 18:15 hrs SSP, Dehradun marked Sh Jagdish Kumar, T O ‘C’s request to CO, City, Dehradun for proper investigation for action in atrocity against Sh R K Agrawal, Principal Associated Director, Outstanding scientist, Scientist ‘H’ (although promotion got with false claim of Project NARAD), which was duly authenticated by another Agrawal i.e. […]
Atrocities on SC/ST in DRDO – Police Investigation Begin
Dehradun -3rd July 2014 An official of DEAL, DRDO Sh. Jagdish Kumar, Technical Officer ‘C’ reported SSP, Dehradun against the crime committed by Sh. R K Agarwal, Scientist ‘H’ Principal Associate Director, (Farzi Designation because as per RTI information there is no such gazette notification), DEAL. Today at 2:30 PM Sub Inspector B P Singh […]
Officers on Extension holding responsible post in DRDO are Breach of National Security
To […]
Height of Nepotism
Today 10th January 2014 at 1200 Hrs Sh R C Agarwal, Director, DEAL rushed to IRDE to have meeting with Chairman ASCODAR to influence him and his team members. He requested to Chairman, ASCODAR to sealed Sh R K Agarwal, Scientist’H’ as Sh R K Agarwal is his blue eyed boy. The committee was influenced […]